Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Quarantine and Tattoos. Not necessarily in that order.

Today was unremarkable, unimportant, and in all other senses completely insignificant, but it's at times like these that I find myself most wanting to blog. When I say times like these I mean at one am after my computer has decided that I've watched enough Family Guy to accurately dream up my own episodes.

I guess today sort of became a figurative snowball. A few small little things bunched into one that made it minorly interesting.

Most important point of reference.

Samuel Tooley's recent aquisition of a tattoo.

Now, when your boyfriend texts you and goes "So I'm being stupid and irrational", and this boyfriend is Sam, your brain instantly goes into overdrive trying to absorb the vast quantities of idiotic things he could have decided to do.

I was immediately drawn to the memory of him saying he wanted to buy a Mac on a payment plan...but really I couldn't come up with anything too extraordinary.

This proceeded to confuse me, because I should not have been in the least bit suprised when he went on to announce that he was currently in the process of finalizing getting his nautical stars along his left side.

I still can't really figure out exactly WHY I sort of freaked out inside.

I don't know, maybe I thought it was a stupid idea, and I sort of wanted to be there, the process of tattooing interests me, but the damn people don't even let kids under 18 WATCH...stupid lame personages.


It turned out quite sexy. I do belive I shall upload a picture.

I'm really shocked that I like it, to be honest. I didn't figure myself for a tattoo-liking type person.

Sidenote: I am now, of course, seriously considering getting a tattoo myself. I'll be sure to let you know how that goes. I had myself almost totally convinced to not get one, now I'm right back where I started lol. I blame the sexy boy.

Second minorly interesting part of my day was Megan calling me and saying that she and Jerremy had pretty much broken up over something stupid and immature..unfortunately I can't give details on her private life, I made that mistake once and don't intend to do it again.

Now, I have to do this part of my blog because I told Cameron I would.

I would like to mention the movie Quarantine.

I hope I don't totally scare myself into not being able to sleep for the remainder of tonight by talking about that worthless, pointless movie.

So, quick summary.

A disease that is akin to rabies infects the residents of an apartment building. Said building is quarantined, and everyone is told that said residents were evacuated when in all actuality they are still in the building slowly being turned into zombies or otherwise killed and eaten by them.

The movie is shot from the perspective of a camera man, who, with his reporter colleague, went to the building to shadow some firefighters at work for a television segment.

I am pretty damn sure it's safe to say that movie was THE most disturbing scary movie I have so far made it through. I don't count Repo because it was disgusting and I barely made it through twenty minutes, and I don't count Saw 5 because I left at the end after a guy started getting crushed between a couple of walls.

Of course, as is typical with most movies in the zombie infestation genre, everyone dies. Sorry to spoil the ending, cuz it's not worth the paranoia and terror you have to endure getting there.

No joke, I was at the apartment like looking down the halls thinking something was going to come eat me. I deadbolted the front door and wouldn't let go of Sam for the majority of the movie. When I say majority it's because he started jumping so bad that at one point he had involontarily hopped about halfway down the hallway swearing profusely. I count myself lucky that I wasn't looking at the screen to see what scared him so bad, because I have NEVER seen him jump like that before.

Cameron, who seems to be one of those few who are utterly desensitized toward frightning, gory and disgusting movies of this sort, was either annoyed by our inability to sit still and watch, or utterly amused at how scared we were.
I felt bad for him, because once the old woman took a chunk out of the policeman's neck and ran away screaming and slavering only to be shot three times, me and Sam quit the couch and proceeded to pace the main living room and kitchen, eating food, swearing, and fighting over who could hide behind who most of the time. I won that one.

I didn't think it was safe for me to remain on Sam's lap anyway, my earlier description of how crazy jumpy he gets isn't an exaggeration. It's like a seizure. He flails like a scared bunny. No joke. So here I apologize to Cam for being restless and unable to sit relatively still through two hours of terror.

I think once the third or fourth zombie came into being I started spending most of my time behind Sam, pinned up against a wall with my face buried in his back, staring down the hallway, repeating that helpful mantra of "It's just a's just a movie.."

I'm pretty sure I got up to make Top Ramen at least eighteen times before I actually did it.. movies like that have such a morbid curiosity pull...

I mean, most zombie movies don't go to the trouble of explaining exactly how the infestation began, usually it's just "Rawr! I want to eat your brains!" *Moangrumblemoan* Everyone's dead.

This movie gives you a brief backround near the end, and a small medical understanding around the middle. Like I said, it's some bizzare accelerated form of human rabies. It starts with an infected dog belonging to a family of three containing a little girl. I'm not sure how it gets to the reclusive old woman on the top floor, but I'm led to presume it was through the rats...

Speaking of little girl, I think that was the scariest part of the movie.

She is sick in the beginning, and is interviewed by the two mainish characters, Mr. Hidden 90% of the movie Cameraman and little Miss. Aspiring Camerawoman.

She gets the sickness due to exposure to the dog, and by the time it manifests itself, half the people are zombiefied. She is in her mothers arms, and suddenly starts trying to rip her throat out.

When Sam later decided to playfully reinact that moment on me, I totally freaked and punched him. He should probably be grateful he didn't have his tattoo just last night, or I might have actually hurt him.


I got scared of Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, Jurassic Park (The part in the beginning when the black guy gets ripped to shreds by the velociraptor in the cage), and Beauty and the Beast Christmas version. (There was an evil organ, it gave me nightmares....that was the most malicious musical instrument...stuff like that shouldn't be in little kid movies.)

Anyway, now that we have ascertained that Nessa is a total chicken...

You people just don't understand how psychologically BAD it is for me to watch those movies.

After Quarantine, I was home alone all day, and spent most of it looking over my shoulder, looking behind me as I walked up stairs, avoiding the basement, and sitting in a corner of my room with my laptop eyeing the door.

Uuber not happy. My psyche is going to be pretty fucked for the next week. I was almost cured, but then I had to post this damn blog and I am right back to that state of sick paranoia I was in last night.
Course my image search for the move cover didn't help. Wouldn't you know it right up with a zombie face. Joy. Can you say hoofuckingray for nightmares.
This just in: Jorden had to turn off the movie, he was brave enough to attempt watching it tonight, and he couldn't make it through. Although if no one was up I can understand exactly why he turned it off.
It was me, Sam and Cam with the kitchen light on, and I was still freaking out.
Alone at night in a dark apartment with no one to hide behind...I wouldn't have even considered turning it on.
Hollywood horror strikes again.
Goodnight my loves.
Sweet, sweet screams.

1 comment:

  1. this just in: Jorden has finnished the movie... he is still shaking tho 30 minds after watching it.
