Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Mouthful I Choke Upon

I wanna explode.
  • I can't go back to school until June, but I need to go NOW.
  • I didn't that job at Bed, Bath & Beyond, and I was really hoping for it.
  • I am so tired of relying on everyone for transportation.
  • I changed my plans as far as moving out. Now it's with Angelique and Megan down near UVU once I graduate.
  • I feel sad all the time, because I feel like I let God down. (Weird, I know.)
  • I'm worried about Angelique.
  • I'm worried about Megan.
  • I'm worried about Alyse.
  • I'm worried about Jorden.
  • I seriously like uuber despise the new girl, Kayleanne, at my work, and feel guilty as hell for making fun of her all the time.
  • I'm tired of my parents walking away from me whenever they don't feel like hearing what I have to say.
  • I'm tired of feeling like I can't talk to anyone about stuff, because I get so damn repetitive with my issues, and they have stuff of their own to worry about.
  • I hate getting annoyed with my friends, just because I am so wrapped up in myself.
  • I'm sick of hungering for change in my life, it gives me a headache.
  • I crave the social attachments I used to have.
  • I miss being outgoing and fun.
  • I hate that I almost cry every single time Megan shows me what Jerremy just got her, or what adorable comment he just texted her.
  • I hate that I've ended up hating Brantley, because we promised that we'd stay friends forever. And break the world record for longest Starburst chain ever created.
  • I wish I'd learned to save money when I was a kid.
  • I hate that I just sleep until one every day because I have no other way to spend my time. Since I left school/dont' have a daytime job.
  • I hate that I just made a list complaining about just how bad I hate my life.
  • Aaaand, to top it all off...I wish I had more confidence in myself.

I just want stuff to change. I don't know what. For God's sake, anything would be nice. Something major. Something surprising. Something original.

I am so glad I am planning on going to two concerts in the next couple weeks. I hope I can just chill and wear myself during that.

So goodnight for now, I'm..... Ok, I've got no clue what I'm going to do. Eat grapes?

Oh, funny, so Megan, myself and Zach got online today, and looked up a coworker of ours on the Registered Sex Offender list, and...they were on there. And it was like a conviction for doing something with a kid who was 14 or younger. Within the past three years.

I mean, my coworker is way cool...but it's only slightly creepy to know they've done something like that, you know? Not judging... Just didn't see it coming. Thought they'd kept to the drug side of illegality lol.

Alright, so that wasn't so much funny as random and unnecessary.

Bye bye.


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