Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm unsure.

So after a small bowl of cereal, and a failed attempt to wake up Rob in the meanest of ways, I find myself here, on my computer that runs slower than an aged snail, blogging. I haven't been on for over a month, last post date being May 18th.
Didn't really have a REASON to get on anyway. But, I figured that after a month of neglect, I could do for at least a small update on life as it goes on. I warn you however, my life is just as boring as it was on May 18th.
Lemme see...
Sammy tried to start a blog and I don't really know how that went. Badly I suppose, his only post consists of one line containing a swear word and then utter jibberish. Cameron and Coriann are still together, and as adorable as ever, we are going down to see her on Thursday.
I still work at 5 Buck... yes, I know I've said I'll get a different job for ages now, and it hasn't happened. I'd probably be one of the head leaders in the League of Procrastination if there was one.
Megan has moved out to some random BYU standard approved place down in the Provo/Orem area. I'd go with her if it wasn't for the issue of boys not being allowed after 10 pm. That's just not going to go well with me. I'd probably, A: Get kicked out almost immediately, or B: Be at Sam's place all the time since I could and never go home, making moving out to that apartment pointless ANYWAY.
I had an adventure last Friday =).
Me, Angelique, Jorden, Skyler, Rob, and Micheal all went up to the Spanish Fork hot springs. Now, while most people go during the day, we got lost, and got up the canyon and to the parking place by 11:00. We met a couple coming down the trail, and they forewarned us to the 40 minute walk ahead of ourselves.
Here's the issue. Six teenagers walking on a thin mountain path closer to midnight than is morally prudent, headed toward a hot springs that requires no clothing. Did I mention that we had no flashlights beyond our cell phones, all of which were dying?
I sorta threw in the clothing thing as a joke. I mean, yes, clothing is technically not required on the trail up, or at the hot springs themselves, but we experienced no nudity, self proclaimed or otherwise.
Jorden went first, then me holding his hand, the Angelique holding mine, her holding on to Skyler, then Rob and Micheal bringing up the rear. They weren't holding hands though. Losers. Hehe.
The walk ended up taking an hour and twenty minutes as we stumbled along the dark path, mostly blind, and I almost fell down a sharp decline where the path had crumbled away quite suddenly. Only the presence of a guard rail and Jorden's hand saved me from probably sliding all the way down the the river, and probably not with only a couple scratches.
There really is nothing like walking in a dense forest with a bunch of friends late at night. The stars were beyond spectacular; Angelique and I were mesmerized. The main memory I have from the night is the sight of Jorden's white shirt, which I stared at the vast majority of time, trying not to be scared shitless.
The path we were walking on ran straight along the river that stemmed from the hot springs, and often times became very narrow without warning. At least, that's how it seemed, considering I couldn't see worth a damn. Jorden hanging on to me basically saved me from going insane, since I'm so scared of heights.
In the end, the very long walk was worth the twenty minutes we got to spend at the hot springs, before we had to leave due to the lightning that started flashing over the mountains. It was too far away to hear thunder, but hey, why take the change of ruining a night withe electrocution?
Because we wanted to hurry, we ended up expending our cell phones batteries to make the path easier to see on the way back down. This time the 40 minutes was an accurate estimation, and it went much faster considering the talkativeness of both Rob and Michael, who were my new walking buddies on the way back down.
After getting all worn out, we passed out in the car, all except for Michael, the driver, who I feel bad for.
Angelique picked up her car and took me and Sky home so Michael could get back to explain just why he was so late to his mother. I left my wallet in his car, which had to be retrieved at a later date.
So that was really fun, as a melodramatic ending.

Me and Rob just went and got Chili Cheese Fries from Weinerschnizel (however you spell that). Amber kidnapped him so I had to go get his Orange Juice for him. Sam's watching Scare Tactics. It's kinda creepy..

Alyse went to Girls Camp today. I'm friendless.
And the kitten likes chewing on me.
Bye bye.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...that hot springs venture, sounds like it was really fun.
    Girls camp is over, I'm glad to be back...as I've said, I freaking missed you.
    You're not friendless anymore :)
    Loveee you muchly.
