Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's happening again.

First and foremost, before I dive into the deep stuff, I just want to let you all know.
I pierced my nose :)
Hurt like a motherfucker though.. God. And it bled like none other. I've never had a bonifide nose bleed in my life, but today I got to see what it would look like if I ever did. My nose really would not stop bleeding lol.
Anyway. Onward.

Stuff is changing. My vague but planned future is gone from before my eyes and replaced with indistinct images of what it could be like, but only maybe.
You know how everyone has a 5 year plan? I don't tend to go that far (loser like me doesn't want to get their hopes up too high ;) ) but I did have a plan.
AAAAANNNNDDDD now it's gone.
I guess.. I planned to go to UVU for a year, get all those Generals out of the way, then, as I'd hoped and as Sam had finally said he was okay with, I'd go to USU in Logan.
Well, my Sam has decided (not without good reason, if you haven't already read his blog, please do so, that he is going to join the Coast Guard.
To be honest, I have no idea how I feel about this, but only on a personal level. I'm glad that he's working things out for himself so he can be better.
I guess I pictured stuff a little different, you know? More to the point, I pictured being with Sam a little more than it looks like I'm going to be.
Basic training would be 8 weeks in New Jersey, and then I'd only be able to write him.

When I told Megan I was sticking with him through this, she basically looked at me like I was nuts. She said she doesn't get how I'll be able to do it.
Best part? I don't either.

I suppose you could post my mood as discouraged. I guess I'll just do what I always do, which is be outwardly optimistic and keep laughing about life with my friends. Then go home, find Sam's dog Lou, curl up with my cats, and cry it off when it gets to be too much.
It's worked in the past.

End of story: I love him. I'll do anything for him. Even if 'anything' means waiting for him to come home to me. I know what he is doing is for the better. I know it's what he wants. So I'll support him. That's my job, right?
A guy's perfect girlfriend checklist:
  • Love
  • Support
  • Food
  • Sex
That's the condensed list.
And I'm joking about the last one :)
(Okay not really.)



  1. Life is so unpredictable sometimes, isn't it? Hope you're doin okay.

  2. WHAT YOU PIERCED YOUR NOSE!?!!? i guess tragedy's are happening everywhere, but the only thing constant is change. yours/his relationship will be tested, your/his loyalty will be tested. and we'll see where you guys stand here soon. (don't worry i believe in you guys) but i still wouldn't stray too far from the chocolate.) (its chocolate after all)

  3. So to set this straight I don't think you're nuts. I know you're doing what I would do. I meAn look what I'm doing now. I'm only partially insane from the stress. So I don't blame you I just don't think I could be that strong. That's simply it.
