Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"That was Easy!"

I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, but I'm up blogging instead. Shhhh, don't tell Sam. =)
This will be brief, sadly, as my last blog was as well. I guess I've gotten rather disinterested in blogging, seeing as most of my problems are getting repetitive, whereas when I began blogging that was not the case.
I have a small item of interest to share, so let me get on with that.
Today, before I went to work, I was having mood swings something awful, and decided to get into another one of those pointless conversations with my mom that revolve around nothing but emotion, and also never get me anywhere.
You can imagine my shock when this one did not take it's usual course.
I expressed my increasing want to return to school (I don't find 'interest' the right word to use here) in quite the over emotional fashion, and after talking about my plans for the next, oh, nine months of my life, we came to something of a vauge conclusion.
Upon which time I graduate, my parents will buy me a car.
Yeeeeeah. A car. Trust me, this was not what I expected to get out of her when I picked up the good old strand of self loathing.
Of course, this idea has to be discussed with my father. Then he'll have to mull over it for about six to eight weeks (that's if I'm lucky), we'll talk again, and he'll mull some more.
In all honesty I don't think it will take that long, but I will be sure to get my parents names, in BLOOD, on a binding contract if all goes as planned.
This could be fun next nine months. You know, getting to school and work using our only family car, having to rely on my dad for like EVERYTHING. That should be awesome. *sigh* Life never comes with an 'easy' option does it.
Just the big red buttons to press after the fact.
I've always just wanted to chuck one of those against a wall.


  1. I never thought of the easy button like that... but now that you mention it, I think we should get a whole boxful of them and light them on fire.

  2. i am sad to hear this will be the last installment of nessa eddited for content, i became rather accustumed to reading about the horrable things that are happening to you, (large sigh) i guess the only constant thing in life is change. well i for one do hope you reconsider this notion, you can be like me and blog about nothing and ciggerets. possibly something other than ciggeretts in your case. as far as the "easy button is conserned, ... ... well thats why they call it life. how you solve these constant battery of problems defines who you are and who you will become. make desisions that you could someday explane these desisions to somone else. and if it was easy the Army would be doing it.
