Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I'm back on Fictionpress, and when I signed on today after painstakingly creating a story last night, I had one review! I should probably not be too excited, considering the fact that other people on there are like 'OMG 200 reviews is average...', but at the very least, I'm still proud of myself.
Annoying thing though, one of my stories on there has gotten like 40 hits (40 people have looked at it), and I haven't gotten any reviews... It's the most popular one too...people are such poor sports. I like feedback. It makes me feel...not invisible. lol
Little Juke is doing rather well at my house =) I let him roam around and play outside, and he loves teasing our other cats, who seem to tolerate him as best as they can. Sammie seems to take to him best. I guess since Sammie himself is only a little bit more than a year old, he can handle a hyperactive, overly-inquisitive kitten, whereas Loki, who is about seven, would just as soon bop Juke on the head with a pawful of claws. Which, in fact, he did just the other day.
Juke still cries like a baby when you leave him alone, even when he's outside. If I'm on the deck reading and go inside to get something to eat, he'll sit at the door and whine until I either let him in, or come back out and keep him company. It's so silly..
Like earlier? I came out, and he had been screaming at me for like five minutes straight, but when I looked around, he's all relaxed on the BBQ with his eyes half shut. He's such a little drama queen... An adorable one though.
Oh, and he loves trees. He just shoot straight up them at every opportunity. It's so funny too, cuz he'll slip and just be hanging on by his front paws, and his face is just so classic. "ZOMFG WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?!" Is basically what it says..
I'm probably moving out in early September. I finally called our insurance guy, and while it has taken a lot of back and forth, I'm pretty sure that, after just a little more aggravation, I will have set up at appointment to meet with him this week.
My mom sounds open to letting me take the car with me when I go up to live with Megan in Provo, and I really hope my dad lets me as well. My parents are all about the "United, we NEVER make decisions without consulting one another" stuff. Sometimes it's really annoying. And it makes them harder to play.
I am also sick. I don't get sick very often, so when I get something even as light as a cold, which is what I have, it beats the hell out of me. I wake up, I can't breathe, I'm sneezing, I cough occasionally, and I can't smell a damn thing.
Oh, and I went temporarily deaf in one ear for the morning. Lemme tell you, awesome stuff to wake up to.
Sam seems really happy in college, minus stupid teachers that loose his stuff. He's made friends, and gets to play poker with them, all that jazz. Also, he's trying to set up a campus wide game of Humans vs. Zombies. When he explained it to me, it sounded awesome, if not a little silly. Silly in the good way though, I know I would join in if I was up there, an no, not just because I'm his girlfriend and I love him.
Which I do.
You know, I consider myself lucky in some ways. I have gotten to watch Sam move out and seen the stuff that goes with living on your own, and now all my friends are going to college, so I will get to see what that is like too. Give myself a little insight as far as what not to do and stuff. Maybe being at least a year younger than everyone I know isn't such a bad thing..
Well, I have to go to work.. My dad should be here any minute to get me, and I have to catch Juke and get him inside before I leave. I still don't like leaving that adorable little thing on his own for too long.
Much love and cookies.

1 comment:

  1. I want cookies.
    Actually I just ate, so not so much. But they still sound good...
    That's good O.o I've never gotten reviews on my stories that I can remember, but last time I used Fictionpress I was in 5th grade, so that might have something to do with it.
    The whole considering yourself lucky for being a little younger thing, I kinda have that too. Except I'm a whole lot younger, so it gets tedious at times.
    I'm sick too. I can't hear hardly at all--the world is a muffled mess. My nose won't leave me alone, and my throat was sore all morning. Maybe we caught something from each other.
    I miss Juke. And Sam. Jeez. Haha, I'm glad Sam is enjoying himself though, and Juke seems to be doing the same. Minus not having people constantly around him.
    Much love, my darling.
