Monday, November 15, 2010

As November moves along..

It's weird, I'm happier and more at peace these days than I have been in months, but at the same time, I'm more uptight and anxious and stressed than I can ever remember being.
The Sam and I broke up.. Yeah, I guess you could call it a break-up. We got our relationship straightened out a few days after he got home, and now call it friends.. with a beneficial side I suppose.
Either way, it's not like I really see him at all anymore.

The Car Situation.
After fighting with my parents for two weeks, pulling my hair out over loans and borrowing money and robbing banks and becoming a drug dealer (Hey, you think irrationally when you're desperate) I have finally submitted to the inevitable.
My dad bought back my car from the salvage yard, and is having it fixed up. He didn't tell me this until, after one huge fight, I said something dumb like I didn't want to acknowledge him as my father anymore. Yes, yes, stupid and irrational, I know.
Point being, he told me he had bought the car back, and, while repairing it is going to cost 1,100 dollars, I was given the option of paying that to my parents in cash, in full, and having the car back.
I have also recently found my own car insurance.
So now, I have to come up with eleven hundred dollars, punch myself in the face a couple bajillion times.. and finally get back to life.
Won't that be nice?
Or I can plunge myself into the depths of debt, due to the fact that I am a creditless (almost)nineteen year old girl with no co-signer for a loan.
Yeeahhhh... think I'll just buy back the damn car.

Birthday. Yeah, I'm going to be nineteen on Wednesday. Do I care? No. Why?
I am perfectly alright with having my birthday eclipsed by this most auspicious of events :) I'm going to be the nerd dressed up as Bellatrix Lestrange. (Sadly I couldn't get her wand, it's sold out until late November, but there's always Part 2 in July :D)

In other news... I've been working a ton, and while having to call my parents ever single day and remind them that I need rides everywhere is annoying, I'm grateful that I have been able to get everywhere I've needed to go without much hassle.
Megan has been extremely generous in offering me rides home from work, and Devin has as well. Let's hear it for kick ass friends, yes?
Sunday is now my only day off, and working two jobs, while busy, is actually a lot easier and a lot more fun than I expected.

School. I want to tell you about that.
So I went over to Hayleigh's house for Sunday dinner a week ago, and her dad started off on the subject of education. I found out that, as long as Angelique's dad doesn't claim me as his dependent on his next tax return, I am extremely eligible for a Pell Grant. I don't want to be claimed because, as long as I'm not, I am technically considered 'poor' and, thereby, more eligible.
So, basically, here's the plan. Go to UVU and get all my generals out of the way, taking the easiest classes that I can, and working hard to get good grades. About two years out I should be finished, and will have been repeatedly applying for the Pell Grant within that time period.
Get Pell Grant, go to superawesomespecialfantasticepictacularlywonderful vet school, and finally have a life and a plan and a future ahead of me, doing something that I know I will love to do forever, considering animals have always been my passion.
Sure, there's a lot more investigating to do, and this isn't going to be a 'cake and pie' idea, but.. it just feels good to have a plan. To have something that I wanna do, even if it doesn't come about just the way I want it to.
Goals were never a bad thing to have.
Only thing about the school idea, I will be going out of state to find myself the best education that I can so.. that will be a little scary if and when that happens. Oh well. Just one more adventure! :D

Let's see here.. no kids.. no deaths in the family.. no new drama.. not much drama anyway..
Zack is coming home for Christmas, that is going to be awesome :). I don't know if you guys know who Zack is, I used to work with him and we stayed friends up until he left for the Navy Seals..
I get to spend Christmas with Angel's family, that is going to be a total blast :) And Thanksgiving :)

Yeah, not much else going on in my life. Keep posting guys, I love hearing from you.
Hearts and fuzzies.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, play, laugh, grow. ... not just a good childrens commercial
