Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do not read. Is pointless.

You ever have those days where you sit around and do nothing? Well, today was one of those days.
Angel woke me up at nine am (on the dot I might add) to keep her company until she had to go to her chiropractor at nine forty-five. I ended up going with her, and we hung out until around two ish until she had to go give her dad's car back (her's is dead, and she's getting a new one).
I told her I would give her a ride from the dealership back to my house, where all her things were, but once I got to the dealership, my car died.
They guys there were really nice, they got out a portable jumper and attached it to my car, but it took like ten or fifteen minutes and three different guys getting in my car to mess with it to get it to start. Basically I need a new battery... The one I currently have is slowly wheezing itself to death.
So, once we got that started I took Angel to my house, and then to work. After that I sat on my ass and watched the gayest movie ever online, and want another two hours of my life back. I knew I should have watched Cry, Baby with Johnny Depp instead.
I really need this weekend to come faster, I'm basically going insane lol.
Ah, but I did have a small high point in today. Angel set me up to see her chiropractor next Thursday. I get a massage, all that, and I'm really excited. My back hates me lol.
I'm sorry if this is pessimistic, uninformative, short, and altogether useless information, but I am desperate to kill even five minutes of time, and so far that's just what I've done.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only person blogging about pointless things. :)
    This weekend will bring the break from the work/school/boring life we all need a rest from.
    Can't wait.
