Monday, October 26, 2009

Drag Me to Hell....*shifty eyes*

I feel like I haven't slept for a week and as Halloween edges ever closer I wonder how on earth I am going to survive.
I need a new mattress. I have been needing one for, oh, the past ten years. I got my own queen sized bed when I was five, and when I was about twelve, my parents made me switch them mattresses. They had been sleeping on theirs for 7 or 8 years already... and suffice it to say, it wasn't in the best condition.

So here I am five years later with a mattress that has long since been destroyed.. with back pains like an old woman.
I toss and turn and wake up and try to sleep again but can't, and only until total exhaustion finds me do I slip into a sleep that is so easily interrupted I may as well become an insomniac.

It's getting old.

Aside from that, I made the mistake of watching Drag Me to Hell. It wasn't a mistake because it was too scary and I now have nightmares.. It was a mistake because it was so unbelievably fucking stupid.
Its one of those movies that, as the end credits roll, you sit there and say "Fucking hell, give me two hours of my life back."
See, I'd promised Angelique that I would watch it with her, and as badly as I didn't want to, I followed through, and we rented it on Saturday night after work. At first I thought it might have had potential, even with the really bad effects.. but in the end the only redeeming quality of this movie whatsoever was the fact that you very briefly get to see Justin Long with his shirt off.
That was my redeeming quality anyway.
Oh, and this chick sacrifices a little tabby kitten to try and get this devil Lamia spirit to leave her alone and not take her to hell.. I basically wanted to find the producer and fucking crucify him after that.
Cats are now a very painful subject when dead. Of course this is because of Juke.
I just about started crying when she was buring the dead kitten in the backyard.
I'm such a wuss right? Well I miss Juke. So screw you.
My costume is so past slutty and charging onward into the realm of God knows what..that I think I'm just going to wear jeans and a T-Shirt for Halloween and not do my hair or something. I look scary enough like that. :)

Sam got the swine flu, along with some of his friends... so everyone should expect to catch the flying pig disease once Halloween rolls around :)
Oh, and Angelique might be moving to Arizona..or England. Her dad might get a job over there, and I am really depressed that she might be leaving. I don't know what I will do without my Angel-face... probably explode. She kept me company while Megan was on vacation hehe. But really, I have a very short list of friends. I don't need it getting any shorter, thanks.
And one more thing. I should be a photographer, I decided it would be fun.
Don't worry, I'll forget I said that within the next fifteen minutes.
Peace, love, MUSHROOMS!!!

1 comment:

  1. i could've told you that movie sucked! haha. sad day! Angelique is leaving! :-< how are you doing nessa! i haven't talked to you in forever!
