Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Words for the Bettering of Mankind

Personal Quote for the Day:
"The decisions we make in life, will echo in eternity." - - Maximus; Gladiator

I do hope that I will be able to get this online, since my computer no longer habitually resides at Sam's apartment, seeing as he has finally aquired one of his own, and quite the ninja one at that.

So, remember maybe a month or so ago, I'm not entirely sure, when I first started my blog? It began on Myspace, sparked by Mike blogging almost every single day, be it about something important or not. I started writing one or two a week, always long, and always about a specific subject, or subjects. I found the words coming easy to my fingers, and quickly discovered this was something I very much enjoyed spending my time doing.
I then decided, after a little while, that I didn't want all of my thoughts and secrets out for the public of myspace to see. After my second or third post I realized that I would be posting potentially compromising secrets online, or personal things that I would prefer not to be read by people who qualified as 'just Myspace friends.'
I'm sure we all know the type of people I'm talking about.
You met them once, hung out, laugh together, see one another on occasion but never became remarkably close? There you go, I'm sure you can come up with a few.
So I, after a further tip off from Mike, who's mother has a blog that I now follow for my own amusement, I got myself a little piece of cyberspace under There I have been fractionally more faithful about posting, although I've only done ten blogs or so.
I've found it to be very theraputic, especially when I am in a very deep mood, be it happy, angry, or simply contemplative. I can get my feelings out, and I am writing at the same time, which is something I have inexplicably loved since I was very, very young. Perfect combination for me.

So I got on, started blogging, and told Alyse and Jorden what I was up to, because both had picked up on my Myspace blogs already.
The two of them both had Blogspot accounts, Alyse's was inactive and Jorden simply hadn't posted in forever, which constitutues down to practically the same thing. Alyse began posting on occasion, and then Jorden, who had been having some problems, picked up writing as well very soon after.
This developed into our own triangle where we would write more for eachother, I think, than anyone else, post our feeling to our friends. I liked it, and it also helped me explain things better; if I didn't want to talk about the problems I was having, I could always write it down and know they would go read it. Then we could discuss it later once I was in a stable frame of mind.
Then, outside our blogging world, Cameron, a longtime friend of Sam, Deena, and Jorden, came to live temporarily at the apartment. Unbeknownst to me, he was the Cameron that Sam had talked about, the one who had deserted the Marines because of his exceptional romantic draw towards Deena, among other things.
This was the first time that he had been home in two years, after getting an honorable discharge from the Marines and returning to, as he puts it so cannily, 'civilian life'. He joined us, and I liked him straight off; he's witty and amusing, easy to talk to, and fun to banter with.
I was happy to hear he was sticking around with some degree of permanence after getting to know him; although it's just until he gets his feet under himself and can go back to living life on his own.
Quite suddenly I had a new friend.
Which is where the creature that is the urge to blog struck again.
Cameron is addicted to cigarettes. One night, probably only a few days ago, he was having particularly bad cravings, seeing as he is trying to quit smoking. After becoming friends with him I think I'm safe to say that I am very proud of him for trying.
Jorden, on what I consider to be a rather genius whim, told him to go blog his feelings. And so Cameron became another one of the blog groupies, labelling his blog something to the extent of The War On Nicotine. Quite appropriate.

Two days after Valentines, I decided to post a few story-style journal entries I wrote in the first few weeks of dating Sam. It came in two parts, the start being our first date, kiss, all that, and the second being when he first said he loved me.
Alyse, after reading what was probably, and mostly likely will stay as, my longest blog ever posted, made her comment about my potentially going into journalism. She said that was almost better than a Nicholas Sparks romance novel, which I laughed off (that man is romantically gifted), but nonetheless, it was quite the compliment to be given.
Sam was around when I was telling Jorden everything Alyse was texting me about my blog, and much, much later that night, Jorden finally got around to reading it as well.
During a moment when Jorden was away from the computer, Sam went to mess around with some things and started reading somewhere in the middle of my blog. I couldn't tell at the time, as I was dragging him away from the computer screen to go to bed, if he was interested in my writing or not. He had been around me, Jorden, and Alyse when we discussed our own blogs and seen me signing on and off, writing occasionally, but I really never thought he was too curious.
Then, tonight. Well, yesterday. Okay fine, then, the seventeenth of February.
Sam announces randomly that he made himself an account on Blogspot.
We officially have the whole apartment minus Deena writing now.
I get the feeling Sam got his account more so he could read the rest of ours, which is alright, because, who knows, after reading he may want to begin his own. His blog name very clearly states the fact that he doesn't know why he's even on Blogspot, it's his blog that he really doesn't know what to do with or what to put on it.
But like I said, I'll just wait and see what happens.

Sidenote: I love how so far, I have heard from two people in my blog square (now a pentagon) that they 'don't think they are good at blogging'. Both Sam and Cameron voiced this similarity in opinion. I find it amusing, because there isn't a specific way to be good at blogging, really. Jorden has complimented me by saying that he always gets sucked into reading my own writing, just how I phrase things I suppose, and Alyse has suggested getting myself into some journalism classes when I go to college. ( I had originally said 'if/when' I go to college, but then decided that I really just don't like that 'if' word half as much as I used to.)
But really, what people need to understand is, when you write, whatever your reason, just write. You don't have to be good at it. If your doing it to get your emotions and thoughts out in front of you, to help you, to destress, then it's good writing. It's theraputic.
So you don't have to be 'good', because there is no good. There is simply you, and the paper/keyboard, and the words inside your head wanting to become present in front of you.

I reviewed all this to prove some sort of a point, although it could seem like I haven't made one at all.
It's more just me observing the influence of friends, the good effects of writing, the subliminal signals inside our words and emotions.
Dominoes effect. One begins, others start, the idea spreads, expands, become something newer, better. It also develops trust, I think, at least in my own little pentagon of blogging buddies.

Now I want to quickly write down my Horoscope for today, in closing, since I have been suddenly very motivated into finally getting into gear as far as wanting to move out, grow up (as hard as that is and as badly as I don't want to do it), really just stop fucking around with my life.

Horoscope for February 17th.
--Whether you want ot move forward in a job, a relationship or a personal goal, you won't go anywhere without formulating a plan first - and today is a great day to do it. You're in a great phase of clarity, and you are ready to do what it takes to make big leaps forward. So think big, and accept the fact that there may be a certain level of of risk involved. It won't be as bad as you fear, and it's sure to be much better than you hoped. This could be the start of a very busy and exciting time.--
I found this remotely profound.

Another thing. I have to get my wisdom teeth out, and this coming Monday I have to get evil doctors exams and shots. Sad yes? My mouth simply won't stop hurting due to my worthless wisdom teeth...couldn't God have seen fit to give me a slightly more roomy mouth so I could just save myself the trouble and pain of getting this done?
Ah well, let's hear it for life experiences. As if I haven't already had enough of them.
Ugh, I'm going to have my mouth. *Suppressing the urge to be sick*

Until next time, my duckies, to quote my dearest Alyse: Peace, love, and happy drinking.

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