Saturday, September 12, 2009

In Memoriam of Juke: 3/13/09 - 9/12/09

Sweet little Juke died sometime last night. He got hit by a car. I found him
wrapped in a towel on the side of the road.. at least someone
was kind enough to do him that justice.
I'm going to miss him terribly, and I'm sure that everyone who watched him grow up in that apartment will too.
To be honest I haven't stopped crying since I found him.
I buried him at the bottom of our yard beneath a tree.. He really liked climbing trees, go figure.
I guess I'm glad that I was able to cuddle with him on the couch before I went to work on Friday.. I didn't see him since.
He was being so cute too. All sleepy and bleary eyed. He was hugging my hand with his paws and hiding his face.
I'm always going to remember how funny he looked right after Sam and I gave him a bath, he looked like a little alien.
And I suddenly don't mind so much that he liked to bite.
I'm pretty sure he was born on March 13th.. so he lived a happy life for the seven months he was alive.
That silly little thing wasn't even full grown yet.
I suppose I should complain about the injustice of it all, that he died so young. But really, I know that everyone he was around loved him and coddled him more than should be healthy for any kitten. I know I did my best to take care of him. Things like this just happen sometimes.
I love you Juke. I'm going to miss waking up to you licking my face. And petting your pretty fur.
Bye bye fuzzball.
We all love you.

Please leave comments for Juke, kay?


  1. I'm so sorry that he died! I never met him, but I've lived with cats ever since I left home, and if it weren't for their love and silliness, I would have gone crazy a long time ago. And if anything ever happened to my dorky kitty, I would be soo sad. Hugs! And I'm so sorry...

  2. I'm gonna miss him too...I keep having flashbacks of him being the comic relief, the one to turn to when things got awkward. And of course, the biting machine who turned into a calm kitty. He was always amazing, and I'll always remember him.

  3. I don't even know what to say... I can't believe he's gone... I hadn't seen him since he left... I'm getting teary eyed already... Juke is the only reason I stayed sane when I didn't have a job. He kept me company when everyone was at work... When Sam was sleeping at your house, he slept under my bed. Every morning I'd wake up to his tongue licking my face telling me to "GET UP! I WANT TO PLAY!"... I can't believe he's gone... I didn't even get to say goodbye...

  4. what can one say about such a hero to the normallity of our own lives? he saved us from ourselves. I could write about remenising the good and bad times with the little black mop head. like the time i used the lazer pointer to get him to attack rob's face in his sleep, or how he would watch mishka sleep or try to anyway. i still have the mark on my hand from when he scrached me, (granted we were putting tape on his paws) so i never held it agenst him. he was so pation with us. In his seven years of life he brought more joy to more people than most of the population does in the're selfish lives.

    Juke you will be missed for a long time, but eventually we'll play with that lazer pointer again, please be pationt and wait for the rest of us to join you.
