Friday, February 27, 2009

Relapse: Prevent. Trigger intent. Highstrung? Say X amount of words.

I am going through big changes in my life right now. I'm losing and gaining important things, learning, growing up. I am starting to understand what it means to grow up. Considering I know nothing about that, this is a good thing.
I know..I really cry about my life a lot. I complain, and vent, and generally paste my feelings online for everyone to go vexate themselves with while reading them. But I do it for a good reason, in my own mind.
I think I want answers. I have this here because I want a solution for my problems to come out of nowhere and astound me.
Kind of like people asking God for a sign he exists.
The similarity: Unless I wanna be struck dumb or just plain killed, it ain't getting me nowhere.

Ok, seriously. I just have too much inside my head to get out. And a lot of it is really, really personal, to the point where I feel like I can only tell Alyse what's going on. But you can understand why I don't like doing that.
I don't want to emotionally unload on a 14 year old eighth grader, who has quite enough problems of her own without me freaking out about my past, present, and future. Even though she says she doesn't mind.

Maybe I need to learn to trust more. You tell me. Although I am pretty sure trusting people is not something I'll be doing much of in the future. I sort of think I got betrayed by a few people I thought were my friends. Paranoia does stuff to you.

Of course, all of this ties into Sam. Or at least a very large part of it does, since he has been the focal point of the last six and a half months of my life. I mean, I've missed about a weeks worth of time not seeing him, since August. I do not jest when I say he IS my life. Or was anyway, until this shit happened.

So, obviously, I am extremely stressed about our relationship. I want to get through it, stay with him, because I love him, and at one point had myself deluded enough into thinking that he wanted to be with me in the literal sense of forever. Hell if I know whether or not that's still true.

Because of recent events, I can't even see him outside my own house. And today (it's still today in my head seeing as I have yet to go to bed), I almost really messed up. Like bad. If my dad weren't so forgiving, and if I weren't so excessivly emotional that I can cry on command, I probably would have just lost Sam. End of story. Be it my own decision or my parents, it would have happened. I'm walking a smaller and tigher rope than I had previously understood it to be. Now I know.

I almost exploded. My head did the whole overload scenario. Just flashing words and pictures and events and feelings all jumbled together, overwhelming me. I was seeing all the time that had to pass before I could be with Sam how we used to be. My getting caught and the possibility of going to North Carolina. What school I want to go. Getting my GED. Where I want to move out. How on earth will I get a new job? How will I get a car? Will I be able to live with my friends happily? And Sam was prevalent in all of these feelings.

It may be unhealthy for me to do this, in fact I'm almost sure it is, but I base the rough draft of my life around him.
Example: Mike (ex) just asked me the other night if I wanted him to help me get into Weber State. If I wanted to go to school there with him. And I felt the oddest pull in the direction of 'yes'. Not because I want to leave everything I have here, but because I yearn for self-fulfillment, for new and good things in my life.
Then I thought of Sam. And sat back. And said no to Mike.

If I go to North Carolina, I'll lose Sam. When Sam goes off to school, will I be able to follow?

Tonight was, in short, overwhelming. Great word. I pity whoever thought it up though, because they must have been having one hell of a night.

And here's a really scary thought for you. I want to move in with Sam.
YEEEEEEE-AAAAAAHHHH....This is how I see it. A girl asking a guy if she can live with him or come live with her, however it works, is a HUMONGOUS step in a relationship. Like, the monstrosity of all steps. Besides other petty things like engagement, marriage and kids.

And I've told him I want to before. I think. Point being, I have mentioned it with a serious tone in my voice. And I did something like that tonight. I can tell it freaked him out, just a teeney-weeney bit.

Ever since that goddamn letter, I have felt the stress and tension on every serious subject I discuss with him. And our conversations often go in circles too. How much this sucks, how we wish it wouldn't have happened and that things were still the same. Which is why I joked around about moving in with him. To MAKE stuff change. I want my life back. And my head, that is a rational/illogical way of getting it.
Confused? Me too.

So, here's the conclusion I have come to. And please don't take my initial response the wrong way, because I will explain my reasoning directly after.

I need to put my relationship on the back burner of the massive stove that is my life.

That sounds really negative, right?

Well, here's why I say it. See, I need a new job. I need a time filler so obeying my parents won't be so much of an effort, and rather something I just do, because I have other things going on.
I need to detach myself from Sam a little bit. That has a couple reasons to it.

For one, I don't have a choice, my parents are 'monitoring' our contact right now. For two.... *Warning: Blunt Moment* We...seriously, have GOT to stop sleeping with least for now..., cuz that is the line between me going to North Carolina and staying home where I can fix things. (And even though Sam says it, I don't think he would really follow me out there. I don't. And if anyone wants to be clever and bring this up and get a real answer out of him on that one, go for it, cuz I'd love to hear it. For conformation or reassurance, either works fine.)

For two, since I don't know where we are going and where we will end up, or just end, I need to be ready if he isn't going to be in my life anymore. I've been through the endless days of not knowing what to do with myself because, oh, I just lost my one true love, and as glorious as it was, that's not a place I desire to revisit ever again. I'm putting up my walls again. Good and bad.

For three. I want to be self dependant. So. SO. SO, bad. And even if you are supposed to rely on your significant other, I am in a place where I want to wall myself away from everything and just depend on me, the one thing I can count on not to let me down. It's not a healthy feeling. I recognize this. I should be open to others, and be able to do that and be comfortable and rely on myself. But that is just not happening right now.

So there. I am an unsure, demotivated kid who has a serious complex with wanting to grow up too fast. First step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Okay, now what the fuck do I do.

To close, I have a new theme to add to my blog. At the end or beginning of every one, I am going to have a quote, or my horoscope, something like that, be it pertaining to the day or not. It's just something I feel like doing.

So here's today's love quote. Considering the recent circumstances, I found it very appropriate.

"To love, for us men, is to clasp one woman with our arms, feeling that she lives and breathes just as we do, suffers as we do, thinks with us, loves with us, and, above all, sins with us".
--Baroness Orczy

So true.
Goodnight duckies.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Aim for the Heart, Stab my Lung

In leiu of recent events, I find a blog is in order, along with some good news.
Thanks to Samuel Tooley, who is good for so much more than just his technological genius (which was put in effect), my computer has again decided that it will give me internet access. You have no idea how wonderful it feels to know that I can type this, post it, and maybe go play around on Myspace for the next six hours and watch chipmunks tap dance on Youtube. The endless power at my fingertips, totally wasted on infantile pastimes.
God I love being a teenager.

Okay, now for some slightly heavier stuff. Sam came over to talk to my parents tonight. It will suffice to say that five minutes on a couch with your boyfriend, looking across at your parents, and all of you knowing that this meeting is because you've had sex with said boyfriend....I cannot possibly stress how utterly awkward that was. I did okay I think....tracing patterns on Sam's arm and wishing I was anywhere but where I was right then.
So here's the verdict.
One: I have to go see my Stake President. Mum and Dad say that I don't have to 'confess' what I guess is going to happen is I am going to go see him, and he will pick my brain with ninja powers to see why exactly it is that I am in his office.
In other words, I pretty much have to explain what happened, why I am there, etc, which equals up to an unrepentant version of the confession my parents are so dying for me to give. I guess they're hoping for a ray of light to pierce my heart, then I'll randomly see my wrongs for what they are and change my errant ways.
Two: I have to read a book called "The Miracle of Forgiveness". Happy days. Thank heaven I am a fast reader. I'll be able to get through it reasonably fast, and hope I don't just die of boredom and annoyance. Maybe I'll fold origami cranes out of every page I get through. That sounds quite entertaining.
Three: Sam and I can only see eachother under the supervision of my parents. Now, there is a fine print that I added to this one.
Sam and I can only see eachother (within the bounds of my parents infinite knowledge) when my parents are around.
In other words I am going to the mall with Sam on Thursday. Totally, utterly unsupervised. Oh god. We are going to go strip eachother in the changing room of Hot Topic.....hey...that sounds kinda fun..NO totally kidding.

I mean, could be worse, right? *reference the pleading tone in my voice that is begging for you to agree with me*

See, I'm okay with all this. Because two out of three things pertain to me and only me, and Sam has nothing to do with it, which means less stress for him.

But I'm still really scared. When he came over, he was almost utterly shut down. You know, it was still him, being him, but it wasn't. I dunno. It was scary though...

He was the same way after we all talked. I took him downstairs to show him the basement, and he was still being...ah, standoffish, that's the word. Like, very much so. It scared me.
He just kept telling me to give him time, let him deal with it.
That normally right now, the Sam inside him would be telling him to run, run very far away from all this. For some reason that made me extremely sad when he said that, because I knew that was exactly what he wanted to do, and to hear him put it in words just made me feel even more awful for him having to go through this.
But he said he wanted to be with me. That he loves me. Then he ran his finger down my nose and held my chin and asked if I trusted him.
I trust him with all my heart. And I told him so.
Hearing him say that normally he would just run from a situation like this, then saying that he loves me and he's staying, because he loves me, makes me...I dunno. Feel like Alyse is right. Right when she quotes 'He's just not that into you'.
"Your not the Rule. Your the Exception."

I want to be Sam's exception. And I'm so happy he is doing this. He will never understand what it means to me. Ever.

Oh, another minor stipulation.
If my parents find out I have had sex with Sam again (this is a theoretical situation) I am getting sent to live with my grandparents in North Carolina until I am 18 years old. End of story. Scary.....

Funny story though, to lighten this slightly morose tone.

When Sam and I were saying goodbye, Brantley drove by us. =) Yeah, you have got to be smiling right now too.
Nothing happened (unfortunately) but Sam did walk after the car yelling something to the extent of "Fuck you, you piece of shit, fuck you, go to hell." etc. Very eloquent, you know.
I finally let myself tell Sam that the decision to go beat the hell out of Brantley truly is his own decision to make..which I found rather difficult, but see as a better thing in the long run. Sam knows it's not going to make things better, so he's less likely to do it..especially when he only has himself to contend with on the decision. Or so he told me.

Anyway, I am IMing Alyse..and not really paying much attention..and texting Mike...who I can already tell is disappointed tonight went 'well', if you can call it that....I mean, I think it's a success if I am still dating Sam after this and he hasn't totally given up on any sensible guy would have by now.
But yeah.
So I am going to say goodnight, sleep well, love you all.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Past, Present, and Future

"Strip for me, as I strip for you. I've got nothing to hide." - Blaqk Audio
So I don't know if this will be short yet or not. I have a few things to talk about, just a few, and one of them is slightly sensitive, so I'm not entirely sure about posting whatever, I trust whoever reads this.
Okay, so first, I want to talk about Brantley. I've realized that I don't want to be his friend ever again, but I've also realized that I don't want things to end badly between us. I still want to be able to talk to Hayleigh, and not have her hate me because of what went on between Brant and me at the end.So I think I need to go to his house and talk to him. Just say thank you and sorry, say what needs to be said, and then just leave it at that. Leave him alone.Quite obviously he's happy nowadays, and the thing between him and Megan seems to have stopped, so I don't really have a reason to hate him. And even if he keeps cheating on Hayleigh, I don't want that to be my problem. I don't want to have to care about him and his life anymore. That is one less problem in my life, which sounds pretty nice to me.
Next, Megan.
I don't know what to think of her. Maybe we've become indifferent to eachother, her more so. Maybe we'll stay friends. Maybe we won't. Maybe she'll end up hating me. I guess I don't really care about that either. I won't push things in a negative direction, I don't want her to be upset with me or dislike me, but what happens, happens. Something is definetly going to happen between her and I, sooner or later. I just hope I'm ready for it when it does.
Next, me.
This is the awkward part. *sigh* I took a pregnancy test this morning. Half paranoia, half to get rid of it, half to convince myself of something.I wanted to be sure that I could...I guess, start again with a somewhat clean slate as far as Sam and I are concerned. Obviously the past few days have been a huge turning point for our relationship, and I want a clear mind to go with that.This is really hard to explain. It all has something to do with personal closure though. Just telling myself that a piece of our relationship is over. I dunno.But, either way, I'm not pregnant, which I am very happy about, because now I can get on with fixing things with Sam without having to freak out over a potential child walking into our lives.And hey, I was allowed to be worried. =) All girls are.
Next, me and Sam.
Last night, it was quite obvious that I didn't want us to end. And I guess you could say that Sam was the one to finally just initiate the break-up. I'm pretty sure he would agree with me.He said that he just had to go through 'that', to be able to realize that he didn't want us to be over. Or something to that extent anyway. I suppose he meant re-evaluating his life, and losing me, just everything in one.I understand. Just wish there was a less painful way that he could have gone about realizing all this....hehehe, no, it's alright. It was pretty funny though, now that I look back on it. My brain was so freaking angry with me last night, because in a matter of minutes I go from almost completely depressed, and feeling like all my insides are missing, to slowly filling up with this weird liquid happiness that just got hotter and hotter until I didn't notice anything was wrong with me anymore, because nothing was. My world was okay again.Like I told Jorden. I think I just felt every possibly human emotion in the past couple of days. So my brain turned off, and settled for throbbing angrily for the next couple of hours. 'Twas a very interesting feeling.
Next, Mike.
I wish I could have avoided involving him in all this. I ended up having to tell him what was going on simply because I wanted to ask him if it was him that wrote that letter, back when I was still determined to find out.We were on the phone that night after Sam and I got back together, and he told me that he was completely disgusted with himself. For a moment I thought he was going to tell me that he had written the damn thing.But instead he told me what I already knew.He had figured that, after the letter, if he could just push things in the right direction, manipulate the situation a litte bit, that he could get me back. That's why I feel so bad for him, and sincerely wish I had never mentioned anything to him, never let him know there was a problem, at least not until very much after the fact. What's done is done though. It'll work itself out, like all the other things in my life. Except it's sure to include lots and lots of petty know I'm right.
Next. The future.
I don't know it. I can only hope for the best. Hope that all this really does get resolved. That Sam and I can stick to our commitment and make it work. I think we can. I know my heart is in it all the way. Hooray for the unpredictable.Then again, what fun would life be if we always knew what was coming, huh?
A good morning to you all. Bye for now.

Twenty Four Hours Later

(Written 2/23/09)
Tonight..was the most awful, horrible, eye-opening night of my life. It was also the most wonderful, amazing, tender, heart-warming thing I have ever been through. Sure, that doesn't make any sense, I'm quite sure your utterly lost, but it all has to do with Sam, which should explain a lot. I think everyone who reads this will already know exactly what has gone down over the past few days. So I will give a hopefully summed up version of events in order to keep from wasting time and cyberspace, and also so I can get everything down that I need to, for documentation purposes. =)
Alright. So this started on Friday, when my parents recieved an anonymous letter in the mail about me. This letter was not brought up until Saturday afternoon when, while I was at work, my dad called Sam under the pretense of asking if he wanted some excess furniture we had when he moved out. He proceeded to ask exactly when Sam was planning on moving out, and also inquired about my curfew; he wanted to know how often I was with Sam when this happened. Sam and I had decided that it was time to 'tell my parents' he was 'moving out'. Of course they were supposed to think this was a recent thing, and it would just take a lot of stress off our relationship that I had felt lately coming from my parents. Instead of an easy transition, however, this letter walked into existance and decided to mess with my life a little bit more.
I did not get my eyes/hands on this letter until tonight, Sunday. My parents handed it to me, and I flipped it open immediately, only to see that it was typed. The only thing hand written was the name and address, and since I did not recognize any specific writing style I'd seen before, I prodeeded to open the letter.
This is how it read:
Over the past few months your daughter, Jenessa, has been lying to the both of you quite frequently. Beginning with her and Mike's separation, she began to descend into a darker state of mind and soon that darkness manifested itself in her actions. WIth all the problems and turmoil she kept inside, she started to use outlets that have the potential to limit her options for later on in life.Over the course of approximately a year she has stolen multiple hundreds of dollars in merchandise from various stores. From what I know she has never been caught but if she is it would be detrimental to her future.Jenessa's relationship with Sam began to escalate as the time they spent together grew more frequent. Soon it became mainly focused on intercourse. This dramatically increased once Sam moved out into his own apartment. She frequently spends the night at Sam's apartment, masking it by telling you she is staying at a girls house.When she and Mike had sex it was never premediated and it was viewed as a mistake, though it seems that when she and Sam have sex they treat it like it is normal and acceptable. I assume that this is due to the getting drunk and having sex lifestyle that she and Sam seem to have adopted.Sam, being newly independent and having new expenses, is struggling to make ends meet and having a girlfriend isn't making it any easier. Sam is in no position to be a father or a husband, and by continuing to have sex they are on the path towards both.I just want what's best for Jenessa, she is a daughter of God and knows it and I feel obligated to do all I can to get her back to her Heavenly Father.

I have to say, this anonymous writer makes some good points. Stealing WILL be detrimental to my future. Thank God I stopped. That was wrong, very bad, and not something I intend to continue.I was lying too much to my parents. Which obviously just makes everything worse when all the lies come out from under the table. My relationship with Sam was getting really out of hand, I guess by normal standards. I mean, people do what we do all the time...but by Mormon standards I guess that we were like utterly beyond out of control rather than just getting there.Sam is in no position to be a father or a husband right now, or in the near future. And I feel absolutely awful for having taken part in putting him in a situation where he may of had to consider being one or both of those things at this moment in time.You can win any Mormon over by throwing in the feelings of obligation to help aforementioned rebellious teenager back to her Heavenly Father.
No bad reflections on God, because I realize that's what he wants for me too, but really, I have to hand it to whoever wrote this, because it was perfect. No blame was placed, and no straightforward opinions shared, all it did was make the reader think exactly what the writer wanted them too, without the reader ever even realizing it.
At this point, I find it prudent to share my theory on exactly how this letter came into being. I think that it was a collaborative effort. This next part halfway makes me feel like shit for saying it. Because I only care about one of the two people I am about to mention. I think this was created, written and composed by Megan Rooker, and Brantley Miller.
I don't really care about Brantley, and I can say that with blunt honesty. I hold the same indifference toward Brantley that he does towards Sam. Which is something close to utter loathesome contempt.Cut out the loathesome part and that's what I feel towards Brantley at this point in my life.But Megan, she has been a really great friend to me, and didn't deserve to be treated the way she was by me over the past six to seven months. I feel genuinely awful about how I have behaved. And to even have to consider that she took part in orchestrating the perfect singular one-blow destruction of my life, hurts...a lot.But I suppose that's how life works. To quote Anberlin - 'We end up hurting the worst, the only ones we truly love.'I just hope this wasn't about vengance. Cuz that only makes this harder to consider.
I told Sam to wait for twenty four hours for everything to work out. It was a shot in the dark, words spoken in a desperate attempt at comfort.But twenty four hours later, everything has come out alright. I did break up with Sam. And it was more painful than I had ever expected, not being his, even though I'm pretty sure that didn't last for more than an hour.But I'm his again. And he loves me. More than he ever has before. So everything will be okay. I love him just as much.
Jorden said something that made me really happy. Couples that work through things like this are the ones that last. I sincerely hope that's true.
Thank you to Alyse, Jorden, Cameron, Deena, Mike and Alex. You have all helped me through so much, loved me during every second of it, and I am so grateful. Words cannot express how much I love each and every one of you. Thank you, again. You're all completely amazing. I respect you, I trust you, and I would do anything for you.
Much love, duckies, and goodnight for now.

A Love Hate Relationship

(Written 2/20/09)Last night..was one of those nights where I had a reality check on my 'self'. You know, my own person, my integrity, who I am, really, and who I've become. And for about an hour, I really hated it. Hated myself. Loathed myself.It's like everything came back to haunt. Even if it was just for a little while, those memories found me curled on the bathroom sink shaking with tears, hugging myself tighter and tighter simply because I was terrified I was falling apart.I know that I will be alright, that things will turn out. I know I am doing things that are wrong, and my only justification for that is, at least I know it's wrong. I don't think I'm going to change though. I know I am messing up my future, potentially permanently, and I think that was half of why I was sobbing so hard. The other half was me mourning what I've lost in these past six to seven months.
Let me clarify. Ever since Mike and I broke up, I've gradually been losing more and more of my friends. Even after we did, I still hung out with everyone I knew from school, saw Megan all the time, went down to the school for lunch, made time for everyone.Then I started dating Sam. And everything changed.I wanted to be with him all the time. If anyone wanted to talk to me, or hang out with me, or pretty much see me at all, it almost always had to be while I was with him. This wasn't so bad during summer, because he had work, and Megan and my other friends could come over in the morning. I worked with Megan more often. I still saw everyone.Then school started, and I wasn't going back like everyone else.It's just gotten worse. Megan always found a way to kidnap me, and she and Brantley and I talked almost every single night on the phone until one or two am.But then, at the end of December, Brantley and I got in our fight. The one that separated us as friends, for what I think will be forever. I stopped talking to him. I stopped talking to Megan. The two people I trusted, loved, and saw the most were no longer a part of my life. I stopped with Megan because, after my fight with Brantley, I had been staying out later and later. And Sam had an apartment, so I'd be coming home at twelve, one, two in the morning. And she had school, she couldn't always stay up.
People are always texting me and saying how they miss me, old friends trying to get in touch. Alex Brown has moved away, a really good friend of mine, and whereas we used to talk a lot and sneak out to see one another, or him, myself and Mike would go play like we always used to, we don't now. He's gone, in a different state. And although I miss him, I seem so indifferent that I haven't even emailed him.All my friend I used to see at lunchtime at school with Mike. Abe, little Mike, Michelle, Chase, Brittani, they're all gone. My best friends who I really cared about. Alaine, Megan, Brantley, they're disappearing.Hayeigh hates me.Cosette and I hardly talk anymore.Xandra, Emma, Cole, I never see them.Kris, I ignore a lot. Spencer I see, but he's just persistant. And it's not how it used to be.Chelsea and I haven't talked in forever..since two summers ago, really. The only people I see are the ones who persist to see me.That list is as follows:Alex MinerMike HansenSpencer HansenMegan Rooker - On occasion, since she has Jerremy.Take everyone I miss, and used to see..and that's the four names I can come up with.I'm kind of a terrible friend.
Now I do have to look at the upside of this.I didn't add in some of my new friends to that, because they fall under the 'since they are with Sam, I see them all the time' category. Point being, they live with him. Or are dating someone who lives with him.Alyse, Jorden, Deena and Cameron.Alyse. I have known..well, forever. Since she was eight, I think. I knew her sister for six or seven years, I dated her brother for a while, and now I've known her for half her life. I've pretty much known her whole FAMILY half their lives.I've become very close with her of late, seeing as she is dating Jorden, and we now talk on a constant basis. I can trust her with everything, something I've never done with another person on this planet, and I cherish her friendship very much.Jorden. He and I hit it off as friends so quick and easy it's almost weird, but I can't say I mind. He was like the best friend who came in and filled the aching gap that Brantley had left inside me. And he wasn't a replacement, not at all, if that's what it sounds like. He's someone I can talk to very easy, express my fears to without worrying about being judged. and can laugh and have fun with at the drop of a hat.Deena. I've gotten to know her since I started dating Sam, honestly, I was viciously jealous of her in the first few months of being with Sam, which I find very funny now. She's really sweet, and absolutely hilarious, and while we may not be the absolute bestest of friends, I still count her. And I know what she means to Sam.Cameron. He came to live with Jorden, Dee and Sam a few weeks ago. Although if it were a shorter time frame I wouldn't be surprised, it seems like a long time to me because I've gotten along with him so well. This guy is so freaking funny, and while I can honestly say I didn't know what to think of him when I first met him, I think he is completely kickass now. He makes me laugh all the time, he's so witty with some of the things he says. He's trying to quit smoking right now, so the whole aparment is supporting him in that, and really, he's just an all around awesome guy. A new addition to the little clan of boys who like to do ridiculous things like shoot garbage off the top balcony to try and hit the dumpsters.
So there's my new, and not so new, in Alyse's case, friend buddies. The happy side of my life that is a constant now.But I now I think I have to explain why I was so upset last night.It wasn't because I thought of all this myself.It was because Brantley, after about a month of total silence, texted me yesterday out of the blue, saying we needed to talk.
I already knew it couldn't be good news, simply because he had been so happily ignoring me all this time, and I, him.I was so right, too. Cheers to an emotional blast from the past.He was calling to make sure that some rumors that were messing up Hayleigh, that could have only started with me, stopped. Or else, he said, he was pretty much going to fuck up my and Alyse's lives. And he could do it, too. This conversation lasted about forty five minutes, in which amount of time, he made me feel like our fight was all my fault, made me realize what a horrible, moral-less person I am, made me see what I've done to people, and what I've lost by being so obsessed with Sam, himself included in that category.
I texted Sam, really needing him to come get me, come see me, something to just make my brain shut up. For the first time in...about seven months, I was reduced right back to what I was in mid-July. I wanted to cut myself again, I hated myself again, I was crying, which I never do anymore.I've figured out that only Brantley will ever be able to cut me that deep. Maybe with a few exceptions.But Sam was drunk. Perfect timing, huh? Right then I hated alcohol. Because that stupid drink was the only reason I couldn't see the person I really needed to. I wanted to blame Jorden for getting the alcohol, Sam for drinking it, I wanted just something, anything to blame for why I couldn't become happy right now. Then I stopped. I was being childish. And anyway, Sam was calling me.I talked to Sam on the phone for a little more than a half hour, and after crying almost the entire time, we got off the phone with me in a minimally better mood.I just went upstairs and turned on as many distractions as I could. I played music, then started watching Chuck while I cooked noodles and made myself spaghetti. Afterward I went upstairs and typed a few pages of my new story, until the subject matter started scaring me since it was two am.After that I just turned on Blaqk Audio and went to sleep. I just turned my brain off after talking to Sam. I couldn't afford to sit there and go back to hating myself. Because really, if I re-evaluate my life to thoroughly, I could start losing even more, because of myself. If that makes sense.
Thanks for letting me ramble on. I would have typed this up the other night, but I knew I had to be in the right frame of mind.
Lots of love and fuzzy things.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Words for the Bettering of Mankind

Personal Quote for the Day:
"The decisions we make in life, will echo in eternity." - - Maximus; Gladiator

I do hope that I will be able to get this online, since my computer no longer habitually resides at Sam's apartment, seeing as he has finally aquired one of his own, and quite the ninja one at that.

So, remember maybe a month or so ago, I'm not entirely sure, when I first started my blog? It began on Myspace, sparked by Mike blogging almost every single day, be it about something important or not. I started writing one or two a week, always long, and always about a specific subject, or subjects. I found the words coming easy to my fingers, and quickly discovered this was something I very much enjoyed spending my time doing.
I then decided, after a little while, that I didn't want all of my thoughts and secrets out for the public of myspace to see. After my second or third post I realized that I would be posting potentially compromising secrets online, or personal things that I would prefer not to be read by people who qualified as 'just Myspace friends.'
I'm sure we all know the type of people I'm talking about.
You met them once, hung out, laugh together, see one another on occasion but never became remarkably close? There you go, I'm sure you can come up with a few.
So I, after a further tip off from Mike, who's mother has a blog that I now follow for my own amusement, I got myself a little piece of cyberspace under There I have been fractionally more faithful about posting, although I've only done ten blogs or so.
I've found it to be very theraputic, especially when I am in a very deep mood, be it happy, angry, or simply contemplative. I can get my feelings out, and I am writing at the same time, which is something I have inexplicably loved since I was very, very young. Perfect combination for me.

So I got on, started blogging, and told Alyse and Jorden what I was up to, because both had picked up on my Myspace blogs already.
The two of them both had Blogspot accounts, Alyse's was inactive and Jorden simply hadn't posted in forever, which constitutues down to practically the same thing. Alyse began posting on occasion, and then Jorden, who had been having some problems, picked up writing as well very soon after.
This developed into our own triangle where we would write more for eachother, I think, than anyone else, post our feeling to our friends. I liked it, and it also helped me explain things better; if I didn't want to talk about the problems I was having, I could always write it down and know they would go read it. Then we could discuss it later once I was in a stable frame of mind.
Then, outside our blogging world, Cameron, a longtime friend of Sam, Deena, and Jorden, came to live temporarily at the apartment. Unbeknownst to me, he was the Cameron that Sam had talked about, the one who had deserted the Marines because of his exceptional romantic draw towards Deena, among other things.
This was the first time that he had been home in two years, after getting an honorable discharge from the Marines and returning to, as he puts it so cannily, 'civilian life'. He joined us, and I liked him straight off; he's witty and amusing, easy to talk to, and fun to banter with.
I was happy to hear he was sticking around with some degree of permanence after getting to know him; although it's just until he gets his feet under himself and can go back to living life on his own.
Quite suddenly I had a new friend.
Which is where the creature that is the urge to blog struck again.
Cameron is addicted to cigarettes. One night, probably only a few days ago, he was having particularly bad cravings, seeing as he is trying to quit smoking. After becoming friends with him I think I'm safe to say that I am very proud of him for trying.
Jorden, on what I consider to be a rather genius whim, told him to go blog his feelings. And so Cameron became another one of the blog groupies, labelling his blog something to the extent of The War On Nicotine. Quite appropriate.

Two days after Valentines, I decided to post a few story-style journal entries I wrote in the first few weeks of dating Sam. It came in two parts, the start being our first date, kiss, all that, and the second being when he first said he loved me.
Alyse, after reading what was probably, and mostly likely will stay as, my longest blog ever posted, made her comment about my potentially going into journalism. She said that was almost better than a Nicholas Sparks romance novel, which I laughed off (that man is romantically gifted), but nonetheless, it was quite the compliment to be given.
Sam was around when I was telling Jorden everything Alyse was texting me about my blog, and much, much later that night, Jorden finally got around to reading it as well.
During a moment when Jorden was away from the computer, Sam went to mess around with some things and started reading somewhere in the middle of my blog. I couldn't tell at the time, as I was dragging him away from the computer screen to go to bed, if he was interested in my writing or not. He had been around me, Jorden, and Alyse when we discussed our own blogs and seen me signing on and off, writing occasionally, but I really never thought he was too curious.
Then, tonight. Well, yesterday. Okay fine, then, the seventeenth of February.
Sam announces randomly that he made himself an account on Blogspot.
We officially have the whole apartment minus Deena writing now.
I get the feeling Sam got his account more so he could read the rest of ours, which is alright, because, who knows, after reading he may want to begin his own. His blog name very clearly states the fact that he doesn't know why he's even on Blogspot, it's his blog that he really doesn't know what to do with or what to put on it.
But like I said, I'll just wait and see what happens.

Sidenote: I love how so far, I have heard from two people in my blog square (now a pentagon) that they 'don't think they are good at blogging'. Both Sam and Cameron voiced this similarity in opinion. I find it amusing, because there isn't a specific way to be good at blogging, really. Jorden has complimented me by saying that he always gets sucked into reading my own writing, just how I phrase things I suppose, and Alyse has suggested getting myself into some journalism classes when I go to college. ( I had originally said 'if/when' I go to college, but then decided that I really just don't like that 'if' word half as much as I used to.)
But really, what people need to understand is, when you write, whatever your reason, just write. You don't have to be good at it. If your doing it to get your emotions and thoughts out in front of you, to help you, to destress, then it's good writing. It's theraputic.
So you don't have to be 'good', because there is no good. There is simply you, and the paper/keyboard, and the words inside your head wanting to become present in front of you.

I reviewed all this to prove some sort of a point, although it could seem like I haven't made one at all.
It's more just me observing the influence of friends, the good effects of writing, the subliminal signals inside our words and emotions.
Dominoes effect. One begins, others start, the idea spreads, expands, become something newer, better. It also develops trust, I think, at least in my own little pentagon of blogging buddies.

Now I want to quickly write down my Horoscope for today, in closing, since I have been suddenly very motivated into finally getting into gear as far as wanting to move out, grow up (as hard as that is and as badly as I don't want to do it), really just stop fucking around with my life.

Horoscope for February 17th.
--Whether you want ot move forward in a job, a relationship or a personal goal, you won't go anywhere without formulating a plan first - and today is a great day to do it. You're in a great phase of clarity, and you are ready to do what it takes to make big leaps forward. So think big, and accept the fact that there may be a certain level of of risk involved. It won't be as bad as you fear, and it's sure to be much better than you hoped. This could be the start of a very busy and exciting time.--
I found this remotely profound.

Another thing. I have to get my wisdom teeth out, and this coming Monday I have to get evil doctors exams and shots. Sad yes? My mouth simply won't stop hurting due to my worthless wisdom teeth...couldn't God have seen fit to give me a slightly more roomy mouth so I could just save myself the trouble and pain of getting this done?
Ah well, let's hear it for life experiences. As if I haven't already had enough of them.
Ugh, I'm going to have my mouth. *Suppressing the urge to be sick*

Until next time, my duckies, to quote my dearest Alyse: Peace, love, and happy drinking.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Belated Valentines Post- Sam Overload Warning

Note: This blog is not for the romantically faint of heart, A.K.A., if your not into mushy, detailed romance, don't bother with this one, cuz I'm pretty sure you'll be sick.
I take no responsibility for following illnesses, which include upset stomach, an overwhelming urge to roll your eyes, or (in a female's case) the irresistable urge to squeak uncontrollably.
You have been warned. Proceed with caution.

With his lips not even an inch away from mine and not moving, I didn't think breathing was supposed to be even humanly possible, let alone the almost panting that my lungs were somehow managing. I wasn't supposed to be here, he wasn't supposed to be here, we were not supposed to be in each other's arms, and we most definetly weren't supposed to be giving each other that look.
You know, that wanton look that says exactly how you feel, and says what you want, but at the same time is screaming 'I know this is SO wrong, so what the hell am I doing?'
It was wrong. I was in love with Mike. I was wearing his promise ring around my neck at this very second. So why, WHY in the good hell was I pressed up against Sam looking at his lips like they were the only thing in the world? Why was it that I wasn't freaking out that I was in his arms, but rather so happy I was finally there?
I had an easy answer for all of the above, I just didn't want to think it. Or let myself think it. But someone like me, always has trouble avoiding whatever I deem the inevitable. And tonight had inevitable written all over it.
Sam and I had spent the day together, and the small sense of foreboding that I had fluttering inside me I stilled quickly, trying to tell myself nothing would happen; I loved Mike.
Okay so maybe stilled wasn't such a good word. I more shot the feeling with an AK 47 then threw myself off the deep end of denial and hoped I would stay there.
In short, I was almost positive that, from the second I agreed to hang out with Sam, something, and I wasn't sure what at the time, would happen.
It was awkward. This was the two of us, who had never ever been alone together, only with friends. But his personality was such that I could still manage conversation, although at times it was subjects barely better than the 'weird weather we were having'.
Sam had really hurt his leg that day, walking around on what I had deemed his grasshopper legs. I wasn't entirely sure of what they were really called, but it was some sort of stilts that you attached to your legs and then proceeded to run around with and look rather odd. He later informed me they were called Skyrunners, and apparently there was a good market out for them. I temporarily considered it a conspiracy by insurance companies and hospitals to get more money out of injuries like Sam's.
Getting overconfident, as he put it, he fell and severly messed up his knee, reducing it to a scraped pulp of bruises and swelling, and making him limp rather badly. So I had become his little human crutch, and liked it entirely too much. When we had been waiting for the movie to start, we had run to DI to get crutches for him, and a piece of me that I so badly wanted to hate but couldn't was sad because he wouldn't have his arm around me anymore.
But it was when we went back to the movies, when he didn't use his crutches to hobble around and instead said that he preferred me, was when I knew something was seriously wrong with me. Because I liked hearing it. I wanted to hear it. I wanted him to have his arms around my shoulders so I could inhale how he smelled and feel that little jump in my stomach.
Then I felt the jump of Mike's promise ring against my chest and my stomach took on a whole new feeling, one that roiled of guilt and betrayal. My heart saw straight through my head's cheap rationalizing.
Once we were in the movie, the tenseness level inside my brain went up a few notches. Nothing happened, I somehow for one second thought that I could live through this and nothing would happen...and then the lights dimmed, he moved the armrest and I was suddenly positioned comfortably in his lap with his arm around me and his head very lightly on mine.
At that point my brain started some serious rationalizing, saying it wasn't cheating UNTIL you kissed and things generally along that strand of thinking. I didn't half as much out of the new Mummy movie as I could have. Well, I did get Sam's smell..and his fingers on my skin....
After the movie we meandered out of the theater, and I could feel my stomach tensing when he put his arm around my shoulders so he could stop limping. But it wasn't the bad sort of tense I knew it should be, and I half-hated myself for it. The other half of me had devil horns and was readily accepting what was going on. I did my best to suppress that piece of me.
"Where do you want to go?" I mentally rolled my eyes when he asked. Sad place about where I lived. There was, without a doubt, absolutely nothing to do at all, ever, anywhere, besides going to the mall, concerts, and the movies.
"Surprise me, because I can't think of anywhere."
He turned up Lil' Wayne, Lollipop, and I laughed, thinking of the memories that were attached to that song. My friend had blown a tire flying over the railroad tracks not even a month ago right when that song had come on the radio.
We blew out of the parking lot, and I rolled down the window, taking in the warm air for more than enjoyment sake; I needed to calm my nerves. I almost touched my thumb and forefinger together and thought 'Zen', but just felt too stupid, and knew I would get weird looks.
Dusk was settling in, and I was wondering if this was the night that I was going to start missing my curfew again; I just had a sinking feeling tonight would be a long one, and I wasn't sure why. Understanding my feelings didn't seem to be a priority for myself at the time.
Sam took the Highland/American Fork highway, and we were soon down by the Mountian Ridge Junior High. He turned into the parking lot by a little park, and turned off the car. There were a few teenagers on the grass a little ways away from us, and Sam chuckled when he saw them, saying "Never mind us, just go back to what you were doing."
I, on the other hand, had just thought, "Hey look, they had the same idea as us." Before I was reminded that Sam was NOT my boyfriend, and we were in no way going to copy their actions.
Sam wandered over to the double slide that had a divider between the two of them, and laid down, his feet hanging off and tracing designs in the sand. I copied him, lying back to look at the sky, with it's random swirl of clouds and deepening blue color, the stars really starting to twinkle.
On a whim, I started interrogating him about his past. Until he was sixteen he had been every teens true vision of rebel. Not a black mark was on his record though, and his parents didn't have a shadow of a clue. It all struck me as ironic; here was a boy that had broken a massive list of known laws that were persecutable by time in Juvenile Hall and more lasting punishments, and here I was, totally unable to even get away with sneaking out. I smiled briefly as I thought that I could learn something from this genius master liar.
But there was a total other side to the conversation, the unspoken one. The one that was all about body language, feelings repressed, and a whole slew of other things. While I asked him about his past, I was singularly aware of the present, how close we were, how my skin felt supersensitive every time he brushed against me.
Somewhere in our talking I had given up on myself just a little bit and taken his hand in mine, running my fingers up and down his arm, feeling the hidden network of veins just under his skin. His hand was warm, abnormally so, or maybe it just felt like that because of how much of my own hand it encompassed; it was like wearing a glove.
The clock was running fast, and whereas it was only ten thirty when we had arrived at the park, it was suddenly an hour later and creeping onward. Sam sat up, my hand still in his, and I stayed lying down. He turned at looked at me, then looked away, back out at the trees surrounding the park. I sat up too.
Sam had something about him. Whenever he was thinking, thinking hard, you could tell, because it was all over his face. He was by far the easiest person to read that I had found, and right now I could see the conflict very clearly.
"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" I asked in a playful tone. He didn't answer me for a moment, continuing to look out at the trees. Then he did, and I saw the puppyish sadness in his eyes.
"Your Mike's." Was all he said.
While my brain did a round of 'I told you so's' I laughed and said "Yeah, I figured it was that." Now how to open a conversation on what your thinking, Sam, that's what I want to know.
He kept turning toward me, and turning away, then looking back, often moving forward before dropping his head and moving his gaze. He had his arm around my shoulders, and I cuddled into his neck, my bangs over my face in order to prevent him turning my head enough to kiss me. He dropped his own face next to mine, and kept looking at me, I could tell.
I was pretty sure the same thing was going through his head; this was wrong. It shouldn't be happening. But all the feelings were there, the chemistry, the want, the like, it had all fallen into place like an intricate display of dominoes, set off at just the wrong time.
I could feel the chips fall, as my self resolve did also. I couldn't count how many minutes we sat on that slide, me trying as hard as I could not to look at him, to not give him the chance to do exactly what I wanted him to do, yet didn't.
After a while, I laid down again, and he leaned back on his elbow. I purposely tilted my head right, up toward the open expanses of sky, but I could very clearly see him looming over me, eyes raking across my face, occasionally leaning forward then withdrawing. It was like watching someone reach for a live wire, the curiosity drawing them, but the real danger right there before their eyes. And a live wire was a pretty good comparision for how I was feeling right now.
"I'm not looking at you for a reason, if you can't tell..." I was letting him know that he wasn't the only one having issues, it was just as much him as me.
I was playing with his hair, and while he looked out at the soccer field, I mussed it, and giggled under my breath. He stayed how he was, and I put my hand on his cheek to turn his face to fine.
"Come here." A split second after I said that I realized what something like that could mean to Sam, and me, in this situation. And I was right. When he turned to me his eyes were lit up and he moved forward just a bit, but my hands held his face, and I continued playing with his hair, making it stand on end as much as I could. I focused on that, while he focused on my face, running his fingers down my thigh for a split second before moving them.
He leaned over and put his hands on his face.
"This isn't how it is supposed to be. I am supposed to be going after some ridiculously available girl, and your supposed to be with Mike," He turned to face me. "But here I am, liking the most unavailable girl there is, who is my best friend's girlfriend, no less."
I cocked my head, listening. "It's ironic, I'll admit. And I am supposed to be with Mike, be happy, and not even be here, but yet I am, probably wanting the same things you are right now, and denying them just like you."
I moved to sit up as he laid down again, figuring it would be better to stay away from vertical for now, it left me a bit vulnerable for his snap of self control if and when it would come.
I turned to look into the sky, searching for my favorite constellation, the Big Dipper. It had so many memories attatched to it, that I loved it, and it killed me to look at it sometimes. But tonight the clouds hid it from view, and I pouted, for lack of anything else to talk about.
"I can't find my stars..." Beneath me I saw Sam lean up to kiss my neck, lie back, move again, lie back, then move so close I could feel his breath on my skin.
"I should move, shouldn't I." I met his eyes for the first time in a while, and he held my gaze.
"You should. I should. I should want you too. But I don't."
"Wow, just like I know that I am not going to leave. I think we are hopeless."
" I think we are." He took my hand again. I stood up and wandered over to what used to be swings, but was now just the bare skeleton of such, no swings attatched. He walked over to me after a minute, still watching me, and I searched for a change in the tension between us. It had lessened only fractionally, so pretty much it was still the same.
I meandered pointlessly across the playground, climbing up the stairs onto the bridge that was strung out across the two major parts of the playset. I was in the middle, and he was still on one side, arms on either side of the bridge, just looking at me.
He was beautiful. Tall, taller than Mike, which made him at least six feet. Wide muscled back, arms, had a very nice but dark fashion sense. His jeans rode low, held up by a black studded belt, the studs themselves black with red spotted across them like someone had thrown paint across the belt. His T-shirt was a regular black one, with no symbols or designs on it, and showed his muscular upper arms.
His jaw was strong, and more on the angular side. He was clean shaven, and his nose led up to dark eyebrows that were thin, but still boyishly bushy, although not too much so. His hair was short, black, coming down to almost the middle of his forehead, wavy. I had seen brown highlights near his roots earlier and figured he dyed it, and I later discovered I wasn't wrong.
He was eyeing me again. pouting, considering, arguing with himself. He moved, more limped toward me, and stood not even three inches away, looking down at me. I allowed myself to smile up at him, then look away, only to look back. His lips were thin, but not unattractive, quite the contrary, they were inviting.
He sighed. "It's like a war in my head going 'Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her', then the other side going 'No, no, no, no, think of Mike, don't do it'. Then it goes back to 'JUST KISS HER ALREADY'. And it's all just too easy!"
His exclamation surprised me. "What do you mean?"
"Well think of it like this. I am probably the ONE person that Mike would trust you with. You know it's true. And I am his best friend so it's like...he just wouldn't think of it."
He was very right on that assumption, and I nodded.
"Geez, it's almost completely unfair, isn't it."
"Totally." He whined, looking down at me. I met his gaze strongly this time. My devil side was getting tired of the games. It wanted me to flirt, to make him move closer to me. It wanted the satisfaction it had been starting to crave for a while now.
My eyes flickered between his for just a second longer and I swung my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
"This is sort of my compromise when it get's too hard to not kiss you." I laughed into his ear. I pulled away, but he moved his arms around my shoulders, locking his fingers loosely behind my head. He placed his forehead against mine, and tilted his head. All I could do was stare at his lips, watch them move closer, and then stop, only a fraction away from mine. Then he shifted away again, growling at himself, only to glance back at me, passive outwardly, inwardly jumping. He hugged me lightly.
"Nessa..." He groaned in my ear, his voice filled with inner aimed remorse.
"Yeah.." My tone mimicked his; I honestly felt like shit because of what was going on, even though I was doing nothing to stop it.
"This shouldn't be happening..I shouldn't like you, I shouldn't want you, I should go want to date someone who is actually single, not my freaking best friend's girlfriend! Just...ah...fuck.."
He rested his forehead on my shoulder, his hands tracing my back.
"I know, trust me, Sam, I know. You said that earlier." I laughed at the reminder. " I should not have feelings for you, we never should have gotten into this situation..."
He looked up at me again, his eyes pleading. "But it's not fair.." The back of his fingers traced down my cheek and he leaned forward again like he had been doing all night, then at the last second moving away and swearing at himself under his breath.
"I don't--well, this doesn't make much sense, but I don't blame you, okay? I understand what your I said, I am just like you. Neither should want this we are." I shrugged under his hands, looking into his eyes, still filled with remorse.
He was still only inches away from me, and I just returned his frustrated and anguished stare, hoping the calm in me would transfer to him. I was a little better at holding a reign in on emotion; I wanted to let him know it was okay.
Inside I was reeling.
His eyes were reflecting the street lamps as he moved toward me from where I stood leaned up against a pole near the slide. His stance was different from before, resigned, yet determined. I was literally cornered, but didn't mind.
"Nessa....." he whispered, his voice still holding the tone that made me know that he understood this was wrong. His hand roughly cupped my cheek, and he leaned forward. I felt the slightest brush of his lips against mine, but we still were not kissing each other. My arms were wound tightly around his waist, and he had one hand at my back.
I had spent the whole time with him focused on one thing, and now it became forefront in my mind.
I would not be the one to kiss him. He absolutely had to kiss me first, just so I could have my own peace of mind that it wasn't entirely my fault, only half. It was ridiculous....but still.
I heard him catch his breath ever so slightly, our lips brushed again, and he finally gave up, after two hours or restraint. His hand knotted at the bottom of my shirt and he full on kissed me, his tongue brushing against my bottom lip.
We both inhaled at the same time, so there was about one second of total silence. In that one second I told myself not to go crazy over the butterflies that were roiling in my stomach, and spreading to the rest of me. Only within the next second, his hands were brushing against the skin of my waist and my arms were around his neck, fingers tangling in his short black hair.
They say forbidden kisses are always the best.
They are also right.

Part Two: I love you

Across the lake I could see the firey colors of the fireworks exploding, reflecting dully in the water. His fingers at my back were a cool sensation, one fist against me holding his phone as the cold tip of a Sharpie traced across my skin under the bluish backlight glow.
The wind was blowing only a little bit, making my shorter bangs blow across my forehead. I moved my hair out of the way to make sure Sam could still see, then held very still and just observed. Lightning made a constant white flash from behind the mountains, but the little rain we had earlier was come and gone, the clouds now echoing the distant rumbles.
"How's it look?" I asked after a few minutes of feeling the pen against my back.
"Almost...done." He blew on the redrawn airbrush tattoo I had gotten earlier, and used my phone to take a picture. He handed it back, and as I admired it, he put his legs around me and pulled my back into his front, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and holding me close. His face was right next to mine, and I could hear him breathing. I gently pressed my head against his, and he did too, then kissed down my neck and slowly across my shoulder blades before squeezing me again.
"Nessa...I want you to be mine..." He muttered, in that sweet tone that was filled with the puppy dog look I knew he would be giving me if I was facing him.
"I know, you...." I sighed, then glanced down at my phone. "We need to go. Mike is at Timberline."
He huffed behind me, then whimpered, falling onto his back and sprawling across the grass to look up at the stars.
"I don't want to.."
I knelt over him, staring down at his face, admiring, and smiling like I was crazy. He brushed his hand across my cheek and I caught it between my shoulder and face to kiss his palm. I saw the smile go across his face out of the corner of my eyes, and felt his hand move to the back of my neck to bring me down to kiss him gently.
"If you keep that up we will never leave." I tried to scowl, but all it did was make him laugh and kiss my neck, clearly trying to convince me that was the better idea of the two.
My hands ran over his wide shoulders and I hugged him with him half on top of me, breathing in deeply, inhaling his scent. I swear if it was a drug I would have been addicted. Not kissing him at this point seemed almost inexcusable, so I remedied the fact and turned his face to mine as he leaned over me. I casually swung my thigh over his leg, and he moved closer as his tongue traced over my lips.
I always had such a hard time not smiling when I was kissing him. He made me so happy, compared to the hell I had been slowly going through for three weeks. The constant sickness. Not sleeping, stressing, worrying all the time. Then he had come out of nowhere.
I had to smile when I thought of just how quickly it had all happened. Four days, that was all. It was some sort of chemistry I had never experienced. It was all right there, right from the first time he had kissed me, and it was still holding just as strong as ever. I could feel myself getting better every second more that I spent with him.
He pulled away, and his eyes flickered between mine, a grin spreading across his face. I couldn't not smile now that he was, and I muttered, "What?"
"I just can't remember being this happy for such a long time. I really can't." He put his forehead against mine. "Your amazing." You could hear his sincerity all over his voice, feel it in his hand as he ran it down the side of my face before kissing me again.
Pulling away seemed like a sin as he drew me closer, but I knew that I had other obligations to meet, more specifically to my 'boyfriend', who I was intending to strip of said previously mentioned title. I paused. That sounded harsh even inside my own head.
Quite suddenly my sickness returned, whereas it had been gone temporarily since we had left his house. It hit me harder than I expected, as I thought about Mike in general, how tonight would go, and what I would do if he somehow negotiated past the break up, made anything I said pointless, leaving me with no reason to leave him.
I was reminded of a quote rather suddenly. "Don't give up something you love for something you like." I was sure that wasn't how it really meant, but the base of the saying stuck with me, and I considered myself for a moment, eyes roving the dark, shadowed trees.
Was I giving up Mike, the boy I loved, had wanted to marry for about three months now, had put myself through hell for and had sworn to be with forever, for Sam, who was simply a promise of happiness, be in long lasting or just temporary.
Sam and I had nothing. Nothing but the past few days together that had been wild enough as it is, and confusing at that. We had never really talked before, or had any sort of relationship beyond a 'Oh, you hang out with my friends so I just see you around and we chat and exchange pleasantries" type deal.
My stomach chose that moment to twist painfully, and I thought about how Sam was the only person I had found that got rid of that feeling. The illness that had haunted me for about a month now, constantly. He was the only one that could hold me and kiss me and make it just fade into the backround for however long. I had noticed how I clung to Sam because he was like my lifeline of happiness in a string of events that was leading my mind into some kind of constant spiraling despair.
Seeing how he acted around me, so sincere, he wasn't lying, he wasn't faking, and he wasn't playing me because he wanted to get something from me. I was starting to believe that he really wanted to be with me. More than just temporary.
(A few days later.)
I knew the seemingly drug-induced bliss I had been floating in for about a week now couldn't last, no matter how bad I wanted it to. The last time that we had been together, the entire day, I was tense and unsure of what to say, or what to do. The whole day I was stuck roiling in my own head, being so confused about whether or not what I was doing was right, or logical, or even possible anymore.
We walked around a lake when the day was turning to twilight, and the silence that seemed to be my fault and inability to fill was growing louder and louder inside my own head, until I wasn't sure I could bear it anymore. After finding a park and meandering around aimlessly, we finally drove back to his house. I wasn't sure what I was doing, and was contemplating thinking up reasons for going home early, until I walked inside.
His whole family was sprawled in the living room, only one sister of his actually on the couch. His mom was lying on the floor, with his little sister Celeste and Amanda nearby on the fireplace. Hannah was at the computer, and his little brother Eli was hiding out inside a giant box. The only sign that he was inside was that the box kept collapsing on top of Celese on random occasions.
Sam's dad was leaned up against the couch slowly reading out of a large book of scriptures, the print exploded for better visibility. Everyone paused momentarily when Sam and I walked through the door, and I, for a second, had no clue what to do.
His mom looked up at us, then at Sam.
"Come join us for a moment, won't you?" She guestured toward the couch, and Sam took the hint and sat down, his sister Sarah scooting to the far left, Sam on the far right. I wound my way through the tangle of legs and people littering the floor and sat down, to find Sam's arm around me pulling me into his shoulder.
I had pointedly refrained from any physical contact above the norm with Sam in front of his parents until that time, unsure if they were the type of people who heavily protested a public display of affection with their kids at home, or anywhere really.
He ran his fingers casually up and down my arm, and I saw his eyes looking at the words on the page his dad was reading from, trying to find where he was, then giving up and drifting off.
I could feel him occasionally chuckle as Eli fell over again and again, and I felt suddenly very much at home. No one was looking at me, everyone had their eyes closed or were staring into space. I wasn't disliked here, matter of fact, I was on good terms with everyone, and Sam a little more than most. I found myself smiling, and I let my head fall back onto his shoulder. His rested immediately on top of mine, and his hand tightened on my arm momentarily.
I resisted the urge to close my eyes, I was suddenly so peaceful.
I had ten minutes of contemplating as his father slowly read, his low, animated voice the only sound in the room besides Sam's breathing in my ear and the occasional shuffle and shift from the other occupants of the room. Something here was different.
I thought about it harder as I leaned my head back into Sam's shoulder.
His family was so different from mine. I was in the Mormon religion, didn't like it, never really had. It was social pressure mostly, and in the past five years I had fallen away almost completely. I had no interest in their teachings, or their rules for that matter, I had attained such a total disregard that it often times got me into trouble for not being more attentive to basic right and wrong.
My family didn't get along. My brother had been sent away by my parents the beginning of his junior year, because he had become, supposedly, 'wild, and out of control'. It wasn't a far cry from the truth, but the punishment didn't fit the crime in my opinion. He had since turned out very much for the better, finding his niche in religion, and in himself, and had successfully repaired the ruined relationships between him and my parents. In the end, he had become a well off Marine, everyone enquired about his progress, he was the upstanding, wonderful boy that my parents could finally be proud of.
Issue Number One was solved. Issue Number Two was me, the unsolved one.
I didn't like my parents; our relationship was one that was based on a day to day, must speak basis. I pushed away, they clung on tighter, it was a basic teenage angsty relationship. I didn't like it, I didn't enjoy it, but at the same time I didn't care enough to try and change it.
Sitting, watching Sam's family all in one room, being able to coexist with love as a family, or even just coexist without self destructing for that matter, honestly made me sad inside. I was seeing peace and happiness among people who lived together constantly, something that was not listed in the job description I called my home life.
It hurt to watch. I couldn't put an exact name on the emotions I was feeling, but I was settling for dissatisfied and unfulfilled for the moment. I squeezed Sam's hand and tried to turn off my brain to save myself unneccessary sadness.
Sooner than it had started it was over, and Sam took my hand to lead me downstairs, asking me what movie I wanted to watch. I had decided that movie watching in his basement would be one of our more base activites; we would be doing it on more or less a regular basis, when there wasn't a more important event going on to amuse us.
We stopped in the kitchen to get him something to drink; his house was rather small so it really wasn't much of a detour, if one at all. His dad walked past us to go downstairs, and Sam watched him with the cup to his mouth.
"Hang on for a second." He turned and sauntered down the back hall to his room, emerging seconds later with a blanket emblazoned with our school name and logo, Lone Peak High School, around his neck.
"Let's go outside." He smiled at me as he cuddled into his blanket. I grinned up at him.
"But it's cold."
"I'll get you a jacket." He put his hands on my face and kissed me gently. "Cutie." He was talking in his almost baby voice, the one he got when he was really happy about something, generally me.
I could feel myself about to start blushing, so I covered by giving his chest a slight push back in the direction of his bedroom. When he came back he had a gray sweater over his arm, and he held it up.
"This is probably the most preppy piece of clothing I own." I could see the Aeropostale tag sewn on to the back just below the neck, and realized that he was telling the truth. He wasn't one for name brand anything, minus clothing from Hot Topic.
He pulled it over my head, and I put my arms through the sleeves, coming down all the way over my knuckles. It smelled very strongly of him, and I had to resist putting the arms up to my face and inhaling as deeply as I could. I settled for hugging him, which was just about the same.
"Come on.." he whispered in my ear, and I had to let go of him so he could walk out the back door only feet from us. I followed him, watching his broad shoulders, one of my favorite things about him. I couldn't explain why, but they gave me the feeling that he was strong and could keep me safe, which I liked.
He threw the blanket down on the ground and laid down, patting what little was left beside him. I tried to get comfy, but it was really hard since I barely had any room; the blanket was very small. One second I was squished up next to him, the next his arms were around me and and we were both lying on our sides facing each other. His face cracked into a childish grin, and he moved to kiss my forehead. He then proceeded to crush my ribs in a hug I figured would suffocate me, but actually just gave me an extra dose of his heady scent that I loved so much.
Cuddling into him, I couldn't resist the smile that flickered across my face, and did nothing to suppress the sigh of contentment that escaped my lips. Moving to stare up at the stars, I suddenly had a sweep of emotion, a very mixed twist of things. Here I was completely happy, ridiculously so, and at the same time, Mike had come to mind. He had an uncanny way of appearing inside my head at the strangest and most unexpected times. I figured it was because I was looking at the stars; that was how he and I had spent most of our time together before our break up.
But then my train of thought was interrupted by my phone going off on the grass next to me. Hinder, Lips of an Angel. Think of the devil and he shall call. It was Mike.
"Hold on for a second, okay?" I rolled so I was facing away from Sam and answered.
"Hey!" I tried for enthusiasm, but heard only suppressed pain and confusion in my own voice. Apparently Mike had lost his ability to read me just as he had predicted, because he caught none of it.
"Hey you, what you up to?" His voice was low, calm and quiet. It hurt to think that was the voice I had loved for seven months, unconditionally, and now had nothing to do with, by my own decree. It had been, after all, my final decision to break up with him. I knew things would improve in both our lives it we did, and I had been right, but that did nothing to soothe the sting I tried so hard to repress. If anything it was another cut to add to the original wound. Try ignoring someone cutting your jugular vein and then suddenly getting reminded of it and realizing the severity. Similar comparison.
So I applied pressure.
"Nothing much, just outside looking at the stars. Emily texted me last night and said there was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, so here I am." I wasn't lying, just editing, or more neglecting to mention my company that currently had his arm slung over my waist and face buried in the back of my neck.
"Oh really. I guess I will have to stay up tonight to watch that. So how've you been?" His voice still carried the slight hint of what it had used to, that inflection of caring and love that one always has for their partner. But for the most part he was aloof and detached. Another hurt to bear.
"I've been..." My brain pressed the fast foward button on all the emotions I could have named. "Alright."
"Just alright?" There was that caring tone again. I was already searching for reasons to get off the phone with him.
"Yeah. This hasn't all been flowers and happiness for me you know." I laughed hollowly, but again he missed the off-tone I had carried ever since I had picked up the phone. "What about you? I talked to Megan earlier, she said your doing better..."
"I guess so. Yeah, I am. I have my kitty now." He was smiling, and in the backround I could hear the faintest of purring, which meant that his four month old kitten Shade was relaxing in his arms.
"You know you have to show her to me eventually." My brain rolled it's eyes at the impossibility of what I had just said, but for the sake of conversation I had to say it.
"Then get up here and I can." It was an old conversation. 'Come see me even though I know you can't, even thought we would be shot, just do it anyway, even if you have no way to accomplish this.'
"Me and my invisible car." The classic answer. I had been banned from the car twenty four hours after my parents had found out about...well, ever since Mike's mom had called and informed them of exactly what Mike's grandmother had seen upon walking into his bedroom unnannounced. Hooray for losing your caution and paranoia.
I felt Sam move, and imagined that he was getting restless with the current goings on. I knew that underneath it all, his jealousy sense had to twinge just a little whenever Mike called while I was with him. Which was almost every time without fail.
"Can you hang on a second?" I asked Mike, and when he said yes I promptly muted the phone and faced Sam.
"Give me an excuse to get off the phone, please." I really didn't want to keep talking, because of the totally bizzare reason of, I really wanted to keep talking. I wanted to talk to Mike for four hours and finally break down and tell him I loved him madly and get back together with him and leave Sam. And all the common sense factors in my brain told me that would be the most pointless, selfish, disaster-inducing action I could engage in at this point in time.
Sam's eyes glittered for a second, then his hand slipped up to hold my cheek and he kissed me, hard. I kissed him back, and he responded so ardently that I was momentarily caught off gaurd and forgot about the phone lying in my limp hand on the lawn. My hand was in his hair and I was kissing him back just as hard before I even could really gauge what was happening.
I tore my lips away from him suddenly, leaving my neck exposed to him while I muttered softly, "Okay, now give me an excuse."
He leaned over me wickedly for a moment. "Tell him your busy." Half on top of me he trapped my resisting hand by holding my wrist and pinning it to the ground. The other hand was still preoccupied with the phone, and was thusly down for the count in this fight of will.
"Because he will take that so well." My last word was slurred a bit as he kissed down my neck, half biting my skin. I saved myself the torment, and cheated my way out of seduction.
"I'm unmuting the phone now, behave." I smirked at his expression of defeat, then brought the cell back to my ear and apologized to Mike.
"That's fine, I was playing with Shade." My brain unvolountairly tacked on a 'and I didn't even notice you were gone.' I decided that was enough.
"Hey Mike? I have to go, my mum wants me to call her and tell her what's going on, I may be sleeping over at Megan's tonight, so I have to work things out so I don't get screwed for just dropping off the face of the planet."
"Alright. Want me to call you later?" Momentary hesitation.
"If you'd like. Well...yes. Yes, if you'd like." I clamped my lips shut. Enough of making a fool out of myself. By leaving an open invitation, I knew I was safe, and by doing so I had also pin pricked my heart; I knew for a fact he would not call me back.
"Okay, talk to you later, buh-bye."
"Bye..." I hung up, his voice ringing dully in my ears. I was always so good about suppressing everything that was Mike until he called. At which point, my heart started it's out of pace stuttering and a shadow of the month long sickness I had endured while being apart from him fluttered across my stomach.
I plummeted inside myself, and the sickness got stronger. I needed all that was Sam to get me away from that. So I rolled back to him, kissed him as hard as I could, then nuzzled deep into his chest and concentrated on his deep, dully thudding heart beat, and the whooshing of air leaving and entering his lungs. It was a constant, a peace to my mind.
My distraction worked. He kissed the top of my head and held me, almost totally oblivious, I was sure, of how I was feeling. Sometimes I wondered if having such a fast acting emotional sheild was healthy for me, but then decided yes, it was, because without it, I would be floundering in the pool of depression that occasionally found me alone and unaware.
"What did Mike want?" It was a purely curious question; Sam and Mike were nothing short of best friends. Which is why this situation required so much lying and had so many problems in the first place.
"Just called to say hi pretty much, it's not like we really talk about anything anymore, never anything to talk about."
"That makes sense." It was a noncommital answer. I wasn't hiding anything from him, about what had been said, just totally disregarded my constant inner dialouge.
After lying in silence for a few minutes, I was back to normal, and smiling slightly again, hearing Sam breath in my ear, and then grinning when he slung his leg over mine and cuddled closer. Obviously he had no problem with being stuck to me for no reason other than he wanted to, which was what I wanted, too.
I was just staring at his face, tracing it's planes, and his forehead above his eyebrow with my fingertips when he opened his eyes to look at me.
I loved his eyes. They were gold, honest and truly gold, at least in most of the center. The outer edge was browner, but the gold was always there.
"I love you."
Heart. Stutter. Stop. Restart. Breathing engage.
"Is that the first time you've ever said that to me?" It wasn't the traditional answer, but I needed it answered nonetheless.
"No, actually. I said it to you the other day at your work, before I even realized what I was doing. I was so confused when I got back to my car," he chuckled, "I sat there and thought about it forever before I left."
Inside my head I was yelling 'HAH! I KNEW IT!!!'
That day had been so out of whack, and then when he had kissed me goodbye and his hand was slipping out of mine, I had heard him mutter something that sounded so much like 'I love you' that I spent the next half our while our delivery driver was out trying to convince myself that was most definetly NOT what I had heard. 'See you' sounded the same, so much the same that I felt like a complete moron for having replied 'I love you too'. It was a knee-jerk reaction, you hear it, you say it back.
I quickly came back to the present, making sure I hadn't been silent long enough to be considered spacing.
Smiling slowly, I moved my forehead to touch his. "I love you too."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

At the Apartment

And here we have a conflict of interest. Deena and I would very much like to watch our cute little chic flick, Chocolot, but the boys have taken over the television to play their Army of Two game obsessivly.
When I say obsessivly, I do only because they keep dying and restarting from the same point. I sort of yelled at them if they die three more times Dee and I get the TV, but I really don't think they heard me over the gunfire blasting its way through the room via uuber surround sound.
And they have the volume jacked waaaaay up.
I was online, at one point, but got off because my computer decided that it didn't like me using the internet for no good reason. God, I love technology.
Things of interest today: None whatsoever, it's a Sunday. When does anything of note, EVER happen on a Sunday, especially since I am in Utah.
Sam and I rented four movies. Chocolot, obviously, The Ringer, which the general assembly (consisting of Sam, myself, Deena and Cameron) decided it wanted to watch, Secret Window, which I rented on Jorden's behalf; I told him he had yet to see all the Johnny Depp movies, and Epic Movie, a typical Sam-pick.
I am really impressed with the graphics on this video game, no matter how annoying this thing is to watch the guys play. Seriously, they probably made it less real so you could bloody tell it wasn't real in the first place.
Sorry about that random tangent.
No, I am not really typing for any particular reason, other than personal amusement, simply because there is nothing else to do. I would listen to music, but I left my Ipod, and, more importantly, my headphones, back at my house. But as a happy side note I finally got my swim suit over here! I am very excited.
Okay, not really.
It's a bikini.
Nessa....has very bad self image. Bikini plus Nessa equals uuber self-conciousness.
This has been a topic of temporary discussion with Jorden, Sam and Alyse, and when I say temporary, its more been mentioned I hate wearing bikini's in a passing, vauge sort of way.
The other night when we went hot tubbing, or directly before, actually, Jorden pretty much told me to shut up and that I would look good in one and to leave it at that.
Now for some girl psychology.
If your boyfriend says he thinks you would look good in something, it tends to mean less, simply because you know his opinion on your looks is biased no matter what the hell you do. Now, if, say, a guy who you trust and respect tells you that you would look good, that you are not dating, who is, rather, dating your best friend, the meaning behind the words tends to go up a notch.
Not saying your boyfriend's opinion means anything less to you, it's just kind of how the world works. Boyfriend likes = seek a second opinion if unsure.
Although I would trust Sam's fashion sense.
Okay, I am sort of starting to confuse myself.
On the other hand of random, I figured out a genius way to make this male idiots just beat their goddamn game already. I told them they can die three more times before me and Deena repossess the television for something only slightly more mentally stimulating, in my opinion.
And ever since I said that, they haven't died.
Whoops, I lied, they just did. But see my point? Set them with the ultimatum of getting kicked off their fun little game, and they own ass, and I get what I want anyway. I love mental mind tricks.
And thus we see, movie time!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Happily Ever After

(This was written 2/5/09. Obviously I don't have constant internet access.)

I guess.... I wish I weren't so young. So naive, so easily hurt, so easily controlled by my own emotions. I wish I could lock myself up inside a box on so many occasions, and judge whatever situation as dispassionately as possible.
But that just can't happen, can it.
See, I have this habit of..getting entirely too emotionally involved. And I suppose this time, when it came back to bite me, I was already becoming emotionally shut down. I was much more able to ignore the feeling of my insides roiling and turning to ice, then disappearing entirely, than I normally would be able to.
Today, really...just has not turned out to be my day, even though the close finds me downstairs on my computer at three am, because my dad is in my bed, asleep. I guess he figured I lied about my curfew the other night and decided to catch me this time around. I love how I always wondered exactly when he would get around to using that particular method. Sleeping in my bed, I mean.
Anyway, let me tell you quickly why it is that I am so....low? Guess that's a good word.
So, there is this movie, called Repo. It is a movie, opera style, you know, so everyone sings every bloody word. Now, normally, I would not mind this type of movie, I enjoy musicals, I find nothing wrong with them.
This movie is about an organization that, after a huge epidemic started wiping out the human species, begins giving operations and organ transplants to people who need them. I don't remember the name they give the company...Orgo-something or other.
They put you on a payment plan if you cannot already pay for your donated organ, and let you leave. You proceed to pay a monthly bill or whatever. But the catch is, if you miss payments or don't make any at all, the company sends out Repo Man to repossess your organs.
Example: You have a heart, transplanted of course. You do not make your payment. A man in a suit sporting a doctor-ish look comes, hunts you down, and rips out your organs right there.
I think I made it through about twenty minutes of bad acting, horrible music, distateful themes, and finally, downright disgusting, open gore, before I finally moved Sam's legs and just left.
Thing that bothered me the most, Sam was saying he liked it. The turning point for me was when it openly showed a man's innards directly after he was cut open, as Repo Man sang happily about doing his disgusting job as a legal assassin. Intestines, lungs, stomach, everything, right there on the screen.
I believe "Oh my god, Sam." were my exact words. I got up, figuring I could just stay in the kitchen, but I could still hear everything and retreated to Sam's bedroom. I felt disgusted, at that movie, at the fact that I watched it, everything. And I was not only remotely disturbed that my boyfriend was out there enjoying something that I could absolutely not stomach, for more than moral reasons.
I just sat on his bed. I felt like I wanted to cry, although I instantly decided that would be a stupid and irrational decision. Also I figured that someone was bound to walk in on me, and I was proved right a few minutes later when Jorden came to knock on the door, under the pretense of seeing Mieshka, my Russian Dwarf Hamster, which I currently keep at Sam's apartment.
We had been texting during the movie, sharing our opinions on just how stupid it was, but after watching the man get cut was entirely too much for me, and I guess for him too. After briefly venting on just how beyond sick and wrong that movie was, Sam showed up through the doorway.
Now, I have this thing. Even if I am so opposed to something, so disgusted by something, reference movie, I will not voice my opinion and tell others to not watch it simply because I do not agree with it. This was the situation I found myself in as Sam asked what I was doing.
I simply stated that I was going to stay in his room until that movie was finished. He asked if I wanted to go home, and I deflected by saying he could just go finish it and I would stay in the back. I told him I didn't care, and to just go back and turn it on again.
He and Jorden both left. I just curled on the bed and thought, as I heard various badly sung opera straining through the cracks under the door. I tried as hard as I could to not pay attention.
Presently the door opened again, and it was Sam. He told me that he had turned it off and was not going to finish it, and was instead coming back to be with me.
I have to say I was grateful, and as he went on to agree with me that Repo was wrong on so many levels it was ridiculous, I did feel slightly better. But I found myself with a cold mask on my face, I didn't want to smile, to laugh, anything.
At first when he sat down he asked if I was okay, and I straight up told him I was utterly disgusted by that movie. He said that, while he was watching it, that he didn't really register exactly how bad it was, but now that it was off and he was in the room with me, he understood why I couldn't bear to watch any more of it.
I still could feel the out of place desire to cry, and laid still on his bed and let him talk, only answering as needed, as shortly as possible.
He kept on asking me if there was anything I wanted to talk about, and after a few times it was obvious that there was nothing on my mind he wanted to hear, he had something to get out. I don't say that meanly. So I asked him what was up.
I guess he didn't pick the opportune moment to bring up our progressing relationship. When he said that we don't talk about how we are doing and things of that sort, just keep eachother 'on the same page with our relationship', I made it clear that, if he had brought this up two hours prior, or maybe tomorrow, he would have been/would be much more likely to get a good response out of me than he would be at that moment.
I just let him talk.
At the end of it, the basic gist of everything was 'I don't want us rushing into a commitment we aren't ready for, I want to give you a chance to grow and experience the things you want to...'
It wasn't a break up speech, even though the feelings in my stomach did not agree with my head, so I just asked him one question that he could answer how I needed him too, no matter what he said.
"Do you think of me as your girlfriend, or your fiance?"
I can't remember everything he said. He thinks of the ring he gave me as a promise ring, and it means so very much to him, which I completely understand. It was a good answer, even when he asked me if that was what I was looking for, and I said "Not necessarily." I meant that in a more 'that was unexpected' way.
Which brings me to the original point of my lack of emotional control at the beginning.
I've gotten too wrapped up in the thought of being with him forever. Of marrying him, having a family... Even if at times it all felt entirely unreal and impossible, more often than not, that was not the case.
When he asked me the same question all I said was, "You are my boyfriend, and I wish you were my fiance." That's as easily as I could sum it up. I want it. I want him. I want that commitment. But now I get to break myself down for a while, force my brain back closer to the line of reality my life is currently following. Get myself back to the present before I begin overly-anticipating a future that I very likely may never have at all.
The only concrete thing: I love him, he loves me. Even sick, disgusted, sad and upset, I still wanted to curl into his arms and have him comfort the hurt that he may have taken a part in causing. It's like asking someone to kiss away a bruise they gave you. It makes no sense.
I still wanted it though.
So fine. No more future surfing. No more wearing his ring on my ring finger. No more thinking about anything beyond the beginning of next month as far as we are concerned.
At least, I can say no more thinking about it. I don't think I'll do it either way. As scared as I am of the future, I already have him tied into it. You think I would have already learned my lesson with Mike. We were engaged for three days, and it ripped my apart from the inside out for a month before I found Sam.
If I calculate that, it will take me so long to recover from losing Sam I don't think I would even bother trying if the circumstance ever arose.
He's the only thing I want in my forever, and who I picture on the cover of my Happily Ever After.