Sunday, November 22, 2009

18 Ain't So Sweet

Well, I've been for a few days now, and there's really nothing to report beyond what you already know. I spent a weekend with Sam again, and am bringing him down for Thanksgiving and the days prior to.

Oh, and for anyone who cares.. New Moon sucked. It was better than Twilight, they actually stuck to the storyline, and only made a few changes for plot progression, but it was all perfectly alright.
But it sucked.
I'm starting to wonder if the movie isn't just directed to have everyone but the exceptionally exuberant (Aro and Alice for example) talk in monotone and show minor facial expression.
I mean, the only acting in that movie I liked was done by not-really main characters.
Aro (He's Lucien from Underworld, for the brainless)
Alice (She has facial expressions and knows how to smile)
Jane (Dakota Fanning is a cute little girl, and I KNOW she knows how to act)
Laurent (One of the rouge vampires who travels with Victoria, he did well)
Charlie (He does the awkward loving dad really well)
Emily (Good acting, and I like how they depicted her scars from Sam)

I'm thoroughly depressed that I just named the excessive cast of minor unimportant actors as the ones I thought did the best.
Jacob stays half naked for a fair part of the movie. Guess that's an upside.
That movie sucked balls.

Well, everyone, pray for me on the drive home, because in this cold weather, at my car's age, I'm not sure it's going to survive the return voyage back to good ol' Alpine.

Peace, Love, Zen, MUSHROOMS!!!
(Lol to Megan and Angel)

1 comment:

  1. it's probably too late. you're probably back already. but just a reminder cam wants his xbox!
