Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's been.. a really long week.

Original post date 6/5/11

Reference the title.
So, you all know that I came home from North Carolina. I also came home with a new boyfriend.
This.. will be mostly about him, or things related to him, because I haven't left his side since Wednesday afternoon.
So, I came home the middle of May, on the seventeenth. Drove for four days, froze my ass off all over again in Wyoming, shoved under the steering wheel of my worthlessly small car. I had been sleeping in Jerr's car but he went to bed with the doors locked and by the time I got off the phone... Suffice it to say, I nearly lost my toes.
I've utterly wasted my time back home, jobless and quickly running out of money, you think I'd be more proactive with my life but apparently having a boyfriend so far away automatically negates any proactive thought.
And time is passing...
Still passing..

. So Rob offers to buy me a plane ticket back out to NC the weekend after I got home to see him, because, of course, we missed each other (cue: AWWWWWWWW *vomit*)
Bought the ticket..

Rob's car blows up the day before I'm scheduled to fly out. The way our job works, you can't do your work if you don't have a car, and at this point someone else had been fired, and the entire Vivint group is working an hour and a half away from the hotel, making almost no money because most of it is going to gas either way.
It was Friday night that his car finally gave up the ghost, even though it was a relatively new vehicle, and not due to expire for some time.
Rob called me Saturday morning and let me know that it would be best for me not to bother coming out, seeing as that would put us both in a bad position; Rob didn't hardly have the means to get home again, and my coming out would just compound the problem.
So after purchasing a non-refundable, non-transferable ticket, and wasting Rob's money, I stayed home. I think ultra-bummed might begin to cover how I was feeling at that point.

Now, because Rob no longer had a car, he decided that he missed being home, was sick of Vivint, and wanted to just be done, and find real work in Utah.
I won't lie, it sucks that his car went boom, but I was plenty happy about getting him back so much sooner than I had originally thought.
(I was going to have to wait the whole summer. Show of hands for those of you who think I could have done that.... Yeah, didn't think there would be anybody ;).)

Fast forward through a few more days of waiting, to Wednesday at two in the afternoon. I picked Rob up from the airport and, as I said earlier, I haven't left his side since, with the exception of the long nap he let me take undisturbed.

I stayed the night at his brother's house in West Valley for two days, during which time I recieved an invitation to go camping with Rob and his family up at Flaming Gorge.
His family is superb, by the way. I get a lot of shit for being Mormon, since they are all Jehovas Witness, but I guess I don't mind, considering I understand the stigma on Mormons is widespread and.. excessive.
We went fishing, spent late nights around the campfire ( I was twenty one for a couple hours so I got to drink :P) lots of fun stuff. They are truly a great bunch of people, and I still have four other siblings yet to meet.

We finally came home today (not that I wasn't having fun, I just really like my showers)and I really have had a blast this entire week. I could have done nothing and had just as much fun ;)

But anyway, that was probably the lamest sum up of a week any of you have ever heard, so someone post a damn interesting blog to make up for my failing writing talent. (This is us assuming that I ever had any talent in writing at all.)
I'm going to go snuggle and watch Family Guy.
Love you guys, hope you are all doing well :)


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