Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Today had it's good parts, but I'm pretty sure that between the hours of three thirty to approximately five in the afternoon, it sucked ass.
Pretty much I got in a debacle with my mom...On Mother's Day.
Which ended in me declaring that I will be out of the house by Saturday, and hopefully living with Angelique.
What I'd really like to be doing is moving in to the apartment, but we all know the world would explode (to say the absolute least) and so I grudgingly gave up that idea immediately.
In other news, Cameron has returned once again to Job Corps.. Coriann has left the state back to her beloved Star Valley, where the clan shall hopefully be visiting her by the end of this month. I'm not entirely sure if I will be among the visiting crew, but I shall do my utmost to make it so I am. I miss Cori.
My hours got cut at work, due to a fail in my boss's brain.. It's not just my hours either, it's everyone. Sky's dad was angsting about finances, thusly Sky cut down on school lunch shift hours, thusly Chrisi now works evenings, thusly evening crew's hours get smushed.
I momentarily return to the old grindstone long enough to moan "I neeeed a new joooooobbbbb."
Also, I will not be working for Vector whatever. Knife selling company that Jorden works for. It would require a car, or other reliable mode of transportation, which I do not have. This fact was part of the argument I had with my mom earlier today, in fact.
Tomorrow is Sam's birthday too. I already gave him his humongoginormous air soft gun, because he wanted to show Cameron while he was down for the weekend. I'm such a worthless pushover. Oh well =)
I haven't talked to Mike for a week now, not like this is an accomplishment or anything. On nights when I have my own personal issues with Sam, I miss talking to him. There is an odd, empty, echoey space where he used to be. It only is noticeable sometimes, but tonight I can really feel it, since I am talking about it.
Megan was talking about Brantley earlier, and Sam, noticing her texts, addressed the subject. Thankfully it didn't take me long at all to ensure him that I would, under no circumstances, never ever be Brantley's friend again. For obvious he-is-a-total-dick reasons lol.
Although one thing I find odd. Sam said I am not allowed to be Brantley's friend again. I quickly sidestepped that and got him to just say he would set terms for my being around him, but the first part struck me oddly.
I don't like it when people tell me what to do. And hearing him say that gave me a weird feeling. Nothing cataclysmic, I just noticed the anomaly. Right away I told him I could make that decision just fine on my own and it was alright again, but still. Just noticing.
We watched Nick and Norah's tonight too, that was fun. I do ever so adore that movie =).
But Sam didn't cuddle with me during it. Didn't really even try. So I ended up using Jorden as a pillow for a short amount of time, then just rolling up in Sam's Lone Peak blanket and angsting. I gave myself a little emotional lee way, just cuz I'd gotten all messed up over my mother earlier.
When you tell yourself your acting oddly for a reason, it's usually a lot easier to control your feelings rather than if your acting from pure driven emotion with no logical reason behind it.
Well, that's how I work anyway.
I am currently trying to help Alex out with his social skills. That isn't going to awesomely, since he seems to be stuck thinking he is a nobody Asian with nothing special to give to the world. It's rather annoying.
Did you know, that when ever I take Sam's car home on the weekends, I keep having terrified thoughts that it will randomly get stolen right out from under me and that Sam will like kill me? It's really funny, I love how paranoid I get about utterly stupid things like that.
Either way, I really just want to go to sleep, and since our washer and dryer are once again both disconnected, I cannot do my wash, and am just all around annoyed at the moment.
So Goodnight all, and sleep well.
Bye bye.

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