Sunday, February 8, 2009

At the Apartment

And here we have a conflict of interest. Deena and I would very much like to watch our cute little chic flick, Chocolot, but the boys have taken over the television to play their Army of Two game obsessivly.
When I say obsessivly, I do only because they keep dying and restarting from the same point. I sort of yelled at them if they die three more times Dee and I get the TV, but I really don't think they heard me over the gunfire blasting its way through the room via uuber surround sound.
And they have the volume jacked waaaaay up.
I was online, at one point, but got off because my computer decided that it didn't like me using the internet for no good reason. God, I love technology.
Things of interest today: None whatsoever, it's a Sunday. When does anything of note, EVER happen on a Sunday, especially since I am in Utah.
Sam and I rented four movies. Chocolot, obviously, The Ringer, which the general assembly (consisting of Sam, myself, Deena and Cameron) decided it wanted to watch, Secret Window, which I rented on Jorden's behalf; I told him he had yet to see all the Johnny Depp movies, and Epic Movie, a typical Sam-pick.
I am really impressed with the graphics on this video game, no matter how annoying this thing is to watch the guys play. Seriously, they probably made it less real so you could bloody tell it wasn't real in the first place.
Sorry about that random tangent.
No, I am not really typing for any particular reason, other than personal amusement, simply because there is nothing else to do. I would listen to music, but I left my Ipod, and, more importantly, my headphones, back at my house. But as a happy side note I finally got my swim suit over here! I am very excited.
Okay, not really.
It's a bikini.
Nessa....has very bad self image. Bikini plus Nessa equals uuber self-conciousness.
This has been a topic of temporary discussion with Jorden, Sam and Alyse, and when I say temporary, its more been mentioned I hate wearing bikini's in a passing, vauge sort of way.
The other night when we went hot tubbing, or directly before, actually, Jorden pretty much told me to shut up and that I would look good in one and to leave it at that.
Now for some girl psychology.
If your boyfriend says he thinks you would look good in something, it tends to mean less, simply because you know his opinion on your looks is biased no matter what the hell you do. Now, if, say, a guy who you trust and respect tells you that you would look good, that you are not dating, who is, rather, dating your best friend, the meaning behind the words tends to go up a notch.
Not saying your boyfriend's opinion means anything less to you, it's just kind of how the world works. Boyfriend likes = seek a second opinion if unsure.
Although I would trust Sam's fashion sense.
Okay, I am sort of starting to confuse myself.
On the other hand of random, I figured out a genius way to make this male idiots just beat their goddamn game already. I told them they can die three more times before me and Deena repossess the television for something only slightly more mentally stimulating, in my opinion.
And ever since I said that, they haven't died.
Whoops, I lied, they just did. But see my point? Set them with the ultimatum of getting kicked off their fun little game, and they own ass, and I get what I want anyway. I love mental mind tricks.
And thus we see, movie time!!

1 comment:

  1. You know it's true! You would look good in a bikini! This is, yet again, coming from me! HAHA! I'm glad I could help with your self-esteem. You have a great body! In fact, most of my girlfriends were your body type, but, as you can already see, my current, and sexy, girlfriend is a little different. I.E. really really tiny! haha, but I love her! anyways you rock, and i thoroughly enjoy reading your random tangents!
