Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It was an accident of a vehicular variety.

If any of you have noted, as Alyse has, the rather..erm...downtrodden tone of my blogs, I need to apologize. I guess the past week just really hasn't been a good one.
I am famous for working myself into unnecessary depressions, and overreacting about stuff that hasn't even happened...
For instance. (Dumb example.)
Say... I have a pumpkin. A really nice pumpkin. I like this pumpkin a lot, and it's my favorite thing ever. this pumpkin to someone and don't see it for a long time.
I start working myself up thinking that the pumpkin will get lost, or smashed, or I'll just never see it again, and before I know it, I'm upset and depressed and emotional over something that hasn't happened, and most likely won't happen.
See, I do this to myself over things, and people.
So, due to this awesome character flaw, I really haven't had a great week.
I have a great boyfriend.
Whoooooo has a habit of walking in right when things are at their worst and saying or doing something that just..makes everything okay again. Even if it is only just bearable, he makes it better. He did that for me last night, and all of today.
Now, it's story time.
I ran into someone with my car.
No one died, sorry to disappoint.

Okay. So I had a really sucky day at work (I covered for Megan on Tuesday) and I had just gotten off. I was upset, tired, messed up over Sam, and life was just..shit, basically.
I reversed out of my spot in 5 Buck, not even looking behind me and BAM!!! I ran straight into the back of this guy in a white van driving behind me.
I got some little black scratches over his rear left wheel, on the side of his car, and that was it, so I considered myself lucky.
It was him, his two young boys and his wife, and he worked just over at the Whistle Wok right by 5 Buck, and he was really nice, if not very obviously upset with this turn of events in his night.
We exchanged information, and he said that he would have his car looked at to be fixed and quote me a price to pay.
Now, I am going out of my way to keep this from my parents. I am trying to pay him out of pocket so A: My mom and dad don't have to know and B: So our insurance rates don't go up or anything.
Anyway, so he called me today, and said that the Auto Collision Shop in A.F. quoted him 800 FREAKING DOLLARS to get a couple of black marks fixed up on his car.
As we can imagine, I freaked.
But he, being the exceptionally and inordinately kind man that he is, asked me for 350 and he would pay the rest.
At this point I need to add that I have friends that are too good for me. Megan said she'll help me with the 150 I need ( I told the guy, Roul, I should call him, that I could pay him 200 on the spot; I just got paid), and so I am going to be able to somehow work all this out.
Sam is also helping me with gas money for when I go see him in Logan this weekend.
Everyone I know is just too good for me, they really are. I don't deserve the friends and boyfriend I have, and I am very grateful for them.
I'd literally be dead without them.
So my day today was wonderful, and life is getting back to being a little closer to peachy keen.
I'm so excited to see my boyfriend :)
I should probably throw on something for Megan too..
And Alyse, for staying up until 2:45 on the phone discussing life last night. I miss doing that. Thanks for staying on with me hun. :) I miss talking to you all the time.

I guess it's really hard to look on the bright side of things when there's seeming to always be a cloudy sky above. But with cloudy skies comes warmer days, and rain to dance in. And when it gets windy and cold, you get to go inside with the person you love most and cuddle under some blankets to watch a good movie :)

Night all :)
Think of all the people who make your cloudy days worth going through.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my lordy. 800?! Remind me to never care enough about my (future, figurative) car to repair dings.

    I miss talking to you all the time too. Life is lame without you constantly there.

    Call me more often.

    And have a good time in Logan this weekend! We will undoubtedly hang out next week. Without fail. Cause this week just didn't work out.

    Much love, I'll kick that cloud's ass whenever you want me to :)
