Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Let's up the tone of blogging, shall we?


So, I would like to counteract the extremely emo vibe my last blog gave off, although I am quite sure this one isn't going to make it to posting status. I just feel like blogging. I mean, what else am I supposed to do, watch my friends make out over by the counter? That sounds remotely unappealing, albeit rather hilarious.
I was going to otherwise indulge in unwise behaviors befitting one such as I, considering age and legal status, but then I remembered...I am going to see Underworld tonight. And all of you fuckers who are sitting at home not seeing it can go suck on a rock. Hey, that sounds fun. =)So, after coming to the understanding that passing out during the most kickass movie release of the new year so far (Twilight, even though it was released in '08, SUCKED ASS), would be utterly stupid, I decided to be good and blog instead. Maybe I'll tell you some random facts about my current life.
Fact One: My mother has not spoken to me since Sunday. Okay, so, she has, she texted me twice, once to tell me to get my friends car out of the driveway and the other in answer to my question of the name of a pianist I liked. But texting hardly counts. So the conclusion I have come to from this fact is that my mother is a bitch. I'm sure if she discoveres I actually posted that last sentence online for all to see she will be very upset and ridiculously disappointed. And throw a fit. But still. I can't find it in myself to go delete that.
Fact Two: I have an awesome boyfriend. And that's an understatement. Allow me a moment to gush ridiculously about him. He's sexy, and wonderful, and so beyond sweet, and caring, and I love him so much I think I am going delusional because of it. Megan knows this feeling. =)
Fact Three: Jorden is the best piano player I have heard, besides a pro, like EVER, in my entire life.
Fact Four: I'm out of facts. Okay, well that was me trying not to be emo, do tell me how I did, and give me ideas for other blogs to post, I rather enjoy writing my thoughts and having others respond to them, it allows me a feeling of accomplishment.Oh, and before I go, I would like to type up the horoscope I had on my phone today, it was rather profound, it has a surprisingly large amount to do with how I was feeling the last time I posted. Reading this made me feel a lot better. And I know that a lot of people don't put a lot of stock into hogwash such as horoscopes, but I find that, sometimes, they can be more than helpful.
Have you been spending too much time exploring new things and not spending enough time with the tried and true? There is nothing wrong with where you are now, who you are now, and what you are doing now--so enjoy the moment. Sometimes, focusing too much on your next steps in life only keeps you from appreciating where you are right now. Being content is not a sign of having no ambitions in life--it's just a sign that you are wise and happy.
I love being a Scorpio.

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