Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jobs. Suck.

Short and sweet, to say the least.
Today when I got into work, three things happened.
Firstly, Zack brought up Chrisi in all her moron-ismness, because she cut his shifts as well as my own. But see, she didn't call him. She didn't warn him, she did not ask for him to come back in... She just said 'Oh, well, because Zack left at the regular time and an unforeseen catastrophe occurred not too long thereafter, I shall now cut his hours in a bitchy attempt to make myself feel better for my own inadequacies.'
Okay, so that was just be being theatrical, but you get the gist of this whole thing.
So we both got screwed over.
You know the phrase 'Misery loves company."?
It's a true statement. I suppose I'm not so much miserable rather than grateful I have a coworker-in-arms to angst about Chrisi with. =) I just do love to angst, don't I?
Secondly, I made Sam pizza. Of course. He likes his pizza.
And thirdly...Zack greeted me with some bad, albeit vauge, news.
This morning he said that Ted said that either Chrisi or Schyler were talking about replacing him and myself. I can only assume it's because they really don't like us, and we were the ones to play a major role in the dissolving of Friday night. Also because we have some small history of trouble making.
I dont' know. Life is..interesting at the moment. But hey, this forewarning, plus apartment hunting, gives me a really good excuse to go job hunting for a whole bunch of good reasons now. Just wish finding jobs were easier.

In happier news, I'm going to the X-Men opening at midnight tonight. XD. I am very mucho much excited for this! Me, Angel, and Sammy are the ones going so far...but if anyone else reads this and wants to come (even though its a school night for some) you should totally come down and hop in line with us!!!

Much love and cookies,

1 comment:

  1. First, jeez, everyone is job hunting now. Apply everywhere darling!
    And I want cookies.
