Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Weathermen = Professional Bullshitters

(Before we proceed...Please for the love of God, recommend me some new bands, I am DYING here..)

This excerpt from my head is, obviously, about the weather.
The weather that I am currently sick of.
The weather that, in fact, we should so not be having as we crawl ever closer to April.
Unfortunately I am forced to accept that I live in Utah, and it's still March. And also accept that, logically, the weather will not even out until mid-April by my guess.
As long as I can get to the 3Oh!3 concert without too much hindrance I won't complain.

But really. One day, summer. I could walk to the bank at five in the afternoon in a T-Shirt, not feeling in the slightest bit cold.
Then, a few days later, someone decides to pick up our snowglobe of a state and shake it, vigorously.
I wake up to wind howling outside my window this morning, and can see the white sheen of blizzarding snow through my black curtains. Halfway through the day this icing of snow has gone from slick and unending to splotched and runny across the valley, but the icy wind lingers and happily blows on full force.
All I will do when the snow melts and the sun comes out to do it's real job (heat the earth, not just sit there and laugh), is pull on some shorts, and shove a parka into my void of a purse.

Sorry, I'm just tired of snow. Last year it lasted for ages, with feet and feet of snow piling itself on my driveway endlessly, even into May I think, and then we suffer a gloriously blistering summer...and then the snow returns. No longer dumping on us, but just lasting..and lasting... and lllllaaaaasssttttiiiinnnnggggg....
I boycott snow. Join me in this noble cause. I promise it will be worth your time. Won't say anything about what impact it will make (or total lack thereof) but hey, whatever, right?
Ok, I'm done. =)

hEaRtS and FuZzIeS
  • Cigarettes are bad for you. They're also an oddly bonding hobby
  • Friends are a sign that all is not lost in this world
  • Trust is the most important thing to have with someone you love
  • Love is hard to find and easy to lose
  • Cars are too damn expensive
  • The world stresses on education too much
  • Obama is screwing us all over (jk, I just love hearing how much everyone hates him)
  • I don't understand boys
  • Everyone has stopped texting me to go to bed

Goodnight. =)


  1. I shall boycott snow with you!
    Cigarettes piss me off...despite the fact that I love the smell of the smoke. It's a love/hate relationship.
    Cars are wayyy too damn expensive, yes. Curses.
    Obama isn't screwing us all over, he knows what he is doing and no one else could get off their ass to do shit about it...and if we go down at least someone is trying and he is trying really hard. His decisions aren't bad either, we just don't know the outcome.
    Boys are confusing, and they scare me sometimes...but I would bet that girls are more confusing than guys.
    And I am sorry I stopped texting you, I couldn't help it with school, lol.
    Much love, my dearest darling.

  2. i'll boycott snow too!!
    even though hopefully by this point in time it has stopped until later on in the year.
    very true, the part about how friends are a sign that not everything is lost in this world.
    and also how love is hard to find and easy to lose, so true its scary... but some of the scariest things in life are the things that are true. well love you, nighty night!
