Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey kids. As y'all heard, Jenessa got a job.
Then she lost it two weeks later.
Yeah... about that.
Worked for 5 Buck, Jerremy comes and says "Hey, travel across the USA and do installations??"
I go "OH SO TOTALLY!!!"... zip across the USA and there we are, in a little hotel in a tiny room on the third floor.

Two weeks later.
"Hey, we are trying to up our install time and will have to let you go. Sorry.. kthxbai."
So here I am, the night before I leave, writing about leaving.
Which is redundant.

I love you all, being laid off is a bitch.



And I'm leaving behind an awesome guy.
Suck much?

Please and thank you.



  1. That sucks Nessa. Getting laid off sucks donkey dick, that's what happened to me in two years ago. Maybe you can get unemployment insurance because you got laid off. That should make it not suck so hard :)

  2. That sucks Nessa. You travel across the country and they just let you go like that. That is retarded.
