Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thanks all around. Friends rule.

In the spirit of sorriness, I think that I'll just run around dedicating different things to different people, most of whom I think won't ever read this, much less even know that I have a blog on which to mention them.

Who first...
I think a comment in the direction of Alexander Miner is in order.
Alex: So, you and I are seeing quite a bit of eachother. You have only recently left your phone over here in one of your recent illegal forrays into my house to entertain me. I have since pillages said phone, so I'm sorry for that.
No really, I would like to say thank you. You kept me company right after I got home from the doctor, and the other day when I was being a serious grumpy bitch about life you just talked to me and made me stop thinking about my mouth for a second. Except when you made me laugh and it hurt again. =)

Spencer Hansen: There isn't too much to say here..I don't see you..but I would like to say thank you for tolerating me in my moodiness toward seeing you. At least I assume you tolerate me. One day your just going to come to your senses and text me to tell me to grow up, get a life, and never speak to you again.
Until which time, I adore you lol.

5 Buckians: Mike. Thank you for being so hilarious. You have no idea how much I need your humor sometimes. And today, with my mouth throwing a tantrum and trying to melt my face, I needed it more than ever.
Kayleanne: Your pretty awesome, if not a bit gabby, but oddly I find that an indearing quality in you, whereas I find it annoying in other people. (Not naming names here.) You make for great company, with all your random stories. I quite like working with you.
Justin: You utterly confuse me. We had a fling, you flung with Megan, your flinging at Kayleanne, and you are, all in all, an alcoholic bundle of random comments who's main pursuit in life is to be A: Quite good looking and B: Randomly VERY conversational. You keep me awake at work, and I find your constant refrain of 'homohomohomo' in my direction amusing, if not slightly degrading in an amusing sort of way...
Zack: Ah, Hercules, as Sam has so adequately nicknamed you. If it weren't for your technological genius I would have missed out on some fun times online with you around. Also, thank you for letting me steal your little electronic reader to amuse myself and leave you to your delivery driving, I love reading random books while your gone. And the introduction to the Gummy Bear song. I would be lost without that. Your funny, sweet and kind, and so very much fun to have money bag-stealing wars with. No more scaring me though. My heart has had quite enough. And my vocal cords are getting strained from screaming.
The rest of you, being Chrisi, Cody, Sky, Ted.....: Ted, your effing hilarious. Cody, you and your nerdiness confuse me. Chrisi, chill out, and your cool when your in a good mood. Sky....uh....Grow some hair, lose some weight, take anger management, buy yourself a shock collar so you don't talk so loud, and wear a XXXL hula hoop around yourself to learn how to respect other's personal space. Just because you like examining our well plucked eyebrows does not mean we are in turn using your balding head as a spare portable mirror.

Alyse: I've said a lot to you as far as loving you to death. You already know I'm so lovey in your direction it's past the point of retarded, so I won't bore you with these sappy, insignificant details. Instead I would like to thank you for being my wonderful tell all, my best surrogate little sister, the most wonderful, loyal, and trustworthy friend a girl could ask for, and a deep conversationalist.
Your smart, fun loving, and, as I've noticed, enjoy taking risks as much as the next person, which shows a healthy, if not somewhat life endangering, curiosity toward life. =) Your sensible, thank God, and very mature, as you've heard before.
My little bundle of 'Lysie, you are what keeps my head on straight. Your who I call when I'm crying and my world is falling apart, your who I spam when something is going great in my life. Your also a huge connection to my past, in very many ways, most of which I'm sure you yourself could recognize and list.
So I love you. Thank you for being exactly who you are, and changing each and every day to make yourself better and better...and better. =)

Jorden: I owe you a rib-crushing hug...for one because I trust you..and I have serious issues with that. For two, letting me rant to you late at night about how I don't know what to do at Sam. For three because you have yet to tell me to shut up about Sam. And for four, for walking straight into my life, sitting down on my couch of friendship, putting your feet up, tilting your hat, and hanging out for a while. Your witty, kind, sensitive, level-headed, and amusing. You know when to be serious, and when to have fun. And when to mix the two.
This is all your fault of course, but I've come to think of you as my brother, and when I don't see you I end up thinking of you as such.
I'm always going to remember two things about you. One: The first night we had our huge friendship-making discussion..and when you let me totally break down in 5 Buck on your shoulder. I don't think I could have cried like that if it had been anyone else, and God knows I needed to just sort of freak out for a second.
And you did just what I needed. Hugged me. Hugged me, and encouraged me.
Thank you for caring for me, and my friends, my very uuber close friends. Thank you for being so very you. Cuz I wouldn't dream of having you any other way.

Deena/Cameron: As a joint thanks, you've both been great friends, offered advice that I have taken into my life and used on more than one occasion, and you are both people I look up to and very much respect, not only for what you've been through, but what you stand for and who you are. Thank you for being kind to me. I appreciate it more than you know.
And Deena, that night Sam and I got in trouble..the stories you told me really helped me feel better. And I needed that.
Cam. God, please keep being funny. I live for the next maiden voyage of the ice cubes, I do. =)

Megan: This one is sort of tough. We've been friend for...maybe four or five years? I can never remember exactly what grade it was I met you in. Either way, those years have been filled with friendship, fun, utter hatred for a bit there, but we came out of that, and it's been so much fun. Even if we aren't as close, even though we don't see each other at all anymore, you still call to talk, and you haven't TOTALLY given up on me, like some other people.
Thank you for being my big sister, and my mother on occasion, but mostly just an awesome best friend. A very perseverant one.

Angelique: You called me today, bringing back old memories that I had long since forgotten and left to gather dust. I remembered what a great time we used to have together. Thank you for everything you've done for me, and to me (TOTALLY KIDDING), and really for just helping make one of the best summers of my life. <3

I'm not sure that I should do one for Sam. I'm scared of how unabashadly in love and eloquently obsessed I'm going to sound.
Oh well.
Samuel Edgar Tooley.
I love you doesn't cover it, your amazing doesn't do you justice, your wonderful is and understatement, your sexy is almost an insult, and your so perfect for me it makes me cry when I go home and think about what a great day we just had together.
We are having our uuber rough patch. And getting through it. The first night you came and talked to my parents you said something.
That right then, everything inside you was screaming "Sam, run, run away from this."
But you stood there, in front of me, and told me you were staying.
And you asked me if I trusted you.
Of course I said yes.

I was more terrified of losing you in that moment..and more in love with you than ever before. Because you made me feel like, even with all this torture and drama, I was worth it. I was worth loving.
By the way. One of my favorite moments with you was today. When we just sat on your bed and played, teased eachother, and laughed, said I love you so much it was ridiculous, and cuddled together, just looking at each other. I love the way you smile, especially when your really smiling, I love the way you look when you sleep. I love how silly you are, and I love how mature you can be. I love that you can protect me, and that you can still let me, be me. I love that you trust me, and that I can trust you. I love you from the bottom of your checkered Vans to the top of your messy, streaked hair. I love when you kiss me on the forehead. I love that you can't sleep in on Saturdays. I love that you have ADD and are so beyond hyper sometimes. I love your creativity. I love how smart you are.
And I love the way you look at me when you think I'm sleeping.

(I told you I'd get carried away.)

Thank you for being with me these past seven months, as of this very early morning. Thank you for being my one, my only, my love, my baby, my boyfriend. Thank you. I love you. I do. And I want to keep loving you for as long as is humanly possible. Then longer than that.

Okay, I think I'm going to cut myself short at three am, and take more pills and consider my mattress for a bit before deciding the couch would be more comfortable. Then going to sleep in my bed.

Goodnight chickadees.


  1. Nessa, first I love you. I am very tempted to write this crazy dedication to you in this comment, but have a feeling it would be much too long. ut be prepared for either a fifteen page text or long long letter.
    Yeah...really. Loves you tons and tons.

  2. I won't ever forget 5 buck either. I am so glad I've been able to help you and encourage you. You do much the same for me. You will always be my lil sis! I will back you up and defend you forever and an eternity! Without you, I have no idea who I would talk to, like driving you home, or texting at 4 in the morning. Thanx again, you rock! Much Love!
