Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hot Springs Visit #1

Well last night was the beginning of the season for hot spring visits.
Myself, Angelique, Tyler and Zack were the only ones going this time. Megan was supposed to come, but she decided to be courteous to Shauna and not come home uuber psycho late. (Which we did, I checked my phone before I went to bed and it said 4:37, so I'm pretty sure that we got home around four. I had to shower and all that of course.. the sulphuric stench is sort of overpowering, as you all know..)

Anywho. It was tons of fun, Zack and Tyler had never been. Zack decided to be a putz and freak me out by walking along the wrong side of the path, narrowly dodging holes and sudden drop-aways in the path.
I was all worried Tyler was going to fall off the path. I think I just worry too much. Being scared of heights is horrible.

When we got there it was pretty late, so everyone was either leaving or getting ready to leave. The four of us crawled over to the hot pot we discovered last time, and proceeded to spend the next two or three hours talking and playing the stupidest games. And bothering Zack. For example.
"Hey, Jenessa, do you wanna go to the moon?"
"Yeah sure Tyler, I'll bring jam for sandwiches. What are you bringing?"
"A tractor! Angel, what are you bringing?"
"Apple juice. Zack, what are you bringing?"
"A rock."
"You can't bring a rock."
"What, why can't I bring a rock?"
*another few rounds of questions, during which Zack becomes more and more frustrated*
"Zack, what are you bringing?"
"You can't bring a bike!"
*another few rounds*
"Zack, what are you bringing to the moon?"
"I don't know, I'm not playing, this is stupid."
"Really, you haven't caught on yet?"
"....*pouts* There's nothing cool that starts with a 'z'."

Also, none of them know the English language. We started playing twenty questions and they all got stuck on the exact definition of 'inanimate', a word that I decided to throw out.
"Is it a spaceship?"
"No, Zack."
"A robot?"
"No, Zack."
"A dead giraffe??"
"*sigh* Okay, any relevant questions?"
"Holy shit, okay, Zack, you can't play anymore."

(I'm not joking, he said ALL of that. And they were his fall back answers when he started getting frustrated. I think he has a hidden fascination with the sci-fi world.)

Tyler was such a good sport, I'm always afraid I'm going to end up offending him with some joke, or one of us will go overboard on swearing, or just.. something. But he really seems to be okay. Matter of fact, he's basically a total pervert, right along with Zack.
"You guys can make out anytime now." (That's Zack as Angel is crawling all over me.)
"Shove it Zack, Angel, get OFF!"

Before we left:
Tyler: "You two share a room?"
Me and Angel: "Yeah."
T: "You sleep in the same bed?"
M: "Every night. We even cuddle."
A: "We have a ferret in here sometimes too. Or the cat. Or all the dogs. It gets pretty kinky."
T: *evil smile* "Can I watch?"

The walk back down the mountain was horrible, Tyler's huge flashlight died, and the only light we had was from my phone. Plus, it was cold enough to see our breath. I felt really bad for Zack though, he was the only one not smart enough to bring his pants up with us, so he had to walk back down in his swim trunks. I've got to hand it to him, honestly. I never would have made it, it was SO freaking cold.

We also discovered that Zack can do an amazing impression of Mickey Mouse. As a big group was leaving, he quite suddenly yells:
"OH BOY!!"
Just like Mickey Mouse. Like, perfectly. He also decided to yell at some girl:
As you can see he is very respectful and was bestowed with uncommonly good manners.

I don't know. I had TONS of fun, despite the cold, and Angel almost running us off the road because she felt like letting the car cruise at 45 down a steep winding road. Thank God for seat belts, eh?

Angel and I have decided to have an epic summer with these guys, doing a whole bunch of random stuff. I just hope Zack doesn't get his ship date. That would sort of ruin our evil plans.

Yep. Love my life right now.
Oh, and I slept in until twelve. Best night's sleep I've had in a long time.

1 comment:

  1. lol wow the hot springs man i miss them. i need to go again I MISS YOU!!!
