Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Things Bosses Come Up With

The pictures posted will be explained. I promise. There is a method to my madness.
So I am quite obviously at work, online, and (thank god) blogging while not having to make use of my phone. I am telling you, after a half hour of pressing buttons about a fourth of the size of the nail on your middle finger, it gets a bit tedious and annoying.
Anyway, onward to the main subject of my blog for today.

My boss at 5 Buck Pizza, Schyler Judd, finally decided to get internet for his store about a month or so ago. Obviously he couldn't have his employees online all the time messing around where they didn't belong, or not paying attention and not doing their jobs, so he password protected access to the internet, as any normal person would.

The password turned out to be the universal password used for pretty much accessing anything here, and so it wasn't too long for Zach, who I am pretty sure I can label as a computer genius, to figure it out. And thus we see, through another man's smarts, I benefitted.

Now, this part is actually really funny in my opinion.

Schuyler figured out that Zach was getting online all the time. I guess it's not particularly hard to figure out, although search me on how he did it, because I know that Zach was wiping the entire internet history, cookies and all, every time he got on. I guess word just gets around.

Anyway, he changed the password to get online, naturally.

Now, sometime around the middle of last week, I was closing with Zach and we had gotten most of our priorities done, and Megan and Sam had come down to see me and steal me away early so we could go to Applebee's with Megan's new boy toy, Jerremy. Zach was just messing around on the computer as usual (I may just get bored enough to try and figure out how to post pictures on here so I can show you some of the crazy things he has come up with on the Paint program), and he suddenly called all our attention over to the computer.

Doing some ninja hacker thing that I completely failed to understand or even comprehend, he had somehow gotten to some page that displayed the new password for our computers.

Schuyler Judd had so sweetly created the new password as follows: fuckyouzack.

Maybe I'm the only one who finds this entirely hilarious, and just a little bit mean and underhanded, but hey, I guess he was assuming that we would never guess something like that, and it also allowed his feeling to be vented, considering he is constantly out-smarted by a kid that's about half his age, who has an IQ that declares him a technical genius.

God it has to suck being an adult sometimes =)

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