Monday, March 23, 2009

Ten High Points

I'm suffering from acute optomism right now, due to a couple different factors.
For one, Alyse is just amazing, and I love her.
For two, Alex is an awesome best friend, even though his self righteous attitude does get on my nerves a little at times. I'm pretty sure that God keeps him around just to keep me in line. And to give me someone to argue with over totally pointless things. He and I have constantly differing opinions.
For three, I could potentially go to two proms this year. That would be really fun.
Four, I finally got the 'go see your Stake President' out of the way. I'm really happy about that. In two weeks I can go back to living my life normally, or as normal as it will ever get, and put all this in the past. I really like the sound of that. Like ridiculously so.
Five. Even though Megan smushed her finger and had to go to the hospital and get stitches and stuff, I work a lot more this week because of it, and see it as a blessing in disguise because I SERIOUSLY need the money right now. It's going to be an expensive next couple of months, I can feel it...
Six... today, although with its retarded ups and downs I had to deal with, turned out pretty okay.
I love my boyfriend, my friends are amazing, my room is the warmest in the house, which is staying at a balmy 58 degrees. (My dad went stupid and shut off the heater due to drywall dust...he cleaned it up, but still won't reactivate the heater. MORON.)
Seven. I don't work tomorrow and get to hang out with Sam...and maybe I will just bring my hampster home anyway, because I want to. And I will actually take care of her, which is the main reason my parents don't want her home, they think I will make them feed her etc.
Eight. I have decided that, with my next paycheck, I'm spoiling myself and doing something cool with my hair. Thought you may not care to know hehe.
Nine. I'm starting to write a book again...weird huh.
I can't come up with anything else...
Oh, here we go.
Ten. I'm dating Samuel Tooley. That just sort of makes my day every day. I love it.
Alright, goodnight for now, because I don't feel like being entertaining anymore.