Sunday, April 4, 2010


Nothing new on the home front. I spent the day with Angel's family for Easter, then made my way to Megan's house afterward to eat some of her and Jerr's easter dinner as well. Purely coincidental, I assure you.

There's one problem with blogger. Sometimes you want to write a blog to only certain people, and make it so others can't see what you wrote. There should be an approved viewing list or something.. *sigh*

Can't have you cake and eat it too.
The phrase that basically describes my life right now.

It seems like I always have somewhere to go, somewhere to be, someone to hang out with, and not enough money or time to accomplish everything that needs accomplishing. And because I live with Angel now, I am NEVER alone, I NEVER get to just lie in bed and think anymore.
She's gone tonight, and I won't pretend it's not a welcome relief to just be able to turn on my music and write something down, knowing I won't be disturbed.

There's a lot of idiotic drama going on right now. Alyse and Mike *massive sigh* Which I can't talk about because I don't know if Mike's mom still reads my blog. You know what? I actually don't care right now. I'll keep it short.

Point being, it goes like this.
Alyse: Mike, call me, hang out with me, talk to me, be yourself with me, open up, let me know what's going on, etc.
Mike: *cricket noises*

It's all just getting stupid, repetitive, and so obviously pointless it makes me want to punch walls and punt small animals across the lawn. And trust me, the fact that Angel's house is crawling with small animals does not help this odd and evil craving.

Me and Sam.
We're back together.
Beyond that, pass.

I work, I donate, I eat, I sleep.

Have you ever seen those videos of people standing still while life rushes on all around them? It feels like that for me. I go places, I do things, but in the end, it's all a big blur. I come home so late at night and just collapse, only to wake intermittently during the night, and not really sleep at all. I walk around in a haze all the time, and I could probably fall asleep at the drop of a hat, anywhere at all. I'm getting really tired of it. There are very few times now that it doesn't feel that way.

For anyone who has seen What Happens in Vegas, the line is from the end where the guy gets punched in the balls by the main character's two best friends, and the girl goes "YOU KNOW WHY!!"

I feel like life is punching me in the face and screaming the same thing. Like every day. This could get old pretty fast.


1 comment:

  1. Couldn't be described any better than cricket noises. No worries though, I'm taking care of it...whatever that may entail.

    Life is always punching and screaming at us. Always. Best part? We just get to deal, make the best of it, and not run into a corner with our blankets covering us. Scratch the "best part" out. Yet somehow, it all seems to be worth it.
