Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Cat's Pajamas

My friends!
So I've had two letters from Sam so far, both of which I treasure and re-read so much I am scared I'll fade the letters on the page with my eyeballs...
He's doing well, of course Basic is hard but he sounds like he has finally got the schedule down and is getting it together. They nicknamed him Eeyore because he talks slow to his instructors ;) I find this totally hilarious, and perfectly suiting.
Still on my own, but only just, taking care of oneself seems to get only harder, not easier.
(Side note: We have three kittens that need to be given to good homes, can you please ask around? You have no idea what it would mean to me, they don't get taken care of properly here at the house, and it makes me very upset. They need love!)
Looks like I won't be going to school this semester.. I've put it off too long to be able to work out everything financially in time to get the classes I want.. I won't pretend I'm not upset by this, I really want to get my life moving and that is just so hard for me right now. The most frustrating part is that I know it is my own negligence that is standing in my way.


Cameron, we don't hear much from you anymore, but I hope your doing well. Tonight was the Highland Fling, and I remember last year when you came with Sam, Alyse and myself to it. Things are coming full circle like they always seem to do, and it's hard to look back at those happy times and see that they are gone.. but, at the very least, not forgotten.

Cori, I know you're having a hard time, I already posted on your blog if you haven't noticed yet. Please try and feel better, I am truly sorry for what you are going through right now, and I pray things work out, not only with Jason, but with your life in general.

I have had a cough for about two weeks now.. it went from cough to this disease that has you feverish and hacking. I hope i don't get the fever part, because Angel and Tyler have both caught it, and I feel like I'm next in line for illness.

I'm getting more and more fed up with 5 Buck, the reason why I stay at that place continues to escape me, but until I find a better avenue of monetary gain, I don't know what to do beyond deal with it. Such is life. At least I have kickass co-workers, without them I would probably be dead and decaying somewhere in a corner.

It's my and Sam's two year anniversary on the eighth... last year all of us were at Warped Tour, getting burned, listening to a drunk black man scream "NO!!!" at the top of his lungs, and having a great time.
Then Cori bought us sushi and we went home to eat it on an empty beer box in the trashed apartment we all called home in some way. Good times.
This year I'll be sitting at home with a ring on my finger missing and loving the most wonderful boy to ever come in to my life.
There are worse things.
(Oh, that ring? Yeah, Sam got me a promise ring. In case I didn't tell you that.)

Miss you love you all


  1. Okay where's pics of the ring?? I want to see!! I understand the kitten situation, it breaks my heart because I love kitties like they're my babies, I feel protective when I'm around them :( but I can't take in more otherwise I sooo would. Lately I have enough time on my hands to be able to raise a few kitties. :(

    Glad Sam is doing well, tell him I say hi and I'm proud of him, but I'm sad that he had to leave you, and I want to kick his ass for that. Lol

    Don't worry about the school shit, the thing I've learned about life is you can plan one thing, but it might not work and you have to have a plan B, and C. It's okay to do something different :) I doubt I'll ever go to college, and it's okay. Good luck with what you do :)

    Long ass comment, sorry, but I just wanted to say I love ya, and don't give up or be sad, cuz it's hard for everyone right now, and when things get better again we will appreciate it more than if we hadn't had this shitty ass time. At least, that's what I'm hoping <3

  2. don't worry little boy's and girls, im still here, and still thinking of all of you. the harder life gets the more i miss all of you. think im going to call Jorden today hoping he'll be able to hang out at some point in the next few weeks. i'll post a blog here soon and tell you all about my recent adventures.
