Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just one of those weeks

The weather is heating up, no one blogs anymore, we have newbies at the apartment, stuff is changing.
Summertime brings a lot of stuff. Allergies for Sam and Alyse. Tank tops and shorts for me. Deena in her underwear lol. Weekends we see Cameron and Thor (Jorden), and Rob has become the new temporary tenant.
Rob is a package deal; with him comes the lovely and pregnant Amber, who I did not previously know well, but have come to like.
I no longer dislike Kayleanne as I once did, she went from annoying to, well, pending friend material. I guess you gain respect/sympathy for someone who has as terrible of a home life as she has in recent days. We plan to hang out soon enough, and she even extended the offer to have me as a tenant in the apartment her and her Cali friend are intending on getting.
Angel and James confuse the hell out of me, as is per usual. I just wish I could knock some ideas in her head, ideas that would most likely help her out a bit relationship wise. I love that girl.
Alyse decided to chop her hair off, it's cute. =) I preferred her with long hair, but that's probably because I envied it so much, tee hee!
My Sam got himself a job. Telemarketing, which I find entirely too entertaining. I keep telling him that if he ever calls me trying to sell me a free trial of *insert bullshit item here*, I'll kill him =)
Mike texted me the other day, letting me know that he got in a car crash and totalled his Volvo (I think), sustaining rib injuries, although thankfully his bones remained severely bruised, not broken. I still intend to go to graduation to see him, along with Megan of course.
I had the funny thought the other day that I have been working at 5 Buck for over a year now. And that the people from there have gone from fellow employees to friends. I really enjoy being around Zack, even if he does make me feel stupid.
I also really enjoy Justin. I text both him and Zack on occasion, they are both awesome guys, and I could probably hang out with either one of them on a reasonably comfortable level. I think I'd have a better time of it with Justin though... He enjoys my company, as he has told me before.
My life is happy, albiet dull, I like change, and haven't had too much of it lately.
The more time I spend with Sam, the more I just wanna go live with him...that thought scares me....
I've started having nightmares about certain odd things again...

So anywho, I'm out of stuff to talk about, things to tell you, I'm tired, so goodnight.

Gimmie back my PIN!

So, as is life, one encounters problems.
My current problem is that some moron got a hold of my account information (God knows how) and is now charging minor things to my totally empty account, causing me to have to pay massive amounts of money in bounce fees.
I am extremely angry about this. I got one bounce notice in the mail, thought nothing of it, that I had just been negligent..
But the second one came a few days later, and it said that the fees charged to my account (7.71, what IS this asshole doing..) were charged on a day I can safely remember not having spent a fucking penny.
SO. Now I get to go to my bank on Monday, try to fix everything erstwhile also attempt to sidestep the en masse overdraft fees that were not mine in the first place..
I have an account balance tabulator on my phone, where I keep track on a paranoid scale of everything that I spent. I just went through it twice, and I am for damn sure not spending this money.
Someone on this planet right now needs a swift kick in the ass.
Funny though, that they decided to steal the account information of the worlds poorest teen, who also unfortunately knows how to budget on a low scale, and, although she is slow, does seem to realize that she is suddenly spending money that she does not remember spending.
I guess I just have to be grateful that this person hasn't charged six hundred dollars worth of cleaning supplies or some such rot.. Now that would really just suck. But it would also make my job of ensuring my bank doesn't make me pay for overdraft much easier.
Sometimes the world of technology and superior everything just sucks.
Right now is one of those times.
Goodnight all. I am stressed and sleepy. I no longer wander the World Wide Web until four am. Quite the contrary I get sleepy after twelve o'clock at night. Hooray for unofficial bedtimes.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Today had it's good parts, but I'm pretty sure that between the hours of three thirty to approximately five in the afternoon, it sucked ass.
Pretty much I got in a debacle with my mom...On Mother's Day.
Which ended in me declaring that I will be out of the house by Saturday, and hopefully living with Angelique.
What I'd really like to be doing is moving in to the apartment, but we all know the world would explode (to say the absolute least) and so I grudgingly gave up that idea immediately.
In other news, Cameron has returned once again to Job Corps.. Coriann has left the state back to her beloved Star Valley, where the clan shall hopefully be visiting her by the end of this month. I'm not entirely sure if I will be among the visiting crew, but I shall do my utmost to make it so I am. I miss Cori.
My hours got cut at work, due to a fail in my boss's brain.. It's not just my hours either, it's everyone. Sky's dad was angsting about finances, thusly Sky cut down on school lunch shift hours, thusly Chrisi now works evenings, thusly evening crew's hours get smushed.
I momentarily return to the old grindstone long enough to moan "I neeeed a new joooooobbbbb."
Also, I will not be working for Vector whatever. Knife selling company that Jorden works for. It would require a car, or other reliable mode of transportation, which I do not have. This fact was part of the argument I had with my mom earlier today, in fact.
Tomorrow is Sam's birthday too. I already gave him his humongoginormous air soft gun, because he wanted to show Cameron while he was down for the weekend. I'm such a worthless pushover. Oh well =)
I haven't talked to Mike for a week now, not like this is an accomplishment or anything. On nights when I have my own personal issues with Sam, I miss talking to him. There is an odd, empty, echoey space where he used to be. It only is noticeable sometimes, but tonight I can really feel it, since I am talking about it.
Megan was talking about Brantley earlier, and Sam, noticing her texts, addressed the subject. Thankfully it didn't take me long at all to ensure him that I would, under no circumstances, never ever be Brantley's friend again. For obvious he-is-a-total-dick reasons lol.
Although one thing I find odd. Sam said I am not allowed to be Brantley's friend again. I quickly sidestepped that and got him to just say he would set terms for my being around him, but the first part struck me oddly.
I don't like it when people tell me what to do. And hearing him say that gave me a weird feeling. Nothing cataclysmic, I just noticed the anomaly. Right away I told him I could make that decision just fine on my own and it was alright again, but still. Just noticing.
We watched Nick and Norah's tonight too, that was fun. I do ever so adore that movie =).
But Sam didn't cuddle with me during it. Didn't really even try. So I ended up using Jorden as a pillow for a short amount of time, then just rolling up in Sam's Lone Peak blanket and angsting. I gave myself a little emotional lee way, just cuz I'd gotten all messed up over my mother earlier.
When you tell yourself your acting oddly for a reason, it's usually a lot easier to control your feelings rather than if your acting from pure driven emotion with no logical reason behind it.
Well, that's how I work anyway.
I am currently trying to help Alex out with his social skills. That isn't going to awesomely, since he seems to be stuck thinking he is a nobody Asian with nothing special to give to the world. It's rather annoying.
Did you know, that when ever I take Sam's car home on the weekends, I keep having terrified thoughts that it will randomly get stolen right out from under me and that Sam will like kill me? It's really funny, I love how paranoid I get about utterly stupid things like that.
Either way, I really just want to go to sleep, and since our washer and dryer are once again both disconnected, I cannot do my wash, and am just all around annoyed at the moment.
So Goodnight all, and sleep well.
Bye bye.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ode to Fredrick

So the goldfish that most of you didn't know I had died tonight... K, this morning.
Sort of a depressing, melodramatic end to the evening, I must say. I guess I wasn't a born fishy person, unlike my boyfriend, but then again, Sam is just good at everything.
Oh well...
And I also decided, should I ever care to replace my dear Fredrick, that I will not name my new addition until I have acertained that it will survive more than the next 48 hours in my care. Or lack thereof.
No! Seriously though! I fed him, and let him have sunshine, and he had a pretty bowl, and he should have been a happy goldfish, but no, he keeled over and died and I came home to his glazed over little eyes.
*sniff* I wish I made him happier, just enough so he didn't decide to off himself...
I suddenly feel very discouraged and depressed as far as my pet care skills go.
But on a slightly happier note...
Star Trek (even though I know next to nothing about it) WAS AMAZING. OH MY GOD, GO SEE THAT MOVIE. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS VISUALLY ORGASMIC.
Okay, I officially scared myself with that last sentence, but nonetheless I maintain that was the best movie I have seen this year. No joke. And it will most likely stay that way... although Transformers could come in a close second.
So, go spend some worthwhile money at the theater, and don't buy yourself a fishie, that's my advice for tonight.
Much love.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Today is just one of those days where things are changing at an obvious and alarming rate, and you stop for a second and go "Wow, didn't think this would end so fast."
For one, Cam is leaving. I went and read his blog, and as lame and stupid as I am, I cried. I know I'm a wuss, you can all just make fun of me now. I am going to miss him a lot. I can safely say we all will. And not only Cam.
Ima miss Coriann like crazy too. She's one of the few girls, I think, that could walk happily into our weird little world and fit right in with every single one of us. Cam found a keeper in her. She's only completely awesome, and she's going back to Star Valley on the ninth for the summer. So I don't see Cam for two months, I don't see Cori for at least three...awesome....QQ.
For two, as of last night, the decision was made that I stop talking to Mike. Even though we ended on good terms, or as good as they could be, I can't seem to suppress the feeling that not being his friend anymore could be considered a bad judgement call. I have a thing for following my instincts and gut feelings, and the fact that I'm denying them now irks me. It feels wrong. Oh well, just one more thing that I get to sit back and wait out.
Three. The apartment. I'm just basically worried about it. I am pretty sure that Dee saved everyone's butts as far as rent is concerned this month, but nonetheless, what's everyone going to do now... Sammy and Jorden need jobs, and it's not like everyone's running around looking for employees at the moment.
And lack of employment isn't due to lack of trying to find some either. I swear this'll be the third blog in a row where I have said "Damn this worthless economy."

In other news, Star Trek is three days away, and I'm getting excited for it. Probably nowhere as excited as Sam is, because he's a little nerd about stuff like this *smiles affectionately*, but that's ok.
I've been thinking about Brantley lately too. More in passing, but last night when Sam and I were talking about Mike, I realized how much I'd miss talking to Mike when I had to stop.
Then I remembered Brantley. I miss him. But I don't miss the ass he turned into. I miss the guy that I could call late at night and talk about random stuff to. I miss the guy I dated, who wanted to see me everyday, the guy that made a 50 foot Starburst chain with.
The guy who held me and let me sob uncontrollably in his arms because I hurt so much over Mike. It's that Brantley I miss. The reliable one. The one who didn't constantly have his own hidden agenda.
But life turned out how it did, and it doesn't matter anymore.

It's raining outside, and today is just one of those days. I'm happy I'll get to see Alyse later, we haven't hung out as much since..well, a month ago, when all that happened...*sigh* I hate having to be cryptic.
So either way, much love to everyone, and hopefully I'll see a couple of my best friends sooner than it feels like I will...