Tuesday, October 20, 2009

*Inhales* Here we go.

So I haven't posted since...*checks posts* the twenty-eighth of September. So three weeks. I love how I sort of got into this and everyone else did, and now everyone blogs and I don't. I'm such a loser. Even Jorden and Cameron are posting more, and we all almost never hear from them these days..

And Sam just doesn't post. Ever. he has like, what, two posts total? He's just too busy sitting in his little dorm listening to cowboy rap.. (He knows what I'm talking about.)
He said he was going to last night before his phone died and he hung up on me... but he lied.

So. My weekend. Or rather, my past three weeks. Or the highlights therin, because I wouldn't dare bore you with my all to average life.

Well, I stole the truck two weeks ago and drove my ass to Logan to pick up Sam because it had been three weeks since I'd seen him and I wasn't going to wait for another one.. Lemme tell you, that was a stressful drive. Once you get past Salt Lake and out a bit further, the freeway gets to be a two lane drive from hell where everyone is going eighty, and you know that if you drift six inches in either direction your either going to slam into the concrete median or into the small moving van next to you.. Oh, and did I mention that truck belongs to my brother?

Anywho, so I kidnapped him and got to see Logan for a glorious six seconds..then proceeded to book it back to the highway and make it home in record time to get to work. I'm awesome. The drive back was a lot easier because I had company and wasn't just staring at the road stressing the ever living hell out of myself.

We spent the whole weekend together and watched Lucky # Slevin in my basement, which now has the fluffiest, most orgasmic carpet in the history of fluffy, orgasmic carpet. We ended up doing a double feature with Liar, Liar. You know, the one with Jim Carrey. (FREAKING LOVE THAT MOVIE)
We also went to the movie theater Friday night to see Zombieland (OMG) and then on Saturday morning we saw Surrogates with Bruce Willis. That was really good too.
As you can see, we watch too much television.

Once he went back to good ol' Logan, I just went through my week as usual. Work three to four times a week, sit on my ass for the rest of it... oh, school.

So, I went down to the MATC maybe two weeks or so ago. I had previously gone to East Shore, but after talking to a councilor, I discovered that the 5 credits you get from taking the GED no longer counted toward an adult diploma, which is what I was wanting to do.
Basically I would still have to do about fourteen credits in East Shore to get a diploma.
The councilor summed up all this depressing information to me, and then said that I would be a lot better off and save a bunch of time if I just strolled on over to the MATC and got the information to just take the GED and be done with it.
I was reluctant, as we can all imagine. But the councilor encouraged me in this path, and said that if I took the GED asap, then I could be in to college as early as January. I like this thought quite a bit.
So I went to the school and over the period of two days took some tests that would tell the teachers there how ready I was for the GED, and what parts of my academic knowledge needed work.
I did really well according to the girl who was grading my tests, although when she held up the results there were so many little red marks that I thought she was joking when she said that I was ready to take the GED and they could sign me up whenever through BYU or UVU.
So the next year of my life looks like this.
Attend UVU until January 2011 at which point I transfer up to USU to be with Sam.
Yeah, yeah, so I sound like the typical stalkerish girlfriend, but Sam told me he was okay with it, and, frankly, after spending last weekend up there with him, I really like Logan. It's quaint and small, and I just..I dunno. I love it there.
Which brings us to the most recent weekend with Sam.
His friends scare me, and Hooka (spelling???) is good for you.
See, here's my first impression of the place. I got there at about 10:30 in the morning (Sam was still sleeping) and I got some cute guy to let me in. I walk inside and go right, until the cute guy says left to the elevator, but not before I see a rather...uhm...fat man... wearing nothing but blue spandex. Did I mention that he had a very hairy chest?
Imagine that image to start your morning. Needless to say, I was scared to go upstairs.
Sam had told me previously that Mountainview Tower was also called the Man Tower, and that the fifth floor, which is his, was named the Man Floor. I thought he was kidding until I saw a poster on the wall declaring just that, with the floor occupants signatures all over it.
It smelled like a Man Tower, lemme tell you...
After a ride in a smelly elevator (it was only smelly because two guys who looked like they needed a shower had just walked out of it) I wandered around trying to find Sam's room, and finally succeeded. I was just grateful everyone was asleep so I didn't have to get weird looks.
I didn't get to meet Sam's roomate Kyle until later that night, and by that time I had met a portion of his friends, a couple of which said they 'had heard a lot about me.' Needless to say, despite my best efforts, I spent the vast majority of Saturday blushing like mad.
I'm really bad with new people.
Oh, and did I mention that I can make it too and from Logan in about an hour and forty five minutes? I'd go faster, but I drive Kendall's truck and don't want to wreck it. Still, that's a half hour off of average travel time. I'm pretty proud of myself.
Not much besides all that is new with me..
As you can see I spend all my time either with Sam, wanting to be with Sam, or talking about Sam. Pitiful right?

Random tidbits to take up space:

Angelique got in an accident and totalled her car. And got fired by Sky. Then he hired her again. He's just bi-polar like that.
Megan lives with Jerremy now in his basement. Jerr's parents kicked out their older son Jeffrey and let Megan have his room. I think it's freaking hilarious. She's in Vegas right now and is going to Knotts Berry Farm sometime this week too. *ENVY*
I want the MyTouch phone.
I hate fall. It means that winter is coming.
We moved the couches into the basment so now there is somewhere to sit and watch movies.
My grandparents are coming for Thanksgiving. On my mom's side.
My parents are leaving me alone for a week and a half for the first time in living memory while they go on vacation. I'm excited for that lol. PARTY!!
I'm eighteen in..four days short of a month.

Hmmm....Oh, I'm really excited for Halloween :) I get to see Cori, and Cameron, and Sam is coming down (or he had better anyway), and we all get to hang out like old times and catch up.
That is, if I can get work off. I remember last year I had it off, but that was only because I worked mornings.
I wrote it on the schedule but I'm worried Sky will just say No, sorry, screw you, kthxbye. MEMEMEMEMEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really trying to come up with something to intrest you people.
Kk, love you all, I'll try to post more, I really will.


  1. I love hearing about all of this stuff, because ever since we stopped talking every night I hardly ever hear anything anymore.

    Blogging=epic win.

  2. well, if you don't get work off we'll just all hang out with you in 5 Buck, you know carving pumkins on the counter, make pumkin pizza, (now i have to try it) (or better yet, pumkin pizza in the shower ya ya... with cori... and a MT Dew.... ya) well now im extreamly excited for halloween, we all need to find a place to carve pumkins and do the halloween thing. so EVERY ONE GET WORK OFF we'll call it ... "ye ole Group Part'e " and it has to be epic and i get to see cori!
