Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wisdom teeth.

Love Quote of the Day: Love is like PMS; natural, irrational, and very important". Lisa Hoffman

...that's I could find though.
Anyway. ONWARD TO BLOG!!!!!
*screams this enthusiastically then clutches at jaw in discomfort*

I wonder what God's thought process was on widom teeth. "Hmm, I think I am going to give the vast majority of the population an extra four teeth that will later grow in at a bizzare angle and cost them about one thousand dollars give or take in removal and treatment costs? Sounds like a wonderful idea!"
No, really though, I don't get it. I know some people don't have to get them taken out, they have nice big mouths, and others just plain never get them, like Deena (so far), but, like I said, they really are just a pain for the rest of us unluckies.

So they knocked me out for the procedure, right? One second the doctor was messing with the IV in my arm and telling me he was injecting medecine, I blinked a few times, and then I can't remember anything.
And then an hour later I wake up and try to text Sam, because he said he wanted me too.
The only, the ONLY reason I can understand what I sent to him was because I SENT IT.
NO joke. This was the first thing I said.

Me: I' kie cryingmmmmmi wanrted to wake yoir hadddds I'm nine but yourl gonewhere are youwnt you wuthke.

That's like a complete word-for-word quote.
Here's what it was supposed to say.

I'm crying I wanted to wake up with your hand in mine but your gone where are you I want you with me.

I was pretty damn far off the real english language. And I continued having severe spelling issues for the rest of the following hour. I copied down that conversation just because it is so unbelieveably funny how I am talking, and misspelling things.

Now, the doctor prescribed me Perciset, Ibuprofen, and Ammoxicylin.
Perciset: Fun uuber pain med.
Ibuprofen: Basic pain med
Ammoxicylin: Keeps my mouth from getting infected. a medicine from God. My mouth suddenly freaked out and started hurting so much I was bordering on tears. I took one of those, and just a teeny bit later, my mouth was back to being as normal as it could.
Considering I have stitches and only until recently I could not otherwise feel my chin or entire bottom lip. Now it's just the right side that's still numb. I think I've bitten my lip more times today than in all my years of living combined.
Really annoying, that accidental self cannibalism...

So I got home, proceeded to lie around be excusably lazy, get waited on by mum...Then Alex called me and came over to see me for a while. While we were talking I was fascinated at how utterly pale I was in the mirror over his shoulder, and realized I should probably get around to putting some gauze back in my mouth, considering it was bleeding in a very not happy fashion.
Alex ended up picking me up off the couch and carrying me upstairs to my bed, where he proceeded to play guitar for me, and then had to run away to band practice.
Not withholding one of his five minute hugs. He had to forgo the rib crushing, I already hurt in other places quite enough not to need bruises.

As I lay upstairs in bed, my eyes slowly drifting shut, I kept waking up due to a fluxuating but constant increase in heart rate. Five guesses why.
We had men coming over to do the drywall in our basement, furthering the completion of our amazing home theater system, and the door was opening and closing, the doorbell was get the picture.
But here's what my brain was doing.

"Mmm. I'm sleepy...*driftdriftdrift*"
Door opens. Mom talks.
"Was that Sam? Is he here? No..that's not him..awww...*driftdriftdrift*"
More talking.
Drills and banging ensue
*almost asleep*
Door quietly opens. Mom talking downstairs.
"I think she is sleeping.."
Wake up. Sam's here.

It was really funny. I ended up falling asleep in his lap over and over again, just nodding off and then waking up to make sure he hadn't left me. Of course he hadn't.
He kept telling me how cute I looked while I slept, and all I could really do was feel stupid because I would wake up and talk to him, and he would ask if I was tired, and I would say no then be asleep again in seconds.
He finally just started laughing at me every time my eyes started to flutter and close.

I didn't mind though.
The look he gets on his face when he watches me sleep is worth any amount of teasing.

So he came and took care of me for a couple hours, during which I thoroughly enjoyed eating the four flavor ice cream he got me from Coldstone, and just had fun being slightly drugged and out of it.
It's rather lame, he made me promise to go to bed at 11:30. Saddest part is I don't think my body will let me disobey. I'm more tired than I have been in ages.

But having stitches in your mouth, and not being able to suck on things, and having to worry about a wide range of complications such as a dry socket, nasal cavities, and other infections... it's really just a pain.

Which leads me to my original question. Why did God invent wisdom teeth?
Maybe he did it for girls like me who adore their boyfriends fawning over them protectively on occasion.
After all, I do think it's totally adorable.

So there's my day, all fluffy and stuff.
Anesthesia is one hell of a drug.
Much love!!

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