Monday, February 22, 2010

Peaches, I couldn't care less

Being on your own is supposed to be hard. Personally, I think it's getting to the point of being able to be on your own that's the hard part.
So last week I was out until three am with some friends, and my parents freaked and got mad...etc, etc, etc.
But the thing is, this time around they decided to overreact.
Because I broke my curfew by three hours (be that horrible and terrifying as it is) they decided that this transgression merited taking my car away for two weeks.
To which I said, Bullshit.
To which they said, Screw you.
To which I said, I'm moving out and I hate you, kthxbye.
Except not just like that.

So anyway I've been job/apartment hunting for the past couple days, and it's been buckets of fun, lemme tell you. I am stuck between two different apartment places.. One of which will pay all my initial down payments and rent for the first month. The second has no special stipulations.
Now, you say, well, that's an awesome deal, why the hell don't you pick that place?
It's kinda small and the shared room is teeny.. I don't know. The other place I went to I really like, but obviously won't pay for anything.
Evidently I like Option Two so much I'm willing to move into a friends house for a month in order to save to be able to pay all the admission fees.
Such is the stupidity of me. But then again, I still have time in which to make a decision.

Life is peachy. Except it's a peach off the ground with worms in it, so you have to take a knife to it and cut away all the bad to find the good.
Then enjoy.



  1. Colby's looking for a roomie

    And I'm sorry. But once you get out and keep yourself above the surface, you should do just fine.

    Hey, just think, it was bound to happen eventually.

  2. just don't be stupid like me! :-P I wish I could redo it all and be smart about things this time! haha! Can't wait to move out again! Definitely let me know where you're going! :-)

  3. being out on your own means sacrifice, go with the first option, but still save for a month. (just in case the worst should happen) suck it up in a tiny place that will help you succeed, as oposed to "getting all the bells and wissles" (however you spell it) moving out isn't about getting someplace you really really want, just about getting someplace that surves your needs, you need a bedroom, you got one, need a kitchen, you got a sorry excuse for one, but its still a kitchen. you see? you can still cook food in a small kitchen. 85% of people fail in there first apt, not to discurage you, but most of your friends have experience in owning there own place, you can go and ask them for advice, i.e. Sam, Jordan, Cori, Me, Dee, and anyone else you know that i don't, (thats a long list).

    P.S. forgive me for not blogging more.
