Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just one of those weeks

The weather is heating up, no one blogs anymore, we have newbies at the apartment, stuff is changing.
Summertime brings a lot of stuff. Allergies for Sam and Alyse. Tank tops and shorts for me. Deena in her underwear lol. Weekends we see Cameron and Thor (Jorden), and Rob has become the new temporary tenant.
Rob is a package deal; with him comes the lovely and pregnant Amber, who I did not previously know well, but have come to like.
I no longer dislike Kayleanne as I once did, she went from annoying to, well, pending friend material. I guess you gain respect/sympathy for someone who has as terrible of a home life as she has in recent days. We plan to hang out soon enough, and she even extended the offer to have me as a tenant in the apartment her and her Cali friend are intending on getting.
Angel and James confuse the hell out of me, as is per usual. I just wish I could knock some ideas in her head, ideas that would most likely help her out a bit relationship wise. I love that girl.
Alyse decided to chop her hair off, it's cute. =) I preferred her with long hair, but that's probably because I envied it so much, tee hee!
My Sam got himself a job. Telemarketing, which I find entirely too entertaining. I keep telling him that if he ever calls me trying to sell me a free trial of *insert bullshit item here*, I'll kill him =)
Mike texted me the other day, letting me know that he got in a car crash and totalled his Volvo (I think), sustaining rib injuries, although thankfully his bones remained severely bruised, not broken. I still intend to go to graduation to see him, along with Megan of course.
I had the funny thought the other day that I have been working at 5 Buck for over a year now. And that the people from there have gone from fellow employees to friends. I really enjoy being around Zack, even if he does make me feel stupid.
I also really enjoy Justin. I text both him and Zack on occasion, they are both awesome guys, and I could probably hang out with either one of them on a reasonably comfortable level. I think I'd have a better time of it with Justin though... He enjoys my company, as he has told me before.
My life is happy, albiet dull, I like change, and haven't had too much of it lately.
The more time I spend with Sam, the more I just wanna go live with him...that thought scares me....
I've started having nightmares about certain odd things again...

So anywho, I'm out of stuff to talk about, things to tell you, I'm tired, so goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed how no one blogs anymore. I'm gonna start blogging more again, I miss it. I miss reading blogs from everyone all the time. It's all lame now. Let's keep it up, shall we? I'm sure Cosette and Xann will too. Carlos should start, he did, and there's no telling where he'll take place in the blogging world.
    More on everything else.
    I love my's perfect for the friggin heat of summer XP and I miss my long hair, but not enough. And it'll always grow back :)
    Allergies suck. That's all I have to say on THAT particular subject. but it does feel nice to not be the only one who is deathly allergic to everything that moves. And everything that stays still....hmm.
    Let's make this summer rock, shall we?
    Much love darling.

    ...on a plane!
