Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We All Roll Along

Well, living at Angel's house has been about as fun as an eternal sleepover.. except for the part where her little sister is screeching in off-key opera at seven or eight in the morning. Did I mention her ENTIRE family is up before the crack of dawn?
And here I am, the kid used to being the only child, with two parents that work, leaving me alone most of the day anyway, and definitely leaving me in peace to sleep.

Here was the plan when I left home.
  • Move to Angel's
  • Live there till the end of March, meanwhile saving money for a down payment at Wolverine Crossings
  • Sign a one year lease at Wolverine Crossings
This plan has changed to:
  • Live at Angel's for an undefined amount of time and start paying her parents' rent.
  • Hem and haw about attending school
  • Save money for my car that is breaking down faster by the second
  • Possibly move with Angel's family to Florida this summer/fall
I'm retarded, right?

Last week was insane, I worked every single day and there just seemed to be too much to do and not enough hours to do it. I got almost no sleep and felt continually drained due to that, and the fact that I am now donating plasma twice a week in a desperate effort to bring in more money. ($190 extra per month, can't hurt, right?)
Sam and I went to Logan to see some of his old friends... yeah, I'm pretty sure that was about the best 24 hours of my life...EVER. Some of you already know what really happened, some of you do not, and should you care to know, by all means, text me and I'll fill you in.

My car's transmission has been slowly dying on me, and recently it's achieved tragically large proportions of... dead-ness. My car jerks and shudders and has no acceleration at all (much to the anger of ANYONE following me) and the longer I have it out, the worse it gets.
Also, I have loose and worthless battery cables, and finally they gave up on me today. Sam and I went to Kohlers briefly earlier this afternoon, and when we got back to my car, it refused to start. Usually just jiggling the wires gets it going again, and I've had to do this on numerous occasions, but this time, nothing would revive it. I kicked and shook the car, and twiddled with the cables endlessly, along with Sam, but it just sat there, being the lowly, rejected piece of junk that it is.
I got a ride to work and Sam and his dad (bless him and his entire family), are going to try to revive my car tonight.

On the upside, Sam's mom had me come over and showed me how to make pie crust so that I could have cherry pie. I had been craving it the other night when she, myself and Sam were playing 5 Crowns, so she decided to be really nice and help me out.
The reason we were at Kohlers and had to deal with my worthless car is because we ended up needing an extra can of cherries.

Such is life.

The weather is cold and terribly windy up here. Last night when I got home, I got out of my car, and got very freaked out. Angel's street is very long and wide, with far-spaced street lamps. Where I was was dark, and when I got out of my car, it was like stepping into a horror movie.
Wind whistling down a deserted street, making lone leaves rattle against barren branches, dancing against a black night sky..
Yeah, that sort of creepy. I would not have been surprised if a horde of zombies had slowly descended upon me from down the road.... Egh. I hate Utah weather.

Sam is still trying to get into the Air Force, and that's going well, when it's going. So far his military ambition has contained a lot of frustration, and twice as much waiting for the recruiter to call him, or call him back. I think they ignore you on purpose, just to see how determined you really are at joining...
Point being, I still don't know if/when he is going to leave, and that fact is keeping me all tied up in myself.

I want to go to Florida, but I don't want to leave if Sam isn't already gone. Also, when he is on leave, he will then have to bounce back and forth between Florida and Utah, and that'll only make it so I see even less of him than the three times a year I would already have to be with him.
*Arm cramps up* I don't type enough anymore.
I also would have to find schools out there.. I don't know. The more I think about it, Florida seems to be a flight of fancy that I would be better off putting out of my mind. I know Angel is leaving to go there, partially because her mother is going to continue her massage therapy education there, and partially because Angel has the urge to join a good culinary school there.
I'll miss her terribly when she leaves.

Hmmm..... what else...

Alice in Wonderland was pretty freaking awesome. I saw it opening night in 2-D (They were selling tickets at the IMAX for 3-D at $25 bucks a ticket!!) I have also since seen it in 3-D, and decided that, while each have their qualities of goodness, I would prefer 2-D, because it doesn't hurt my eyes.
Still, don't get me wrong, 3-D is amazing.

I still have my dead-end, yet fun, job at 5 Buck, and miss the good old days when Sam and Cameron ordered their usuals and then, in thanks, broke the only bench in 5 Buck. Good times.

Much love, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. OMG GIRL I MISS YOU!!!! i sooo have to come see you when i come down again ... and dam it this time i will see you lol and sam! and hell every one!!!! EEEE I LOVE YOU!!!
