Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm going to be a mom

Trust me, I'm just about as surprised as you are. I didn't think this would be happening to me for another little while, but I guess it just.. happened.
But please don't make the mistake of thinking I'm not happy about this. Being a mom is.. daunting, to say the least, and I kept on thinking I didn't want to have kids.
Too much time, hassle, problems, kicking, screaming...
But then I took a test and those two little bars showed up.. and poof.
Even with all the problems, I'm pregnant, I will be a mom, and from what I know of my friends and family members, the good times more than make up for the bad.
I'm excited, I really am. My whole future just changed for the better.
IMA BE A MOM!! (I keep saying that..)

For now I just have to prepare. First thing after I told my brother he started listing off different crap I have to look forward too and things that I have to get done at the doctor. (His friend is about two months along, so he knows all the ins and outs.)
My dad jumps on me going to the doctor and getting on vitamins. My mother in law asks if I'm getting sick. All my friends get mad at me because they don't see me anymore and WTF Jenessa is pregnant??
It's about as hilariously funny as when I got pregnant.. but better! Cuz people aren't sitting there going "hmmmm... not sure this is a good idea..." It's more of a "YAY JENESSA IS HAVING A KID YAAAAYYYY!!"
Which I like :)
Who wouldn't?

But now I'm scared to sleep on my stomach, I have cramps that annoy the shit out of me, and the only energy I seem to have is used walking to the kitchen to get something to eat or drink. It's only been three weeks, how can this already be affecting me?!

Good thing the internet has let me in on a little secret: I could have a whole slew of symptoms that could only be temporary, or run throughout my entire pregnancy. So far morning sickness hasn't reared its ugly head, and I can take the cramps and sleepiness just fine, as long as I'm not getting sick every other ten minutes.

I am kinda excited to smell everything :P Isn't it cool that when you're pregnant you develop super sensors? I think it is.. it makes me feel like a super hero haha

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