Sunday, March 29, 2009 Excess.

So I don't know. Today was just upbeat and fun, albeit a little disturbing, but extremely socially fulfilling. This is mostly due to an abundance of best friends, an excess of blonde moments, and a dash of witticism and well placed sarcasm.
First and foremost, I should like to speak of Zach, A.k.a Hercules. (Dubbed as such by Sam.)
Zach, who's real name is James, which confuses me, seems to find extreme entertainment in the form of terrifying me as much as he can manage during shifts we spend together. Tonight he succeeded in making me scream, jump at least ten inches off the floor, hit him as hard as I could (and only hurt myself, he has too many muscles), and swear profusely.
He also made fun of me because I keep going blind and not seeing that we have veggies in the fridge, so I go buy some and he decided to point out that we had plenty after the fact.
At which point I steal his money bag and play keep away.
Then he tries to pile drive me into the fridge.
So I hide in the bathroom and lock the door.
Which he tries to pry open with a screw driver.
We really don't get much work done...

Second, Sam.
Okay, I lied, I can't tell you about that part.

Third, Cameron.
His blog, appropriately titled "Story Time!" sort of made my night. I do ever so enjoy reading anything he posts, he seems to contribute almost entirely to the witticism part of my day, because he seems to be full of such things.
I still adore the ice cube maiden voyage memory.

I talked to Kayleanne at work for pretty much the entire night. Her mission in life seems to be sharing as many pointles and invalid details about her sordid life as is possible, to as many random people as she can find. I must say, she does accomplish this rather well.
I now have seen her tramp stamp, her belly ring, heard who she lost her virginity too, exactly what she and her sister did to get back at her step dad (gag me, that was disgusting), what drugs she has been around, how much she hates her step dad, when she lost her virginity, how many piercings she's ever had, how high the guy who did her piercings was....The list goes in, in all it's painful insignificance.
Not to be mean, she's a sweet girl, and quite pretty, but really, there are just some things that you don't share with people you don't know that well. This nonstop chatter, combined with her tendancy to be lazy and not do her work, thusly having others do it for her, makes for myself and most of 5 Buck having a bad opinion of her.
I apologize if I sound mean.
What else can I share about my day...
I picked up Jorden today. =)
As you can tell I am very proud of myself for accomplishing this menial task.
But really, I have no idea why I enjoy being around him so much. Not that this is a bad thing, quite the contrary, but from the second he got in the car to the second he left I was all happy and bubbly and energetic. I will attribute some of this to my driving...I just enjoy that too much, and I pulled some ninja moves on the way to getting him, so I was busy being cocky.
Jorden is just like, awesome. Seriously. He's way freaking funny, and a total sweetheart, and one of the few people I can go to with the stupidest of problems without feeling like a total dumbass while pouring out my heart. I hope he can say the same hehe.
I dunno...I think just calling him my brother sums up our relationship, cuz really, at times I can pretty honestly say that we're that close. I hope I am not overdoing this whole "Me and Jorden are besties for life" schpeal, but I'm just tellling it how I see it.
Sam's amazing.
Thought I'd throw that out there.
Fall Out Boy is pretty cool too...I am listening to them for the first time in a while...I don't quite understand why everyone doesn't like them. I know someone (I think it was Jorden) told me that they paid other people to write their songs, but irregardless I still like them.
Nevermind the words, Pete has a good voice.
Have I ever mentioned that Sam looks a tiny bit like Pete Wentz? Or did when I first started dating him? Sam was a little more emo back then...ok a lot.
Okay, focusing.
I also watched The Holiday with Angelique and Megan. This counts as today because it was at two am.
Prior to this movie watching, we tried deying my hair purple, after Angels....It didn't really work on me, just proceeded to give my hair a really cool tint, and make it darker, which is a good thing.
Okay, I really have nothing to talk about anymore.
Well, Spring has officially gotten to me, and put me in a splendiferous mood, not adding the fact that I have to wake up early for church tomorrow. But I shall not let that get me down.
No, for all you skeptics, I am not on drugs right now. I'm sure that would be dangerous considering how dangerously high my happiness level is. I just might explode.
I love you all, and please give me ideas for blogging, because I'm out, and have the feeling that I am becoming dull.
Either way,
Goodnight, I love you, your all amazing, and I hope your sleeping well.


  1. Dear Nessa and Staff,

    I regret to inform you (and your Staff, of who i know not at this time) that your blogs are not ..what was the word you used... Dull in the least, and we regret to inform you that no matter how happy you are no drug will make you explode. (i've tested this theory myself) altho i will never do drugs again.

    P.S. i think you remember the ice cube's maden voadge more offten than i do

  2. Sorry to poop on your day, but Pete Wentz doesn't sing the Fallout Boy songs... hes just the cover man. The actual one singing is an unattractive obese guy who thinks hes the shizz. I'm not even kidding. Thats why they hide him behind the drumset.
