Monday, September 21, 2009

Nessa Victorious *And Depressed*

This is getting ridiculous.
Cameron. Coriann.
Both of you, stop being idiotic. Cameron, stop trying to save her from something she doesn't need to be saved from.
Coriann, hit him until he realizes you love him irregardless of time and space and whatever the hell else keeps getting in your two's way.
I've never seen two people so crazy about each other without one another. Seriously. Put your blogs side by side, and maybe you'll get that all that is being caused here is quaint misery.

Please? I love you both.

I got my car? That's good news. On the not so great side of things, I split my finger open a few days ago and typing with my right ring finger effing kills.
I bought some designer jeans too. I love them.
I ran out of money so I'm not going to school till October. Oh well. Whats another two weeks of killing time at my house... Been doing it ever since Sam left. Speaking of which..

*Now, I had written something to Sam here, but I deleted it due to the fact that it would most likely make him angry with me*

I miss everyone.

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