Saturday, January 31, 2009

Vampiric Musings

Written on 1/29/09

I can't say I really know what this is about. It's about two thirty am on a very technical Friday morning, and I'm lying in bed listening to Korn, my mind full of strange thoughts.
Have you ever considered the existance of creatures that God may not have created?
I suppose that might not be quite the way I wanted to put it. But it does sum up rather well in either case.
You, the reader, may think that I have utterly lost my mind as I get to the subject of my blog, and as you slowly shake your head and say I've gone crazy, I cannot entirely assure you that you are incorrect in you assumption.
Now, recall your life, for just a moment. Have you ever been so consumed by a thought, a possibilty, that you felt that longing desperation in your heart to attain, what could possibly be labelled as, the impossible? Have you ever just sat, stared, obsessed over something you know you cannot have.
Well that is how I get when faced by the possibility of the existance of vampires.
Yes, vampires.
I'm waiting for the head shaking. Go on. I'll even give you permission.
Humor me for a moment, if you will, and view this idea from an unbaised, albiet crazy person's, view.
Some ideas on the vampire are...impossible? I think I will be using that world a lot tonight, seeing as it's context has quite a bit to do with the main subject.
For example, mind reading, some extrasensory abilities, along with insane physical changes that you go through, some including potential super speed.
When I say all this, I am going off of movies, books I have read, basic legends that have created the image of vampires that is exposed to the public today.
Now, I do believe in psychics. People, I think, really do have the ability to predict and view the future, and focus on specific events or persons, and see into those instances. I believe also, in the supernatural, as you can probably already tell.
So mind reading isn't entirely out of the picture. I suppose that if a vampire attained this power, it would be more of a sixth sense, the ability to predict, or possibly detect auras around other humans.
I do not hold, however, to the thought that you can run up walls, hang from the ceiling with no extra exertion, run miles on end...that sort of thing. The types of things that make vampires very fictionally different from human beings, and very obviously so.
So maybe a person who has the qualifications, such as a psychic, would be an eligible candidate as a vampiric being.
Sidenote: I love how vampires dress, rich and expensive, dark and unnoticed, luxurious. Years of saving money from not eating food can really pay off, yes?
Now, the actual, physical changes that go on inside a vampire would confuse me. I cannot figure for even a moment how you can take the human body, and freeze it in the state it is at when bitten, and leave it at that.
The need to wander only at night seems logical, although night vision evolution is difficult, if it is indeed true that you are forever stuck at the point your body has grown to forever, in it's entirety. You would not be able to change yourself to adapt to your new lifestyle.
When I say nighttime prowling is feasable, think about it. Avoiding sunlight would prevent skin and vision damage, possibly preserve your body longer, or help to do so.
You know, the longer I think about this, I think the only way you could become a vampire is to make a pact with the Devil. Really. Once you get past all the outer parts of being a vampire, which can probably be explained with only partial scientific exertion, you come down to the diet of said vampires, and you really just go off the beaten track of normalcy.
Come on, blood? Human blood?
Okay fine, if you want to do as the Cullens do, go fill yourself full of deer blood and be happy as a vegan vamp for the rest of your life, I won't stop you, but lets look at original legends.
What properties of blood can benefit a living dead body? Some sort of protiens ect. that are in the blood of warm-blooded animals? (We are counting out cold-blooded creatures like fish, that's just distasteful.)
This one characteristic of the vampire makes me think you have to have your own special, signed contract with the Devil. It would make a lot of sense to have a steep price to pay for extraordinary immortality. You are forced to kill the living things that you once were, and were a part of.
Your life at another's price. At this point I would attribute immortality to last only as long as you continue drinking the blood. I think that would be fitting. Although by the sound of every Hollywood movie and fanatical author's book, self-starvation hardly sounds like an option once you've entered the 'coven' that is the vampiric community.
If your wondering about the teeth, I vote a really impersonal dentist turned vampiric-believing. He can give you your murderous chompers.
Or you could indulge in a couple hundred years and buy yourself a really nice sword and dagger set. That would be nice.
I am going to pause to let you know that I just re-read everything I just wrote and the words to describe how I am talking were such as: Totally insane, crazy, creepy, outlandish, bizzare, twisted, obsessed.
Trust me, I promise, I know I'm not sane, the way I"m talking.
Anyway, what with people around me going on about their own belief in the existance of vampires, and some excessive movie watching, (reference Interview With a Vampire, and Underworld , all of the series) I've gone right back to wondering the hell out of myself if vampires really could potentially exist.
I can tell you right now that I would gladly be one, although I would also doubtlessly have issues with the whole fun killing time side of things that would pretty much become my life. And, even though I am such a bloody night owl, I would really hate to have to avoid the sunshine, it's warm and I am an essentially warm creature.
I know there are persons out in the world that have utterly mind-fucked themselves into thinking that they really are vampires. I saw this one woman, she dressed Gothic as hell, slept in a coffin, drove a fucking HEARSE, and had everything right down to her own personal blood doners that she took blood from every day.
I personally thought she had crossed over the bride of crazy-ass psycho peoples, to join others like Marilyn Mason and Rosie O'Donnel. Just kidding about that last one.
No, really though, it was scary. New, individual, interesting, but scary. I really don't think I would have the ability to cut someone else's wrist and drink their blood, or anything like that.
I think she was a little less barbaric and a lot more sanitary about it though...still. At the end of the day, she is drinking blood taken from an open vein of a human being, and drinking it. She's got friends that she has indoctrinated into this, because they find it so interesting, friends that want to join her as a 'modern day vampire'. I vote NO.
If vampires exist, they do exactly what everyone says they do: Avoid other people and keep very much so to themselves.
I know that's what I would do. Especially since the whole of society has turned into your own personal feasting grounds. I hardly think it's a good welcoming present to drain your neighbor dry directly after shaking their hand.
Oh, have to mention this. Someone I was hanging out with earlier was watching Interview With a Vampire with me, and said "Who though up the whole biting on the neck thing, that's so weird.."
Fine then, so it was like man-love creepy to watch Tom Cruise suck on Brad Pitt's neck. I get it. Even with my non-aversion to guy on guy (cannot believe I just said that) it IS odd to watch. Although it completely proves that Tom really is gay. Hehe, I love conspiracy theories.
But can we not see the logic. Neck = Huge arteries = Lots and lots of blood pumping through the general vicinity. It only makes sense to go through your throat. Your heart is trying to feed your brain with blood and oxygen, and your neck is one of the main, quick points at which to access it.
See? Makes perfect sense.
Holy shit, I'm a psycho.
Well, it is now three oh-nine (how do you type times like that..) and I have sufficiently weirded myself and the general blogging community out enough for one night. I'm not entirely sure that I am going to even post this, to tell you the truth.
I will have Alyse read it first, however. Possibly add her thoughts on the subject.
Afterthought: And no, as temptingly delicious as it would be, vampires do NOT SPARKLE like Edward Cullen. NO. No, no, no, no....nonononononononononono.
I think you get the point.
Much love and gratitude of your tolerance.
Goodnight and goodmorning.

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