Saturday, August 6, 2011

That rising rate

I guess its' been a long month for me. A lot of things are different; I moved really far away from everything I've known, which is the biggest part. I've had a really hard time letting go, I will freely admit that, but the more I come home and stay away from my husband.. the more I realize that the only place I really belong with anymore is with him.
My family is my family.. but they are having problems. Maybe this isn't something you post on your blog, your thoughts for other people to see that are true, close, and very personal to your heart, but I guess I need to throw some stuff out to impartial crowds and see if they respond.
My parents.. just don't love each other anymore. I don't know how else to put it. I love each of them very much, each in my own ways, but they have grown apart so much as a couple that I can hardly count on one hand the amount of times I've seen them in the same room together lately.
I know divorce is frowned upon. You shouldn't give up on years of commitment, the longer you stay together it seems like that's the commitment.. stay together, make it work, keep the love alive.
Here at my parents all I can see is borderline complacency. It's like they are two totally unrelated people that just live in the same home, eat the same food, and otherwise ignore one another existance.

This actually bothers me a lot. It's been on my mind for a few years. The odd distancing of my parents really went over my head as a child, I was much more focused on myself and my teenage issues and love life than really seeing what was going on. I know it's only gotten worse in the past little while, especially as I grew up and moved out of the house.
I always tried to keep the peace with my parents, I really did. I almost felt like a therapist sometimes, giving advice to each of them, (mostly my mom) on how to handle one another better.
Once I left.. I guess the tiny little communication bridge I was trying to build just got washed away and they sank further away from each other. My dad went back to school and all his time and effort sank into that; my mom made new friends at work, and it seems like she's getting closer to them than she should be.

I don't know what to think anymore. I have talked to my mom about it a few times, I've tried not to be invasive, but what am I supposed to do? I'm their daughter, I've known and loved them all their lives, they adopted me, raised me, taught me everything I know, then sent me out into the world to see how I would do. Of course I'm worried for them. I'm frightened.
I really am. I'm scared to watch my family fall apart like a fraying blanket. I've watched it happen firsthand to another family, I stood on the front lines and watched as a husband and wife pushed and shoved their way through a divorce, one wanting separation, another desperate to do anything, ANYTHING, to save their marriage.
My parents haven't joined the statistic just yet. They haven't added another notch to the divorce rate.
But they are both being so strange and distant I wonder if it's not just a matter of time.

I don't know what affect it would have. I think my brother would shrug his shoulders, and it may get under his skin.. but since he's in the military, he's watched relationship after relationship fall apart as husbands and wives are sent overseas and their spouses at home stray and forget the love they had.
I don't know what it would do to me. I'd probably try and ignore it.
It would break my dad. He's already a little strange, a little off, just a little... abnormal.
Is it sad that I think my mom would just move on? I think she would push it off her shoulders and say that it was what she saw coming, that she loved my father but that it just wasn't going to work out anymore.

Well, got that off my chest. Thanks for reading. I know all you guys have new lives and probably rarely sign in anymore, Alyse was the last of the apartment bunch to post. Guess we've all moved on a little more than we all realized.
Still. Love you.

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