Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dust out the Inbox

Well I should be usual.. but I just wanted to put something up real fast.

I just went through my MySpace inbox, because it has been telling me that I have twelve unopened messages since..well, forever ago. It was very annoying. Thusly, I decided to rectify this.
Anyway, I found a lot of old messages that I had completely forgotten about.
Some from Preston, and ex who I now think has totally lost his mind and become a gangster for Insane Clown Posse ( You know, Hatchet Man?), some from Quinton, and some from Zach, a kid from my program.
It was interesting to see how people passed in and out of my life, and how things have changed. A lot of the messages had me saying I love you so much blah blah blah your mine forever blah blah blah, and now I don't talk to any of them anymore. Well, Quinton I talk to every couple months..but still.
I guess I miss the old days. I don't want them back though. I'm glad I can actually say that.

There are those MySpace quizzes that say "If you could go back to any moment in your life and stay there to relive it over and over, what time would it be?" I used to have certain periods of time that I missed, and wanted back so bad it was almost like a physical pain.
But I don't have those anymore. I don't miss the Good Old Days, I just remember them. I don't know when this happened, but I am glad it did.
To me it means that I am finally content in my own life, and with my old life, enough that I can let memories be memories instead of those "could have, would have, should have" moments.

Oh, by the by, I watched Lord of the Rings on my home theater system...that was really awesome. I think my parents got shit for speakers though, which pisses me off. I wish that, at least once, they could have invested just a little extra money for something that is going to be fulfilling in a long term sense.

Okay it's almost two am, I have screwed my sleep schedule to hell, and I have got to go force myself to bed.

6 days until I see Sam!

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