Monday, December 7, 2009

You a mudder-fukker!! He he ;)

Anyway.. so this weekend was once again spent in Logan. Wanna hear the catch? It snowed. A lot.
I left on Saturday morning with the intent of going to my old friend Ryan's house; he's from my program and I hadn't seen him for almost two years. He has been in rehab until not too long ago, and it was the most wonderful thing ever to see him again.
I think I know why he is one of only two people from my program with which I hold any correspondece anymore.
We are so..alike. We get along, we constantly tease each other, and that inhibiting shyness I seem to get with everyone, I never get with him. Normally, if someone I haven't heard from in a long time calls me, I won't answer the phone because I worry over and over about 'What do I say to them? I don't want awkward lulls in conversation.. What if they want to hang out? I'm going to be bored if we do/They will be bored if we do...' The list for this apprehensive madness goes on and on..
But when Ryan called me two weeks ago, I saw his name and all but snapped my phone in half trying to answer the call.
It's shocking how much I've missed him. I very rarely get along with anyone THAT well..
It's cuz he's an ass, that's why. I've figured it out. No guy has ever teased me as much as he does and gotten away from it unharmed, only Ryan hehehe..

So anyway, on the way to Ryan's in Roy, I nearly got killed. I was in the little Honda, our dinky red car, and I got boxed in by three semi trucks (I was in an outer lane) going like seventy on icy, snowy roads, with limited visibility. So I thought it was all over for me. Then, later on, once I was near Roy, I got stuck behind a bulldozer who was spraying snow everywhere, and this stuff was complete powder, so it shot into the air and whitewashed everything. Including me. Which meant that I couldn't see worth a damn not even five feet in front of me. I thought I hated driving in the rain.. oh no, ladies and gentlemen, I'll drive in the rain every day of my life if it means I never have to drive in a blizzard again.

I was only minorly traumatized by the time I got to Ryan's house. I hung out with him for like five hours (as if that was enough, I have to go up and see him again, there's a lot more catching up to do lol) then I ran from Willard to the Logan canyon.
That canyon is evil. It was sent from hell to devour innocent little teens traveling to see their significant others at USU.
I followed this jeep at less than thirty miles per hour for almost an hour through a winding path that I couldn't actually see.. matter of fact, I couldn't see anything, not even five feet around me, although trust me when I say I wasn't busy sightseeing throughout that drive. In fact the only thing I remember is the two red backlights off the jeep and line of tire tread tracks in front of me that I followed while I prayed asking God to let me live...

The weekend up there was fun, I got to go with Sam and his friends to pick up a guy named Preston from jail... Preston is sort of totally awesome, and it was really nice to see him.
Sam has some crazy friends though.. His friend Jessie and her friend..hmm, it started with a J too.. well, either way, they are both totally insane, and talk like kids, and are more hyper than anyone I've ever met.. and also completely awesome. I don't know why he still dates me, I look like a boring old hag standing next to them lol. They were singing and yelling the whole way to the jail and back, and around a couple places before we went home. The title of my blog was what the unnamed girl kept yelling out the window at people, it was hilarious.

You know, it's funny. I spend the weekend up there doing nothing, just watching shows online with Sam, taking the occasional trip out, or just getting food to live off of. And even though I get bored out of my mind sometimes, it's really all ok.. cuz I'm with Sam. Bored as I am, I get to hold his hand while I do it. I get to kiss him during the twenty-five second commericals, and I get to fall asleep with him partially crushing me.
That's why I can't sleep at night. He isn't lying on my arm and leg, and no amount of stuffed animals can make up the difference. Trust me. I've tried.
I'll just get a giant six foot tall doll stuffed with beans to sleep with. That'll work wonderfully...

Now for the painful part. I had made it to Logan. My parents didn't know. I was alive. I even made it home in one piece. And then, pulling into the driveway, I took the turn too sharp annnnndd... totally hit the fence post and messed up the side of our little red car. Fuck. My. Life.
The snow of course was the culprit, I would have been fine if the car hadn't have lost it's grip on the driveway and slid sideways...
Of course, getting it unstuck from the snow and everything else got the side damaged even worse, but really? What can I do. I just have to save up and help my parents out. It was my fault, and I'll take responsibility.. it just sucks, you know?

The final upside to my day (the car not counting as an upside) was that my brother's belated birthday gift for me came in from Japan. :)
He got me real silk bedsheets.





As you can tell, I am thoroughly stoked over this. He also got me a really pretty necklace, I absolutely love it.
Have I ever mentioned I love my brother?

So I think that's all the interesting stuff that's happened to me, random thoughts in between... Hope everyone is having a lovely time pre-holiday explosion.


1 comment:

  1. Del Sol. Oh snap.

    Ha, if I was with you on that drive I would be clenching the side of the car with my eyes closed as tight as possible muttering to myself the whole time. Yuppers....

    Oh! And I'mma sleep over soon, because I wanna see what it's like to sleep on silk bedsheets. Yeah. Sounds...epically amazing.
