Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Your not worth $43.25 of my time.

This is one of those times that I am sitting in front of the computer wanting to write something, absolutely anything, and my mind remains utterly blank.
I suppose I'll just quickly ramble on about unimportant minor details of life until Jorden comes back...
My concert I went to was very entertaining. Although, funnily enough, the entertaining part was not the final band, as is usually expected. From all my vast experience with concerts (says in very sarcastic voice) it's always gone like this.
Band I don't know, band that sounds good, band I do know, but not well, band that I think is more or less pretty damn cool, band that ultimately rocks my world.
That is like 5 bands right there, so give or take a little, ok?
But with Fallout Boy....no.
Cobra Starship was great, I want to get a lot more of their music. Metro Station..that was just wild, I was so happy and hyper is was deranged, for once I didn't care that a billion people were running into me top speed, I just shoved them back.
Then All Time Low came on, and I got bored. I didn't know them well, and I had exhausted myself with M.S., so I just calmly waited for F.B. so I wouldn't waste my energy.
Turns out there was no energy that was going to be wasted.
They came on, played...that was it. There was no stage presence, there was no enthusiasm toward the crowd, it was (as I have told everyone) like "Oh, look at us, we are rich and famous. We shall now play, and you will proceed to be amazed."
But I still had a fun night. Know why?
These guys. =)

Cameron, Corianne, Alyse, and Jorden.
All of the above made that night and those 43 dollars and 25 cents worth it.
In other news..
I miss my Sam?
I work too much this week...
I had a sleepover with Alyse after the concert, that was fun.
I'm getting annoyed with Mike, sadly enough. After eight months of constant angsting about one thing or the other, can you really blame me for getting at least minorly desensitized toward his crying?
Chrisi called and like got really mad at me about my hair today, the whole 'not wearing it tied back' thing. Justified complaint, and it's my fault she got mad at me in the first place, but it's still going to bother me until some time later tomorrow..
I'll say sorry now (even though I've been trying to stop doing that on such a frequent basis), because I am having an off day and, in my mind, almost starting to complain. Okay, take off the almost.
Either way, on the up side, it's raining, not snowing. I still have a job. I got to listen to Dane Cook at work. Angelique is happy. Megan's finger is healing. Sam is having lots of fun in Disneyland. My hair is getting longer. Alyse is entertained by the numbness of her mouth. I own a cute, fuzzy hampster. Jorden is like the best non-brother I've ever had. What Landon told me was a lie. I didn't get in trouble for getting home at one am after the concert.

I guess I'll go now. I really did this to kill time, and even though I remain morose, I did find a few things to make me fractionally more positive. And a little can mean a lot in the long run.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Everything about the concert=I agree. Although at the end of All Time Low when they played Dear Maria Count Me In, I spazzed out and wasted all the pent up energy from trying to figure out if I knew the other songs they played, which I did, but not the words.
    The company made it totally and completely fucking amazing, so as it was a waste of money, it was the best waste of money, therefore, not a waste of money.
    Lol yes, I was entertained/annoyed by my mouth being numb, it took five whole hours for it to be gone.
    P.s. I miss Meishka! I get to see her tomorrow! Yay!
