Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Find It Funny

I find it funny that all I ever listen to anymore when I am alone is instrumental music. Piano, violin, that sort of thing. It's extremely soothing, and it feels like the only way I can wind down and have time to myself properly without stressing out about something.
Life has just been going, as usual. That seems to always be what I post. I've lived. The sun rose yesterday. Just like it has ever day for all nineteen and some years of my existence.
I work more these days, but I'm getting fed up with the fact that, at basically any other job in the world, if I worked the hours I'm working for Five Buck, I would be filthy rich instead of dirt poor, and be getting paid overtime like I should be.
I don't have too much to blog about.. I simply feel like I have utterly neglected to blog in the recent past. I'm down to less than one blog a month.
Things used to be exciting around here.
Ah, Christmas.
I spent the day with Angelique's family, since my mom was working like she has for three years now. I think my dad just slept the whole day and organized things. He gave me a call to wish me Merry Christmas, but that was about it.
I had some hair-brained half made plan to drive to California to spend Christmas with my brother, but I formed it too late to make actual, plausible plans. I missed him very much, and was really sad that he wasn't able to come home for Christmas this year.
On the other hand, my friend Zack is home from his Navy Seal training until the first, and it has been really good seeing him the couple of times that I have gotten to.
Sam and I.. well, there is no Sam and I. I was seeing this guy Devin for a while, but that just got unnecessarily complicated, so I put an end to it. Dating doesn't seem to be in the cards for me right now, and I suppose, after being in relationships constantly since I was about thirteen, I can live with that and not die.
School is just one more question on the list. I'm debating between that and a new/second job, and with the way I have been procrastinating about signing up, I think my decision has basically been made for me.
I'm still up in Cedar Hills living with Angelique, and that is going really well, I love it here.
HOpe you all are doing good.