Friday, April 10, 2009

Park Wars

So tonight I met Corianne. (I'm pretty sure that's how it's spelled.)
This is one of today's excessive highlights, of course.
Really, today was just all around awesome, it really was. First I wake up on time, and get to work on time, so no one is mad at me for making them stay long than they have too.... And then I got to spend the next three hours joking around with Zach, who's my favorite person to work with besides the Captain Spaztastica (Megan) herself.
Closer to four, Angelique came in and successfully asked Zach to come bowling with us Friday night (Sam bailed on me for that one...but it's Dee's birthday hehe.) Another point for my Thursday.
After milandering out of 5 Buck and down the busy streets of AF and off toward Pleasant Grove, my wonderful boyfriend picked me up and we went to Noahs, where I got to watch him be all techy and car obsessed. Two of his more endearing traits, at least in my book.
I bought my Fallout Boy ticket, finally, and another 43.25 is out of my pocket and back into the masses of streaming money. I feel poor already.
I watched Sam, Jorden, and Cameron inhale a large, stuffed crust pizza, and then revert to the utmost hilarious of boyish stages, as they turned on Halo 3. Just imagine three guys all staring mindlessly at a television screen, all of their mouths slighly ajar, clutching game controllers, their facial expressions twitching slightly as they attempted to kill one another on screen. Makes for a funny picture.
During "Yes Man", which Sam had been wanting to watch for the more part of today, Jorden announced that our Spring Break fun was on the right track. Thursday scores again =).
Corianne came over, and I finally got to meet Cameron's much acclaimed lady friend. Movie watching filled my next two hours as I happily ignored my curfew for more illustrious pursuits, those being watching Jorden and Cam have at it on a playground after Sam fell asleep.
I'm not entirely sure how the wood chip war started, I know it had something to do with my comment of Jorden and Cameron now needing to have a battle to the death.
Corianne and I stayed perched on the highest slide, more or less safe, until Cameron showered us with errant wood chips and we spent the next few minutes trying to get them out of our shirts. Then Cameron had his epic fail at bodily reversing, trying to escape retaliation, landing on his back and scrambling away as Jorden pelted him.
Some sort of showdown on top of the tunnel slide led to a tentative treaty between the two, and we paired off to talk of other things soon after.

So pretty much my day, straight up to the very words you are reading, has been ideal. Friends, fun, playtime, quite a wonderful combination.
And I never realized how annoyingly awesome it is to be around people like Jorden, who can effectively put the world in perspective then leave you to make your decisions, growling and knowing you should do what's right, no matter how bad you'd like to spite him.
I guess that's my way of saying thanks for having such a kickass non-biological brother to rely on.

Tomorrow I get to work six hours then go say hi to my ridiculous boyfriend, steal his car, and a kiss (or sixty billion), then go bowling with a bunch of my good friends and have an awesome time before going home to await what I get the feeling will be an equally awesome Saturday.
My weekend is turning out pretty promising. I'm all excited =).
Oh, and nevermind that Fallout Boy is on Monday.
That's just a minor detail.
Then there's my sleepover with Alyse after the concert.
*smiles exuberantly*


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