Saturday, May 1, 2010


Sometimes you realize you aren't who you were meant to be. Who you were raised to be. Who you were 'supposed' to be.
I was okay with that, until about a week ago. Now stuff is a little bit different. I'm questioning everything I know, and I hate it.
My Sam is leaving in two and a half months... and honestly, I'm scared. He's probably worse off than I am, but that doesn't change the fact that I am terrified.
I never wanted this..him to leave, but I obviously could never change his mind from the start about anything.
I'm going to try and stay with him. I really will try.

I hate not knowing who I am anymore.


  1. in heaven, we made deals with people. told them that we would help them down here on earth. we know these people because when we meet them here on earth we istantly become their friend. this isn't coincidence, this is because we have already met them. you met sam before you met him here on earth, you both decided to help one another for however long here on earth. just like me and sam we "partners in crime" up in heaven before we caused trouble here on earth. you know who you are.

  2. Nessa, I know how you feel. I've questioned everything more than once! :-) We still need to go out for sushi soon, Nessa! I haven't seen you in longer than I can handle! :-P Smile, Nessa. It helps... more than you know!!!
