Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I hate clever titles

Samuel Tooley is offically home as of November 3rd (today) at approximately eight pm! I thought I would let you all know, you will most likely notice him around via Facebook or other channels.

Life remains the same. I'm having a bit of a battle with depression, but nothing that can't be overcome. It's simply frustrating to deal with, and I'm sure that once I realize what a ninny I am being, it will stop.
The car hunt goes on.. Oh wait. Did I tell you I totaled my car? Shit. Picture time, and story time.

(Unless I am very much mistaken, the pictures that posted came out flipping huge. If that is the case, well, you get a very in depth view of my car, and even though I had them set to post as small as I could.. what can I say, my phone camera is just awesome. Right click then open in a new tab or window and you can see them better.)

Oh, and I flipping hate html. Period.
Okay, depending on how well you know your way around town, you may or may not know what I am talking about.
Southwest side of Timpanogas Temple. It's a two way stop, the thru street being a blind hill that people just race up and over.
Anyway, I had stopped at the stop sign heading down to American Fork, checked both ways, proceeded and BAM, a huge jeep flies out of nowhere and slams straight into the right side of my car. Completely totaled, if the pictures don't make that clear enough. (Assuming I get the pictures to work..)
That was last Wednesday. I've been so stressed about everything that I haven't thought to post before now. I'm fine, my passenger Devin was fine, although if the car had run into us a few moments earlier I might still have a car, but a dead best friend. I prefer the smushed car, by far.
The next hour was just a nightmare. I was shaking, half from adrenaline and half from the cold, and I just couldn't seem to remember what happened well enough. The paper work was all basic, but eventually Devin took it away from me and got it finished up; I was seriously just gone.
I actually owe Devin a lot. He stayed with me during and after the accident. I felt like I was falling apart and he helped me keep it together. Let's hear it for great friends, right?

So, now I'm working more than ever, finally up to forty hours a week between two jobs. I have to be at work at seven two times a week. I know, so awful, right? I can do it just fine though, even without sleep. I have to save up the money to help pay off a new car though.
My dad has been looking into salvage title cars (sketchy, but I trust his meticulous attitude towards everything to help him find something halfway decent). He has also been talking about selling me the car he already owns, the our little Honda Civic Del Sol. That would be unbelievably cool.

I got my ticket for Harry Potter, although I'm sure that I've already told you that. I love that I'm putting more thought and effort into my costume for the premiere than I did for Halloween this month.

Well, I'm pretty sure that's about it. Hope you are all doing well.
Cam, your girlfriend is lovely, if you haven't already read my comment on her.
Jorden, I'm so happy for you and Miss Alexis :) And I'm excited for your babies to come :)


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