Saturday, October 16, 2010

I like Cameron's idea

We should all buy webcams and make movies of ourselves every once and a while. I mean, you read everyone's blogs, and that's all fine and dandy, but hearing a familiar voice and seeing a familiar face seems more.. personal.
Besides, we're all friends here :)

In other news.. there is no news. Sam will be home before Halloween (Ya'll should get your costumed asses up here to see him).

Oh, right, my phone.
So I went to Lagoon yesterday and I had my phone in my pocket. Well, after the first roller coaster, it wasn't in my pocket anymore.
2,000 pictures and videos over the last two years of my life, gone in one fell swoop. All the apartment picture, Juke, Cameron in duck pjs, Sam wasted off his butt, Deena holding Mishka, the tattoo fest.. poof.
This makes me extremely angry.

I am now the proud owner of a G2, the sexy upgrade of my phone, but I am still in deep mourning for my old one. I still hold out hope that I will get a call from Lagoon saying they retrieved my phone in twenty three pieces and that one of those pieces has my media card, safe and intact.

Hopefully sometime soon I'll be in school like our dear Mr. Cameron.

Loves and hugs to you all.

1 comment:

  1. is there any fancy techy shit that can retreave the lost data? like can you retreave them online or something? no? damn that really sucks, its....all .... gone? sniff,

    on the up side, i don't want anyone seeing me in duck pants ever again.
