Monday, November 16, 2009

Holy of Holies

So, as some of you may have otherwise been informed, I have money problems. But, somehow, due to my insane work schedule, the generosity of friends, the fact that my birthday is on the seventeeth, and a healthy dose of sheer dumb luck, I have suddenly come come up basically even.
I have to pay for my full phone bill (Sam, I love you, get a job soon babe), pay for my car battery (I'm driving the little Honda Civic Del Sol, it's sexy >:) ), I have to pay Megan back (I hit Mr. Mexican and his precious WHITE van..), pay for car insurance (which, thankfully, did not go up due to my speeding ticket), pay for my speeding ticket (that I thankfully did not get screwed on), and monthly gas expenditures.. etc.
I have, due to my exceptional awesomeness, figured out how to pay for all this. I feel..well, awesome.

The point of all that, was, that today, I finally found myself with some extra cash. And, for the first time in about.. one or two months, I had sushi. Gorgeous, wonderful, delectable sushi, in all its glorious perfection. I didn't realize how much I missed that stuff until I ate it again.
My parents are taking me to lunch there tomorrow. :) So I get to further indulge. I'm so happy!!

So, (still on the subject of food), apparently I'm destined to have three cakes this year. First, Sam's mom made me one; it was star-shaped and had this really yummy icing on it. Hehe XP. Sam made the cake. His whole family can cook, it's almost annoying, because I really can't cook at all.
The second was the cream cheese pie my mom made me last night. It's like the better tasting version of cheesecake, because I don't like cheese cake that much, with cherries on top. It's to die for, to say the least.
Then, third and final Jerremy's mom (?????) is making me one that has to do with lots of chocolate and Andes Mint shavings on top.. I sort of accidentally saw/overheard Shauna (Jerr's mom) and Megan talking about it. I don't know how they didn't see me standing at the end of the bed...but whatever works.

The moral of this story?
I am going to get fat.
And right after my birthday comes Thanksgiving, which I am celebrating with the Tooley Clan this year. They have this tendancy to make enough food to feed double the attending party..
Then my grandparents are coming out and I'm having a second Thanksgiving that Sunday, three days later.
The moral of that story??
I'm going to get REALLY. REALLY. FAT.

In other news.. I had to drive my dad to the hospital on Sunday morning, the day my Uncle Mark and my cousin Steven were due to arrive, but later in the afternoon.
My dad was in crippling pain, and I was almost angry that the doctors took as long as they did.
Lo and behold, my father had kidney stones.
After talking to people, those people including doctors, I found out (even though I had already suspected this) that kidney stones are hereditary.
Earlier today I heard my mom on the phone with my Grandma, and apparently kidney stones comes from both sides of my family..
I told my mom that, for the moment, I was grateful that I'm not blood related to either of my parents.
They say that the pain of having kidney stones is only second to childbirth. So guys, try having kidney stones the size of golf balls.
And that really does not make me excited for kids either.
I'll just have cats.
That sounds good.

I'm actually not happy about turning 18. It's like this huge milestone that I've been waiting for since I was fourteen, and now that it's here, I'm terrified that I have nothing to show for it. I'm not where I thought I would be when I turned 18 years old, and I've also used up about 1/4 of my life on Earth.
Just think. In about sixty years (assuming I live to eighty-ish) I'll be dead.
Alright, so that's just a bit melodramatic.
I still don't want to be 18, despite the benefits.
But, inevitably, tomorrow morning around eight am, I will be eighteen years of age..
I feel old. I can almost feel the wrinkles coming on!!

I can remember what I was doing last year though. I was with Sam. And I'm still with Sam. Oddly, I think that's the best birthday present of all. He's loved me this long, he still loves me..
despite, well, everything.
I love you, baby :)

Now, what should I spend my birthday money on?


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