Thursday, July 9, 2009

Douchebagery...and the like.

So I might be going to Boondocks with Zack, that'll be interesting. It was really funny though because he said that we'd be on the Go Karts like 95% of the time. I already had him pegged for a kart enthusiast, so I'm not very surprised.
Confirmation: Should I be wanting to go, I can, because he agreed. Fun freaking stuff.

I don't know if I should go though. Sam said it was fine, like he didn't care. He's playing Halo anyway lol.

Well, I should be getting ready for the epic "LET ME DRIVE MY BROTHERS TRUCK" argument with my parents. Just watch, their requirements will include, but not be limited to
  • My paying tons of the insurance
  • My chores getting done daily
  • My ALWAYS telling them where I am
Never mind that Kendall will be bothering me about it too. What with the whole he thinks I will totally trash his car. I mean, it's not like I could even if I wanted to, it's a truck, and a really durable one at that, and come on, I know how to drive.
He said if I take it off roading he will slaughter me painfully...
No worries though. I've been through that with Megan behind the wheel, and trust me when I say NEVER AGAIN.

Either how...

He and Hayleigh got broken up by her parents because they think that Hayleigh is too young for as serious of a relationship as she was having with Brantley. I've heard other reasons but I'm inclined to believe that one because it's the kindest...and all the other stuff I've heard has come from people who really don't like Brantley.
So, he called me the morning it happened, on the 4th of July, funnily enough. He was crying and asked me to come over, to which I agreed, Lord knows why.
We talked the day after as well, and it all ended in crying and stupidity.

From then on I decided I wasn't talking to him at all ever.
It doesn't really work.
He's the only human being capable of getting under my skin that terribly, and staying there, like an itch that cannot be scratched, and yet doesn't itch in the first place.
He apoligized to me though. About the letter.
He said that feels his reasons behind sending the letter were and are justified, but that the way he went about it and how vindictive he was was wrong, and that he was truly sorry.
He's also wanting and begun to make many changes in his life happen, and all I can say is that I hope, for his sake, that he isn't lying to himself and can truly make himself a better person, inside and out.

Beyond that, I hope I never have to see/speak to/associate with him in any way again.
Not for mean reasons either. I am letting my grudge of about five months slowly go away. It's definetly hard, but made easy by the fact that he finally apoligized.

So anyway, I'm going to go get sushi, and try to spice up my life a little, so much love to everyone, and I'll post later if anything of note happens.

Oh, did I mention that after I painted my room, Kendall fingerpainted bright green dicks all over the walls? Yeah.... he's twenty and a Marine, go figure. He acts like he's six. It's to be expected, but still. Come on.
He's paying me back in a lovely way however, so I suppose I really shouldn't complain.

Much love.

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